With a roar of Long Longyan, Long Longyan very cautiously did not leave but went straight

Then he threw a trick that Ash taught him, the blasting stone, towards the fleeing man.


With an explosion, the figure seemed to be frightened, and seeing this opportunity, Rumble Rock and Happy Egg immediately began to frantically output.

Boom boom boom⊥⊥⊥⊥*

With the continuous bombardment of blasting stones and bombs, the figure seemed to fall to the ground unbearably, but he thought of the possibility that his opponent would play dead as Xiao Zhi once said.Long Longyan and Xingfudan looked at each other and nodded, they are responsible for Xiaozhi's safety, so u_ ,

Boom boom boom boom"⊥⊥!*


After nearly ten minutes of bombing, it was determined that the man really couldn't get up again, and Pikachu added another electric shock before he dared to let people arrest him.

And as Joey's two heroic forces brought the miserable house over to him, Lina quickly said to the camera._ "Audience friends. Now we finally find this guy who wants to murder everyone, Mr. Ash's Pokémon are really cautious, and I have to say that this behavior is very correct. After all, we don't know what the bad guys will do to us, so if you subdue the bad guys in the wild, you must remember to make up your knife, so let's see this Let's talk about the real face of the blank man"."

"I'm not a bad guy. Pff⊥⊥⊥ on,"

Hearing that he was called a bad guy, the guy who was scorched by electricity directly burst into flames, but as soon as he spoke, he was punched in the face by Xiaozhi's hot monkey, and a tooth even flew out.And Xi Zhihao Li also locked him with joint skills. Meow Meow came over and said, "Through the boulder just now, we can be sure that this guy is definitely not a good stubble. After all, he can attack others with the kind of dead body. The guy is definitely a dangerous person, so we must not lose our momentum at this real time! Hot monkey, please, the boss is in a state of ecstasy now, and it is up to you to let the old lady get back to normal.

This guy understands how different we are from those Madonnas."

After speaking, Miao Miao waved her hand and said, "Slap him in the face with your Euler,"

"Shoutiao" 'No problem' _'_

Chapter [-] Let the Teeth Fly

"Eula Euler Euler Euler ⊥⊥⊥!"

Bang Bang Bang Bang ⊥ 1 L

Accompanied by the sound of inhuman beatings echoing around. The host Lina said excitedly, "Did the audience see it? Facing the villain, Mr. Xiaozhi's assistant, Miaomiao, did not hypocritically let him go, but chose to use the most Severe punishment to deal with him! I have to say good things about this, if it wasn't for Mr. Ash's Pokémon before, I'm afraid we would have already caused casualties because of those huge stone deeds."

Hearing Lina say so, even meow is a little surprised, after all, this Lina has some meaning.

Literally speaking, it's very talkative.In one fell swoop, the high wife who beat the bad guy got up.

And Nazi also nodded and said.

"Indeed, punishing bad people can make good people better. At least they don't dare to be evil."

And the hot monkey went straight, and after a few more teeth on the ground, with its heavy punch, the person who had been attacking Xiao Zhi and the others finally passed out completely, and Lina hurriedly pointed the camera at the hot monkey and asked . ,

"Mr. Hot Monkey, I found that your belt is the belt of p1 Fighting Taisai. It seems that you and Mr. Ash also won this honor together. Then

Now when you hit this bad guy, do you get so angry that you knock out a few teeth?_"

"Hoo Hoo Mountain"

The hot monkey saw Lina and said something.And Miaomiao translated, "He said that every time he made a mistake, he was very happy to be with the old lady, so when he hit this guy who almost put the boss in danger, he unconsciously exerted a lot of force. He felt very sorry for that." After all, it is not good to use excessive violence against people.

After Miaomiao finished the translation, Hot Monkey nodded calmly and took out an incense to calm himself down, while Lina said directly.

"It's amazing, Xiao Zhixian

Sheng is so loved by his Pokémon _ I think everyone has seen Mr. Ash's shape before.Many Pokémon are almost attached to Mr. Ash, which proves that the Pokémon really like Mr. Ash, which is why Hot Monkey hits hard.I think the trainers who have a deep bond with their Pokémon will be able to understand the difficulties of Mr. Hot Monkey. After all, Mr. Hot Monkey is a Pokémon who is prone to anger. It is a miracle that he can be so calm now. How can Mr. Hot Monkey, the guy who injured his trainer, calm down? 2⊥

"'Taiji will talk...! NL

Even Lin now has to admit that the Lina in front of her is a talented person, so the responsibility is almost all on the attacker, although what she said is correct.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi and the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus walked over.

"Hao Ning solved it, you can already enter, Sister Joey, your iron armored tyrannosaurus is good,"

"Roar" _ (This guy is really good

Ash and Tyrannosaurus became good friends because of digging caves, and everyone else was speechless.Which Zi looked directly at the attacker and said, "Xiao Zhi. How should this attacker deal with it?


"The attacker? The one who threw a pile of rocks to attack us?"

Looking at the attacker, a middle-aged man, Xiao Zhi frowned slightly and said, "Then hand him over to Junsha. After all, his actions have already caused heavy losses, or there will be casualties. This kind of person is too dangerous."

"The danger is that you are right!_ !

That Chong Nian A roared at Xiao Zhi when he heard Xiao Zhi's words, and then he was punched again by the hot monkey and flew out of his mouth again - a tooth.

"Roar 1⊥⊥!" Six grand thieves! Who told you to

He is too loud 3 )

"Thank you for the hot monkey, this gentleman hopes you can understand the fact that no matter what you say, you attacked us with such a huge corpse. If there is no powerful Pokémon, I am afraid that some people have been buried under your stone. ! Can I suspect that a tourist entered here by mistake and was killed by your attack 3"

Hearing Xiao Zhi say this, everyone else nodded and agreed with Xiao Zhi's conjecture.After all, if it weren't for the powerful Pokémon on my side, I'd be dead.

"You don't understand anything! I am protecting you and this island! This island has a terrible

The legend! When the scarlet moon shines!. There will be a cataclysm on _⊥⊥_! "

After listening to this person's words, Xiao Zhi said after being silent for a while.

"You know what? I thought about one thing before. What would I do if I could travel to ancient times, guess what?"

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