"Almost, after all, I always come to Nana to buy Wendan, and Xiaozhi always helps to provide suggestions on planting. It is normal for Nana to like it?" Less romantic debt."_

"Ahem... a romantic debt

There is a substantial relationship.I'm sorry, I don't have the habit of leaving any romantic debts.I was directly married. "

The voice of thinking suddenly came from Xiaoxia's ears.Only then did Xiaoxia realize that Xiao Zhi was looking at her speechlessly.Mian Nana was down at the moment so that no one could see her expression

Chapter [-] Let him eat!

Let's talk about Nana's feelings for Xiaozhi_ She really likes it, after all, Xiaozhi has provided her with a lot of help in the past few years.And the most important thing is that Xiao Zhi can talk to her again.

What did she say here? 2- After chatting with people, they would talk about the embarrassing second batch of planting in Wenri. 2 But Xiao Zhi didn't reply.Xiao Zhi can perfectly integrate with her channel, and even come up with more novel ideas, which is like a godsend for Nana.

And just when Nana's side entered into the wild, thinking about a few children with Ash, a staff member ran over.


Miss Nai, L Wendan, the thief found it⊥ Well, Mr. Xiaozhi? Miss Lin, are you here?"

"Well, let's buy some Wendan and go back, but it looks like you need help here.

Saying that, Xiaozhi stood up and fed the Wendan in his hand to the beast, then walked forward with the fat worker in his arms.

"Let's see what can actually destroy the tree and steal the Wendan. Although I have already guessed who it is_"_ ,

"2??"*N .

After Xiao Zhi and the others found the thief who stole Wendan.Seeing that huge body, Xiao Zhi nodded.


Hmm.. that's really him.Card_

"This is...Kapimon 2"_

Xiaoba was a little surprised when he saw this Pokémon he had seen before, and at the same time he understood why so many trees were destroyed. After all, the old man's Kirby was eating the thorns that blocked the flow of water. net.

"Damn thief!_ L! ~_ !"

Saw the kibbi there - eat bundan while destroying trees.Nana was angry again, it was the fruit of their hard work.

Just when Nana was about to rush up, Xiao Zhi directly pushed her with one hand.


"Don't make trouble, you will be miserable if you go past him with a Taishan crush. Do you believe it?"

"But... our Wendan._

"Oops, I'll pay you up later, I just don't have a Kabi beast yet.

"Hmm 2⊥"*4

Hearing Xiao Zhi say this, everyone else looked at Xiao Zhi in surprise, while Xiao Zhi said with a smile.

"How can I say it, I really like the belly of Kirby. You wait for me first.

Take an energy cube out of the bag and take it out again - a sauce on it and touch it

As the aroma of the sauce spread to the Kabimon, Kabimon's eyes lit up when he smelled it.

And Xiaozhi came to Kirby's body slowly and asked.

"Try it?"


Seeing the bread Kabimon handed over by Ash, he nodded happily and brought it over - stuttering and even nodding with Ash seems to be a thank you. ,

And Ash was not polite and lay down directly on the big belly of the Kirby beast and handed it to the one who came and said.

"It seems that you like this flavor. Eat it while you rub it, but what do you think I want to subdue you here?"

After taking the sauce that Xiaozhi handed over, after hearing Xiaozhi's suggestion, Kirbymon thought for a while and nodded.

"Longby. Kirby."

"Ma'am, he said he'll fight you when he's full, and if he loses, he'll be your Pokémon."

"Really? Then it's decided that you stay here first and don't move around, and I'll ask someone else to bring the Wendan tree for you.".


Seeing that Kirby agreed with Ash and looked at Nana.

"Does Nana accept foster care?"



With one of Lin's headbutts, Xiaozhi's head was smoking and lying on the belly of the beast. Then Lin also lay on the belly of the beast. She actually likes the soft belly of the beast.

"Cough, Xiao Zhi, I'm also embarrassed..."_

"Well, just kidding, but, I've got all the Wendan on your island. From now on, let the staff on your side take off all the Wendan and send it over. I want to see how much this guy can eat. Eat enough."

After speaking, Ash took out a black card and jumped off the belly of Kirby and handed it to Nana.

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