"What's the matter. Hot Monkey?"

"roar up"

Hot Monkey pointed in one direction.And when Xiao Zhi looked in the direction of the hot monkey, his brows could not help frowning.Because there are three bad boys there who are bullying a child who is obviously a child

"Hey, you guys, hurry up, can't you swim with people?,"

Having said that, a delinquent boy sat on Chenglong's shell and kept yelling.And the bad boy next to him raised the stick in his hand.

"This kind of guy should be..._touch L

The bad boy was hit in the face with a baseball bat before he finished his words and flew far away 0


"Who the fuck dares to touch my brother!

Seeing that man was knocked away, the other two bad boys looked at the man who started the attack angrily.Xiaozhi.

At this moment, Ash kept his batting posture and looked at the delinquent boy in the distance and said.

"Tsk tsk tsk. What kind of skill is it to bully children? Come and let my big brother play with you?"

Saying that, Xiao Zhi weighed the baseball bat in his hand, and at the same time his muscles were slightly tense.

thanks to oranges

The weather in the archipelago is more stubborn now, so Xiao Zhi is now wearing a black sports vest, so he directly shows his figure perfectly.The powerful muscles exercised and the abdominal muscles that can be seen through the vest are a strong presence at first glance.

And looking at Xiaozhi's muscles, the two bad boys looked at themselves, and Pingchuan's stomach couldn't help but shiver.

"Mamma Mia.. where did you come from_

"Don't. Don't underestimate people, we are the bad boys who are going to challenge the Southern Cross Star"

"After all, it's still a bad boy_ Meow meow, record the time and see if I beat them into the beach

how long. "

He moved his arm a little bit, carrying a baseball bat, and slowly walked towards the two delinquent teenagers, and the one who had just been carried away by Xiao Zhi was stunned when he came back and turned his head and planned to run away, but However, he found that his escape route had been intercepted by a spoon snake and a happy egg.

"Don't worry, let's talk slowly."

Seeing Xiaozhi's hideous smile, the three delinquent boys couldn't help but make a snort, but soon they took out their Bao Jianlong and said.

"Don't underestimate us! Come on, Lie Que⊥"

"Fighting" let's go, Abillon!


"Go, my treasure, the stinging bee!

Watching the three bad girls send out their own Pokémon, Hot Monkey put the fruit on the ground and slowly walked in front of Xiao Zhi, and there were also Duck and Dumb beast.These two Hanhans plan to protect Xiaozhi e

And seeing Xiaozhi's three Pokémon, the bad boy headed said s

"Ha! Only one hot monkey is threatened, let's focus on the hot monkey first"

"it is good"

"Wait a minute ⊥⊥"


Chapter [-] Hot Monkey: Beat It Up

- "Please wait a moment ⊥ wait a moment, wait a moment L⊥⊥"

Just when the two sides were about to start a war, a person suddenly broke in, and after seeing the note in the man's hand, he nodded knowingly to Xiaozhi, who had known a lot of things here, and then didn't say anything more.

And the first thing that person did after he came over was to measure the Pokémon of the three delinquent boys with a ruler.

"Let's see, the strong body is heavy and the wings are not good. This big stinger is not very good, and this Abilang has no muscles..."_

After watching the bad boy's Pokémon, the man is slightly

After confirming _ said.

"Very good, I have come to the conclusion that these three Pokémon are very poorly bred. But it is probably because the level of the trainers is too low, but it's different here."

Saying that, the man looked at Xiao Zhi's dumb beast.

"04 looks a little dull, but it seems to be smarter than the same kind, and..."_ ,

The man who touched the beast's body couldn't help but nodded.

"The physical condition of this dumb beast is very good. It can be said that the place where it can be cultivated has been cultivated, and it can even be said that it has exceeded

There are too many dumb beasts of the same kind, which are very good, very good! "

Maybe he looked at the moonlight again at Ash's Tadashi

"Oh, this Duck is also clumsy, but its limbs are very powerful."


Da Duck looked a little strange at this person and then looked back at Xiao Zhi 1. Facing Da Duck's doubtful eyes, Xiao Zhi shrugged.

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