"Wow ah ah ah go _⊥⊥_ !

Whenever the triplets say the name of a movie, Xiaogang feels like a heart attack.

, and Xiaogang fell into silence when the names of the three films were spoken.

Seeing that Xiaogang continued to talk, there might be a shadow of Xiaozhi, Xiaozhi had to remind him.

"Okay, three, let's go find Dr. Uimu, and we'll talk about it later. And..."_

Smell the smell around, Xiaozhi pouted.

"That woman still won't take care of herself like a yew - herself_

Hearing Xiaozhi's words, Sanbaoyi also remembered that he still has something to do, so he nodded. The three of them surrounded Xiaogang and became very enthusiastic.

pulled him forward.Looking at Xiaozhi shakes

"Xiaogang's spring is here."

"Hahahaha!_⊥⊥⊥_ !

Listening to Na Zi's wild laughter, Xiao Zhi hurriedly continued to give her comfort.However, it didn't stop without Nazi's laughter. In the end, Xiaozhi could only let Duck get down first and walk by himself, while Xiaozhi was carrying Nazi on his back.

"Mr. Chi is still so good at taking care of people."

"It would be nice if Dr. Uimu could get along with Boss Ash."

"The family needs a man."

The triplets were on the road watching Ash carrying

Nazi couldn't help thinking about the relationship between Xiaozhi and Neimoto, while Xiaozhi looked at the three of them speechlessly. Xiaozhi knew the thoughts of these three too well, didn't he just want a free cook and someone to take care of? So? So Xiao Zhi silently followed them without saying a word.And Nazi, after laughing enough, also wanted to come down, so she quietly lay on Xiaozhi's back.

When Ash and the others came to a lake, one of the triplets shouted towards the lake.

"Boshi L. Granny Xiaozhi is here!

touch L

As soon as the assistant finished speaking, a tyrannosaurus rushed out of the water, while two women stood on the head of the tyrannosaur and then

With the help of the dragon, she went directly to Xiaozhi and the others. Then she jumped up from the head of the tyrannical carp dragon, took the research clothes thrown by the assistant in the air, and landed in front of Xiaozhi and the others.

"Xiao Zhi, are you here?"

"Well, then you forgot one thing. Hurry up and wipe it.. Forget happiness. Go and wipe this stupid woman who doesn't know how to take care of herself..",

Xingfudan nodded and took out the towel that he carried with him and wanted to wipe it with Dr. Neiben, but Uchimu Hiroshi didn't resist. Instead, he let Xingfudan wipe off the water on his body while looking at Xiaozhi. ask

"Damubo-Ten asked you to come? He's not afraid of the two of us

Are you arguing again?"

"You also know that the two of us will quarrel."

And when Xiaozhi was speechless, Xiaogang suddenly came out and said.

0. Ask for flowers _..__

"Xiaozhi L, how can you talk to Nemu Hiroshi like that? L want to know what are you doing, Pikachu?"

Xiaogang wanted to have a good lecture with Xiaozhi, but found that Pikachu was pushing his tail against him.

"Pikachu! ⊥_⊥ on"

"Ah ah ah ah go on ⊥l⊥"

With Pikachu's electric shock Xiaogang completely sinks

silent. ;

"Thank you Pikachu. Well, let's get down to business. . . "

"When you're serious, please be formal~",

."... Nazi? Did you ___ down first?" Q_

Xiaozhi also understood that it was indeed a bit rude to talk to Naimu all the time behind Nazi's back.And Nazi enjoyed enough here, so she got off Xiaozhi's back and stared straight at Naimu Botu.

"Well.. I always feel that this person is very _dangerous..."_

Looking at Nazine Benbotu who has been staring at her

also felt - silk danger

"It's okay, Nazi won't turn you into a doll. So what's the matter with you calling us here?"

"Is this? It's actually because of a special Pokémon ball. But before that, we also fed the Pokémon..."_


_"Too bad⊥"*3_


"happyL" (to start)

"Hey.. Where are my earplugs meow_2"

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