After speaking, the eldest brother also showed a hearty smile, but being infected by the smile of the eldest brother, A Gong couldn't help but _shocked and covered her back tightly and said.

"No, I still have good glass to raise for my sister.."

touch L ,

Xiao Zhi silently celebrated with Pikachu boxing. His brothers and sisters will never let him down. They can always help him solve the problem perfectly.

A lot of things, and they are also very happy to play and they are very happy to watch., And the enemy is also very happy to be played.Three times the joy for short!

In the end, under the regretful eyes of the brothers and your group, Ah Gong seemed to have a direct understanding when he looked at the Crystal Taiyan Snake.Just when he was about to thank Xiaoxia, Xiaozhi held his hand.

"I, bad guy, understand?"

"Boss Xiaozhi, your desire to protect is still so strong...",

In fact, A Gong also knew Xiao Zhi, the big boss, but he didn't expect Xiao Zhi, the big boss, to be like this sometimes. Funny ratio 3

But he also understands

Xiao Zhi is like this, after all, possessiveness is normal.

In the end, after Ah Gong sent a glass of Poker I, Miao Miao Happy Egg and Pikachu, Xiao Zhi and the others set off again_ and the Crystal Taiyan Snake was carried by Xiao Lu, Bo Shi has passed Its rock-falling trick got some samples back for research.He might be able to discover some magical treasures and new ecological discoveries.

On Xiaozhi's side, Lin joined the team. After all, who knows if Xiaozhi will find any strange mineral resources. 2

one-one dividing line-one

"Where are we going now? And... it turns out that the sea

Is it so beautiful?"

At this time, in the 'small' submarine that Xiaozhi and Miaomiao spent half a day cooperating with their terrifying hands-on ability, Nazi asked Xiaozhi where to go next while looking at the surrounding seabed.

And Ash's side-side and the megalodon protecting the submarine, they waved and said e

"Go to Pinggan Island, I have a large number of thieves to send there."

"Pinggan Island?"

Since I hadn't heard of the name, Xiaoxia was a little curious about where this place was, but Lin, who had been to many places with Xiaozhi, explained.

"It's a small island protected by ocean currents, and the Pokémon on it are pink because of a special fruit there."

"Huh? Pink Pokémon"

Xiaolu was a little surprised.After all, I have just captured a large crystal rock snake, and I am about to meet a new and strange Pokémon.

"I'm not ashamed, but it's a specialty there. After all, the Pokémon there rely on a kind of tree fruit to turn pink, and both Pikachu and Meow have a dark history because of this... .Puff!"_

Having said that, Lin couldn't help covering her mouth.Let's talk about Meow and Pickup

Qiu would be angry, and Pikachu and Miaomiao also seemed to recall their embarrassment and turned their heads helplessly.

"Okay, let's talk about the embarrassment of the two of them. Now, let's start entering Pinggan Island. Don't blink in the next scene."


With the first distant cry of the roaring whale king, the giant roaring whale king began to swim past the submarine, and Xiaozhi's Chenglong was curiously watching from the underwater beside Xiaozhi.. By the way, the submarine made by Xiaozhi and Meowmeow uses special glass, so it can resist the water pressure and at the same time play a protective role, and because of this, Xiaozhi and the others are instinctive.

Enough to see the scene on the sea from the bottom of the sea.

At this moment, what appeared in front of Xiao Zhi and the others was the scene of countless roaring whale kings swimming above them. Like whales flying in the sky.


"The Pacific troops that transport the supplies are the only ones who can help deliver the z piles of supplies."

"Ming~" *N_

On Pinggan Island, when the magical treasures on the island and Junsha heard the voices of the roaring whale kings, they knew what their supplies were.


"Everyone. Go and help get the supplies and be careful not to let the Whale King choking. Otherwise, the Whale King will spit on you. You will suffer from the smell of your clothes.


Junsha's words are no joke.It's true, after all, almost every time I receive supplies, some unlucky guy gets vomited all over.

Favorite, recommend, share (_zhansti anhao88)_

Support Fei Lu) original works and enjoy the joy of reading!

Chapter [-] Poachers, count them unlucky

The roaring whale is the biggest Pokémon except for the super-giant special circumstances in the Galar region, and they are the best as helpers for transporting supplies.However, in contrast, there is still a more troublesome thing, that is, if it is uncomfortable to catch up with the roaring whale king, it may leave you when you accept the supplies.

For example, a Pokémon protector with a fishy smell all over his body is an example.

"Although I know it's funny, but... Xiaozhi trouble your fiancé _ don't you laugh anymore? How come I won the lottery.."_

Looking at Nazi, who needs Xiaozhi's air there, even though he and Xiaozhi have known each other for a long time

The Pokémon protector was still a little unhappy, while Ash was helpless~ said.

"Sorry, Nazi's smile is low.

"I see... God roar_what did the whale king eat? How did L taste?!"

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