"Er.. what is it?"_

Lina cooperated very well with Ash at this time, and Ash gave the answer directly.

"Translate their prophecies and warnings into the vernacular. Are you crazy? Wouldn't it be troublesome to say clearly what the jade is? C God all day long

God babbling is the most foolish daddy."

Just when everyone was speechless, Xiao Zhi pulled up the middle-aged man's collar and said with a terrified face, "Also, I don't want to worry about your disaster right now. You are a little ashamed to hurt my most beloved treasure, then I'm sorry for them if I don't beat you up, grit my teeth!

"There is no treasure of yours here! It's an island!"

"Well... now they're right in front of you..."_

Originally, the middle-aged man thought he had found an opportunity to refute. But when he found out that Xiao Zhi said 'treasure', he kept staring at _'

When Lin' them, he suddenly felt a stomachache.

"Aren't you sour?"

"Do you think it's sour? 2 Then your teeth can be discarded. Now let you taste the anger of a husband. Come on, let's get up. The two big brothers hold him down a little, please don't worry. I'm a doctor, and I know how to beat people without killing them."

"Roar!" (Old lady"

"This is for Lin and the others!"

Touch! Boom!” Crack!

The next picture was too cruel and couldn't bear to turn his head, and waited.

After Ash and Hot Monkey finished beating the man, Ash's two sickle helmets roared at Ash.

"They say that the cave has the breath of the same family, and even the breath of life, boss, look."_

"Is there any breath of life? Well, if you want to see the scythe helmet, it's better to have a small

Looking at the red moonlight in the sky, Chi remembered what the middle-aged man said just now.

"The red moon has appeared L but the so-called cataclysm has not yet appeared, so now it seems to be related to the illumination, everyone should be careful not to bring out anything in the cave, to prevent it from being illuminated by the red eyes L_"

"Okay!" N __ ,


Chapter [-] Never mind the prophecy

Although the dangerous guy who came out of nowhere said what, but Xiao Zhi did not choose not to listen to the so-called prophecy.Although Xiao Zhi really wanted to beat the guys who left the prophecies.The whole thing is mysterious, and in the end everyone can't figure it out.Just like the problem of my own back mountain, after talking for a long time, I didn't say it properly.

And now Xiaozhi and the others can only figure it out based on the existing information, for example, they can't let the red eyes touch anything.

However, when Xiaozhi and the others were doing research in the cave, Xiaozhi's two sickle helmets gestured to Xiaozhi anxiously, as if he had something important to tell Xiaozhi.


And after listening to the words of the two sickle helmets, Miaomiao said "three-three" unexpectedly_ "What did you say? The fossils of your clan are now being activated?.!"

"Huh? Activation? Stone.._Xiaozi?. l, everyone leave this cave now!"

Hearing the words of Sickle Helmet and the others, Xiaozhi immediately thought of a possibility. ,Joey has said before that the fossil helmet here is related to the elixir of life, so since this is the case, Xizhi Sickle Helmet also said theirs. The tribe is in an activated state, does that prove the situation of these fossil helmets and Xiao Zi?

Same? They've always been alive, but in King's Rock?

Although I don't know why Xiao Zhi is so anxious.But out of trust in Xiao Zhi, everyone rushed out, and Joey couldn't help asking after running out.

"Xiao Zhi, have you found anything?

"If I'm right: those fossil helmets are about to start coming back to life.


Xiao Zhi looked at the red eyes and the corners of his mouth twitched unconsciously.

"As magical as it may be, there's a situation like this right over my house. So if I think

If it's true, those fossil helmets are actually alive, and the way to make them fully revive is probably... ,. _

Saying that, Ash raised his head and looked at the red moonlight.

"I'm afraid it's this red moonlight,"

And as if to prove what Ash said, the fossil helmets slowly began to climb out of the cave.Seeing this feeling, Shen Nazi said a little strangely.

"How did they come to life without letting them touch the moonlight?"

"Who knows, maybe it's just waiting for this time... let's evacuate first, the ghost knows what else is going on on this island

s things. "

Saying that, Xiao Zhi whistled twice.Ash's Whale King also appeared from the sea.

"Stupid!. The prophecy said that human beings need to use rafts to escape instinctively when encountering a catastrophe!

A group of people didn't know what to say after listening to the middle-aged man, and Xiao Zhi looked at this man and asked, "You...,. What's your name?"

"My name is Tiansuo!"

"Do you have any family? To be honest, psychiatric hospital treatment requires permission from Family A.

"What did you say?_ !"

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