"Xiao Zhi, who is he?"

Xiaoxia watched the man constantly measure the Ducks, some of them didn't understand, and Xiaozhi whispered.

"Pokémon See the Observer

, a group of respectable people. "

Xiaozhi didn't lie here. Xiaozhi, a Pokemon watcher, respects the magical _ Baojian. After all, they are also a group of people dancing on the tip of a knife in a sense. After all, observing Pokemon, especially wild Pokemon, is not a riot For play.

That's why Ash didn't stop that person, there's no need.

And the Pokémon watcher was looking at Ash's hot monkey with his eyes shining brightly,

"It's great. The muscles of this flamboyant monkey are the most perfect I've ever seen, and they have a good temper. The most important thing is that you can see the fire through the traces on Mao's side.

Burst monkeys should have worn a belt and there is only one kind of trace that is the belt of the P1 fighting champion. "

"Roaring Mountain"

Hearing the Pokémon watcher's words, Hot Monkey puffed out his chest proudly, and that battle was one of his honors.

At this moment, the three bad boys were upset when they listened to their demeaning behavior and touted their opponents.So they roared directly.

"Damn L, don't look down on our brothers, come on!"

With the order of the three bad boys, the three Pokémon all rushed to the hot monkey, and saw that they did not take the Duck and the dumb beast in their eyes, and Xiaozhi smiled - said next


"Dumb beast yawns."


Hearing Xiao Zhi's words, the dumb beast yawned directly.And accompanied by - a cloud entered the face of Ai Bilang, who was rushing in the front, Ai Bilang instantly rolled his eyes and fell to the ground, if it wasn't for the large needle bee and the strong bird, it was estimated that the two were flying. would trip over, and Ash said shortly after.

"Da Shi Hua Gong.".

_ "Oh on"

With a flash of blue light in Duck's eyes.The large needle wasp was directly fixed in the air.

"Mind force throw him out."

."Woolen cloth!"

Duck Duck stretched out his thoughts and directly activated the thought power, and the large needle bee, accompanied by the energy of the power of thought, directly slammed into Abilang, who was already asleep, and when the poisonous needle of the needle bee pierced Abilang's body, Abilang suddenly woke up when he heard it. r But at this time, he also turned purple and obviously entered a state of poisoning.

"No way, go to my Abby Lang! How come the stinger bees are so effective at this time? Go 1."

"You are ashamed to say that I 1 your Abillon fell asleep by someone yawning. I haven't said anything yet!"

Just when the two were arguing, another bad boy was

said a little scared.

"Now is not the time to talk about this, you look at that hot monkey._"


When they looked at the hot monkey, they realized that Xiao Zhi's hot monkey didn't know when his anger value was full, and Xiao Zhi said with a hearty smile. ,

"My hot monkey usually has a good temper, but it can't control his temper when he is carrying a fight. That's right, he really can't control it, so hot monkey., Hit me to death"


Accompanied by the roar of the hot monkey. Countless fist shadows

The speed invisible to the naked eye hit Lie Que, and then it was not necessary for Xiao Zhi to say that the hot monkey had already pounced on the three bad boys.

"I can't control the hot monkeys. The three of you can ask for more happiness. Remember to put your face on the face when the hot monkeys fight!"


Watching the hot monkey nod towards Xiaozhi, the three delinquent teenagers shouted s

"Is this still called disobedience?!".

Then they were caught by the hot monkey and gave a fat beating.On Xiaozhi's side, he was bleeding and riding the dragon. After all, this little guy here still needs to be taken care of.

Chapter [-] The Mantis Catches the Cicada Oriole Behind

- "Okay, don't be afraid, the hot monkey over there is beating up your bully."

When Xiaozhi came over, Chenglong was still a little resistant. Bi Yi was bullied by humans just now. And Xiaozhi also knew that Chenglong was the most fearful time, so he didn't care, but took out the potion and sprayed it directly on Chenglong. Spray, with the spray of the medicine, Chenglong clearly felt that he was comfortable, and looked at Xiao Zhi suspiciously.

"The mild version I specially prepared for a Pokémon like you is still a dry child, although it doesn't hurt, but the effect is much slower. Meow, Pikachu, you two, please help to appease this little guy first, and I will return it here.

Deal with it. "

Saying that, Xiaozhi looked at the three bad boys who were beaten by the hot monkey and doubted their life.

"Okay, it's really taking a child again... Just think it's to prepare for the future child of Ma_Dana and me... Come on, little guy, tell Uncle Miaomiao what's going on here? ."

"Pickup On" (and Uncle Pikachu)

Seeing Xiaozhi and the others comforting Chenglong so easily, Xiaojian, the former Pokémon observer, couldn't help but say with admiration.

"It's amazing. Generally speaking, Chenglong's trust in humans at this time should be zero, but now it seems that

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