"Canned herring, these kids seem to have a huge interest in canned herring recently because of my jerky."

“Canned herring?⊥.”

Hearing Xiao Zhi say this, he realized that the taste seems to be getting stronger and stronger.

"Hahahaha! I'm sorry but it's so funny L hahahaha

Ha!!⊥⊥Xiaozhi, please help me get better!"

"It's coming, it's really_

"So next time you have to let the roaring whale kings pay attention to their bodies..."

Lin looked at Ye, who was covered in other people's roaring king, and patted Xiao Zhi helplessly, then took out some medicine and walked towards the roaring king.

"Come on, take some medicine... I've worked hard for you."


Now Xiaozhi and the others have landed on Pinggan Island. And they are still very welcome to Xiaozhi and his party, Junsha.After all, Xiaozhi has always provided sufficient supplies for the protection personnel of this small island, and at the same time, in the protection of

protect the island.

"It's really all pink Pokémon, see. But are they okay to eat this fruit?"

Xiaoxia looks at the pile of pink Pokémon, which is also surprising. After all, these Pokémon are very attractive to some girls, but Xiaoxia prefers water-type Pokémon e.

"Don't worry. After all, they have lived here for generations, and have eaten this fruit, so this fruit has become an indispensable part of them."

Lin explained with a smile, then touched the head of an iron-clad rhino that came over and continued.

"Besides, this island is all they have to them - Qing lives here, but...

Saying that, Lin looked at the sky speechlessly after hearing the sound of the helicopter's propeller. It seemed that five or six helicopters were flying towards this side.

"It's just that now it seems that there are still a bunch of boring guys who are going to secretly catch these Pokémon."

And Junsha said unhappily after seeing the batch of helicopters.

"Really, what the hell are these poachers thinking?. You don't think these people will be able to capture the Pokémon on this island?,"

"It is estimated that they are testing the defense capabilities of this island. After all, the pink Pokémon on this small island are still very attractive to them. How many times is this?"

Xiaozhi looked at the helicopters coming here and realized that it was probably not one or two times, and Junsha said unhappily, "This is the fifth time this year, and it is estimated that it will take more time for them to find someone. "Their route seems to be."_

Seeing the helicopters already under the Whale King, Ash showed a dark smile.

"These guys really dare to call themselves poachers, don't they even know the ultimate trick of the Whale King?"


Um, Ash, are you sure they're poachers? Don't make the wrong call

"Don't worry, I understand, but this area is already a forbidden area. We have the right to arrest anyone who violates the rules. 2 "

Saying that, Ash shouted to the roaring jades

"All attention 1. Water spray!"

Water spray, this trick is a trick that only a few water-type Pokémon can use, and its power is also very terrifying. , To put it bluntly, this trick is the king of roaring whales - a kind of trick.It's just that the power of the water droplets that the ventilating water column has fallen down is very frightening.

"Ming" *N_

As the roaring whale kings collectively used the water spray trick, countless water jets rose from the sky and went straight to the helicopter that flew above them, and the helicopter was directly shot down under the attack of the water jet, even if some helicopters escaped smoothly. The water column and the water droplets that fell from the sky attacked.

"Wow!! 1!"

"What is this"_L!"

"Help, go to ⊥⊥_ Mountain"

"Idiot!. I told you not to pass over the roaring whale king. That's a water spray."!.⊥"

As the gang fell into the water they were quickly drawn into the vortex.

"Help, 1 1 has a vortex

"Why do you think you need a helicopter! Help!⊥⊥!"

Seeing a group of people struggling in the vortex and what was obviously a gun, Xiaoxia also knew that this group of people were indeed poachers.

"Uh.... we don't care about them? Will you be counted on Ash if there are casualties?"

"No, Xiao Zhi's current behavior in this area is tantamount to helping protect the ecological balance."

Xiaozhi explained before Lin first, and then Lin said again.

"And these guys can't die. Although the Pokémon of this generation are vigilant, they will still save people when they need to save them, regardless of whether they will help take their weapons and baby balls away."

Saying that, Lin pointed to the megalodon shark and the sharp tooth shark, who had already started to save people.

_ "Don't they_ have snake skin?"

As the owner of the water system, Xiaoxia certainly knows the characteristics of giant tooth sharks. , so she can now imagine how painful it was for those people to come over with the megalodon

"That's not what we care about. It's good that Xiaozhi doesn't care. This generation's Pokémon Miaomiao has already reminded me.

It is. ”

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