"This is a Pokémon that is not Pinggan Island, see. The child is Shichumeng, the Pokémon of the Hezhong area, and it is pink...

After talking, Xiaozhi touched Shimengmeng's

"This child is a magical treasure of the super power department. So it is normal to be close to you, so do you want to subdue it?"

I understand when I hear Xiao Zhi say that to Na Zi

Why do I feel close to this little guy, after all, she is also proficient in super powers.

"is it okay?"

Nazi looked at Shi Mengchu, and Shi Mengmeng seemed to really like Nazi, so she rubbed her 3.4 to agree. _

"Then... I'll take care of you in the future. Eat Dream Dream."

Saying that, Nazi took the luxurious ball that Xiaozhi handed her and gently touched Shi Mengmeng's head, and then Shi Mengmeng was successfully subdued by Nazi.

"Dream Eater? Seems like a very interesting child."

Lin was also a little interested when she saw Na Zi's dream of eating dreams.Although

She and Ash have been to many places together but some Pokémon are not so easy to meet.

"How about you wait and see when you go to the Hezhong?"

"Okay...but I think I'm more suitable for flying mantises or Pokémon that live in the grasslands."

Saying that, Lin leaned slightly on Xiao Zhi, anyway, there are no outsiders now, and it's okay to be a little spoiled.

Chapter [-] Crash

.Generally speaking, sea travel will be relatively boring, after all, it is definitely not enough to just watch the seascape while blowing the sea breeze, but Xiaozhi and the others are different.

After all, Xiaozhi and Miaomiao have already made a submarine to use, so the whole journey has become a lot better, at least it will not be boring.. And now there is no outsider sleeping at night, Xiaozhi is very willing to disturb- : Next one bit.

Of course, Xiaozhi's behavior also attracted the voices of Miaomiao and Pikachu. After all, these two wives are not around, but Xiaozhi can

And now, when Xiao Zhi is getting a pot of coffee and waiting to go to the sea to enjoy the sea view, c

- A small tremor came.Then Xiaozhi said speechlessly a

"I guess some unfortunate child hit the submarine H? The submarine I made together with Miaomiao is a little rough. But the protection is still very strong."

Lin, who was wearing pajamas on the side, said speechlessly after hearing Xiao Zhi's words.

"Are you sure it's called shabby, even the sofa and soft bed are ready to go and see?"

"I'll go check it out... It's really _'s ship that sails so fast and will encounter this kind of thing. I hope they remember this lesson."

Saying that, Xiaozhi also put on his own finger tiger and stick

stick.After all, if the other side is not friendly, Ash is happy to let them understand what harmony and friendship are.

Seeing Xiaozhi fully armed, Lin sighed helplessly.

"Wait-wait, I'll change my clothes and grab my weapons...but I don't remember pirates in this generation?

"It's essential to be defensive, do you need my help?"

"No" you just stand there and wait


When Xiao Zhi came out of the submarine with a baseball bat and his own knife, he saw a yacht and the people on the yacht seemed to be a TV station.


"Who is it? It's hard to see the road when driving a boat? If you hit a rock, no one will save you!"

When Xiao Zhi and Lin came out with weapons and Pokémon, the people on the yacht thought they had encountered pirates, but Xiao Zhi, who was waiting for a woman to watch, immediately said to the camera.

"It's too surprising, this time we actually met Mr. Xiaozhi, the bass of the Continental Hotel. Now it seems that Mr. Xiaozhi should be on vacation here!"

Looking at the hostess, Xiao Zhi said helplessly to Shanaido beside him.

"Sana⊥." (No topic


As Shanaido launched the super-power camera, Shanaido took it over, and Xiao Zhi said with the camera.

"Please do not report my private information without permission. Thank you."

"I'm so sorry, because I'm so excited to see you. After all, you just won the Quartz Plateau champion,

Hearing this female reporter say that, Xiaozhi and Lin instantly appeared beside her and even pointed their weapons directly at them.

"I remember that I did a good job of disguising. I didn't wear it even when I was playing, how did you know that?"

"Indeed, little

Although Chi is very famous, he still pays great attention to his camouflage. "

The person who was targeted by the weapon at the TV station could only smile awkwardly and say, "That. L is because Mr. Xiaozhi, you guys are so famous."That's why the TV station director deliberately rummaged through a bunch of old news to discover your outfit. "


Xiaozhi didn't believe the hostess' words directly, but looked at Shanaido and Shanaido nodded. As a sensory Pokémon, she can still tell if the hostess is lying. Now she can be sure that the hostess said is true

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