"Yes, to be honest, I'm too lazy to save this kind of guy, but the old lady thinks that if they die, if they don't deal with the corpses, they may bring a lot of trouble, so she will talk to Pokémon like Megalodon. "

To be honest, Miaomiao is too lazy to care about the lives of these people, but well, these people are really polluting the environment.


Chapter [-] Believe Me (Serious Face)

"It hurts so much!_ !"_⊥_"

"Oh my god. Why did the giant tooth shark save people? They are all snake skins." It hurts|"

"That's not right" our tranquilizer gun and baby ball!".

"Ah my hand hurts".⊥. ll_"

When a group of poachers screamed and were sent to Junsha, waiting for them was a group of pink Pokémon, of course, these pink Pokémon were not good stubborn.After Nido dries Nido, the Ironclad tyrannosaurus, the lone fish, the rhinoceros, and even a bunch of pink hot monkeys.

And these pink Pokémon are already in

ready to go

. "Uh... what do you want? Do wild Pokémon hurt people?!"

A poacher looked at the angry eyes of the dividend Pokémon and knew that he might be doomed. . And Xiaozhi said on the side,

"It's no wonder you get angry when you break into someone's family home. But I want to remind you that since the actions of poachers like you always cause us unnecessary trouble, we can only let you play to the end. the use of."

"Body...what use 2"_

"Be beaten, let the Pink Pokémon

To vent their anger, of course we as staff will not add trouble to them.So you can rest assured that we will never shoot until they beat them up. "

After speaking, Xiao Zhi felt that he might not have made it clear, so he said it more vividly.

"To put it bluntly, this beating gave you a solid meal, so... do you have any last words?_"

"Can you find something to cushion?

After listening to what the poachers said, Xiao Zhi was surprised that they had this kind of awareness and said with a smile.

"No. Then you don't have to be patient and beat up at will, remember me

You can use the ruthless tricks like Severing the Son and Jue Grandson Foot and Broken Egg Divine Fist as I have told you.

After that, the screams on Pinggan Island rang for an hour.

one-one dividing line-one

Kicked away the broken tooth, Xiaozhi squatted down in a humanitarian spirit to check the body of the poachers who had just been violently carried by the Pokémon for nearly an hour.

"Well.... the teeth of this one can almost be thrown away. It's a miracle that the hot monkey was punched in the face for an hour and didn't die. If these broken teeth are not removed, it may be more troublesome and the hot monkey will not die. Take him to Miaomiao and let Miaomiao get all his teeth out

Let's go. ”

After Xiaozhi said that Xiaozhi's sure-fire monkey, he took the person who was often diagnosed by Xiaozhi away, and Xiaozhi immediately started to check the next one.

"Alive, but the lower body has been trampled and attacked many times by King Niming... It is estimated that it is useless... Wait for the police to help him perform surgical removal."

"This person is mentally sluggish. It is estimated that he suffered a severe head injury when he was beaten. Sure enough, there is a risk of concussion, but it is not within the scope of my treatment."

After Xiao Zhi checked all the poachers, he said with a smile.

"No problem, none of them was fatal except for a few that needed to be extracted.

Others can be sent directly to the police station. "

"Ah ah ah go _⊥⊥!!"

As soon as Ash finished speaking - there was a scream from the side, that was Pikachu using electric shocks to paralyze the poachers so that Miaomiao would pull out their broken teeth.

And Meow said while wearing a mask and gloves while pulling the teeth of the burnt poacher who was ordered by Pikachu.

"Really, your anesthetics are all used for Pokémon. If you use them, you may die, so you can only ask Pi Changqiu to perform electric shock therapy. Just be patient, you are really not a man at all."

Finally after everything is done

Xiao Zhi and the others are also saying goodbye to Jun Fan, and Jun Sha and the others also said goodbye to Xiao Zhi with a smile. After all, with Xiao Zhi's help this time, there is finally no need to contact the doctor to treat these unfortunate poachers.

That's right.Basically, there are poachers who come here. Almost all of them are beaten up and then ask a doctor to come over to extend their lives, and it's all because Xiao Zhi not only has a good relationship with the pink Pokémon on the island, but also taught them A bunch of bad tricks and precautionary awareness, so basically all the poachers who came to Pinggan Island to make trouble were all beaten up and left in their dying state, which indirectly led to Junsha and the others who were going to call a doctor to save people. An embarrassing thing happened.Similarly, this is also Junshahe on Pinggan Island.

Another task for the protectors, to make sure this gang doesn't die too soon_._

"So...Pink Pokémon Island is banned not just for...protecting Pink Pokémon but for those people..."_

"That's right!"

"And it's all about you, Ash?"

"That's right" is me on "What's even scarier..."

Xiaoxia didn't know what to say after listening to Xiaozhi's introduction.After all, she thought that Pinggan Island was not allowed to enter only to protect the Pokémon. ._

And Nazi

He remembered something and asked Xiaozhi, "By the way, Xiaozhi. This kid seems to like me very much, you see, 0"

Saying that, Nazi took out a pink Pokémon from behind, but Xiao Zhi was a little surprised to see it.

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