Saying that, Xiaozhi took out some stomach medicine and handed it to Xiaogang.

"Eat some..."_


At this time, Xiaogang was also panting heavily. Before, Xiaogang could be said to be in a state of overeating because he was hungry and crazy, so it is normal for him to have stomach pains now.Fortunately, Xiaozhi's medicine was well placed, so Xiaogang recovered soon.

It's back to normal and several people can finally go to Dr. Naimu's research institute.

"The words of Dr. Neben. She actually has a lot of experience in taking care of Pokémon. Although her plan is good, she and I still have some refutations, so the two of us will definitely quarrel when we meet."

On the way to the Uimu Hiroshi Research Institute, Xiaozhi first carried the vaccine in advance and looked at Nazi and said.

"And Nazi, I quarrel with Dr. Neben, don't turn her into a doll, it's an academic quarrel after all,

Hearing Xiao Zhi's words, Na Zi nodded, if Xiao Zhi hadn't reminded her, she would still plan to do so.Satoshi

In her opinion, Bi Yi is just like Xiao Zhi. She rarely loses her temper.

"Surprisingly, Ash, you have a place where you like to quarrel with people 2"

"Well. After all, this is about the glory of the two chefs⊥_"

"3?2?"3 ,

Xiaogang, Xiaoxia and Nazi looked at Xiaozhi strangely and didn't understand what Xiaozhi meant, but Miaomiao, who knew the situation, held her head helplessly and said.

"You will know when you sign in. This is one of the things that the old lady won't compromise on Zhan Xiaozhi's side...__

The first thing Xiaozhi did when he arrived at Dr. Weimu's research institute was

It was the first to pick up Kazuki, who was following him, from a floor.Then said.

"Is Uimu Bo Shi at home?" Touch L

With the sound of the sound, the position of the dumb beast and the fat worker was opened, and then three girls who looked alike came out.

"It's Mrs. Xiaozhi."

"The Doctor is taking care of Pokémon.

"We'll lead the way if we want to find it."

Looking at the triplets assistant Xiao Zhi on Neimbo, he nodded. . and then introduced to them.

"The two here are Nazi and Xiaoba who are traveling, and the next

Side this is Xiaogang and our partner. ,

"Yah 1⊥⊥"*3

Just as Xiao Zhi had just finished introducing Xiao Gang, San Po Yi screamed in favor and then surrounded Xiao Gang.And because these three are a little wide, they directly blocked Xiaozhi and the others.

"You are Mr. Xiaogang"

"Is it really Mrs. Xiaogang?"

"That's great. You are our idol."

"2?? Me?"

Strangely, he looked at the triplets Xiaogang and didn't know what they meant.The triplets suddenly became known as idols

Still a little flirtatious, of course, it would be better if the person who praised him was a beautiful woman.

And just when Xiaogang was like this, the triplets suddenly took something out of their arms that Xiaogang never wanted to see.The movie Billy collaborated with.

"Stubborn spirits please sign us!"*3

"No ⊥⊥⊥⊥!"

When Xiaogang saw what the triplets were holding, he was desperate.And seeing Xiaogang's mouth corners slightly tilted up like this, he entered a state of wild laughter.

"I knew it. But this time, why did Xiaogang make a fuss!"

Saying that, Xiao Zhi began to straighten Na Zi smoothly.And Xiaogang was standing there in gray, he didn't expect that there would be a publication.No wonder Mr. Billy suddenly gave it to him before. He still let himself use a black card and said that he earned money.It turned out that he had already been tricked unknowingly.

"Hahahaha! Xiaogang, you are already so famous. 91 is really amazing. Hahahaha! Xiaozhi, please help me get it right. Hahahaha!"

"It's working. Breathe! Take a deep breath. Breathe L. Xiaolu, laugh if you want. Don't hold back. It's not good for your health."

"I'm sorry, but

Really... Xiaogang, your current situation is really hahaha!"

Although Xiao Lu wanted to be patient.But helpless and Xiaogang's situation at this time, so in the end she couldn't bear it anymore.

"Ming woo woo, why is there a publication? I thought it was just a TV festival... woo ming woo""⊥⊥"

Chapter Nine

Xiaogang is indeed famous, but the circle of his fame is embarrassing.But that's not to say it's bad, Xiaogang still gained some female fans of his own.And now Xiaozhi and the triplets in front of them are Xiaogang's fans.

"Mr. Gang, we really enjoyed your performance of the Brokeback Mountains with Mr. Billy."

"And stone love!"

"The best part is that taboo with Mr. Beast!".

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