

Even if you say that, I can't blow it up. . . The Wendan on this island is not worth so much, but thank you Xiaozhi..”

"It's nothing. After all, the Wendan here has been carefully cultivated. Otherwise, how could this guy be attracted."

After talking, Xiaozhi looked at the Kabi beast again, but this time, the Kabi beast and the little Ibrahimovic were lying on the belly of the Kabi beast.

- "Okay, let's you guys give me a try. Let's try the place L Xiaoxia Nazi | It's really super comfortable."

"Um.. well.. actually I want to try it too

Give it a try..",

Xiaoxia looked at Kirby's belly and thought of giving it a try, while Nazi was more direct, and it was over in a moment.

After a bunch of people were lying on the belly of this Taikabeast, this Kabbeon didn't get angry either.It's not as important as eating yourself anyway.

And just like this, when Ash and the others were lying on the belly of the beast and looking at the sky leisurely, Nana had already told everyone on the island to quickly collect and send it over, at least not to let the beast destroy the whole tree. . _


Chapter [-]: Notes of the Elder Kabibeast

- "I have to admit, Kirby's stomach is really comfortable.

"Indeed, soft is more comfortable than a sofa."

"Just laying on this guy's stomach and looking at the sky maybe - z a good choice

"It will be miserable when people turn around.

"It's okay. Kirby will remind us."

A group of staff were speechless when they looked at the people lying on the belly of the beast.Fortunately, Wendan has all moved in.And this kibbi beast is also a visitor who refuses to use the sauce given by Xiaozhi to smear it a little and start eating.

Nana looks at Kirby

This terrifying appetite couldn't help covering his head with a headache.

"If it wasn't for Xiao Zhi this time, I feel like the loss would be heavy too_"__

Looking at the terrifying appetite of the Kirby beast, even though Ash has bought all the fruits of the first island, Nana is still a little speechless, I am afraid that this Kirby beast is only raised by Ash. ?2

And Xiaozhi also found the problem when looking at the carby beast that kept eating Wendan. The food intake of this carby beast is a bit scary.If that's the case, could it be the one recorded by the old Kirbymon?

With that in mind, Ash took out the old Kirbymon's note and looked.then to the card

Beast asked.

"Kabimon ask, do you ever feel like a bottomless pit when you eat, never feeling full?"


Hearing Xiaozhi's so-called Kirby beast nodded, and then took out a few more words and stuffed it into his mouth.

And Ash nodded after listening to it and then touched Kabimon's belly.

"Well... this heavy fat L can't really be...

After speaking, Ash silently opened the old Kirbymon's notebook.

The most talented carbine, with an explosive appetite,

Fat is heavy.Able to burst out super powerful abilities for eating, of course, please note that there is no special method - ordinary people can't afford this - Kabi beast e

"In order to eat can explode super powerful ability 2"

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi looked at Kirbymon who had already eaten the Wendan to the bottom and nodded.

He signaled everyone to come down first and then turned to look at Nana.

Yoshina, please notify the Second Fruit Island to start harvesting the text, I want to see how much this guy can eat.And release these in the last batch...these.

Ash turns around after saying something in Nana's ear

He turned his head to Kirbymon. _And the Kirby beast seemed to be waiting for Ash and stretched like a z, and then motioned for Ash to put him on his back.

"Well... well, everyone, I'll go with him first, and you can ask Chenglong to help me.

After saying that, Pu Yu jumped on the back of Kirbymon, and then Kirbymon jumped straight up and started to move toward the first fruit island in a butterfly stroke.

"What⊥⊥⊥⊥. "*N .

When seeing Kirbymon using his heavy body to perform butterfly strokes... even Lin was shocked.After all, this operation is a bit too big and shocking now.


At this time, Xiaozhi on the back of the Kirby can be basically determined. This Kirby is the most talented Kirby. The rest only needs to see if the person who admires it can make this Kirby. The beast will have enough to eat.

In this way, towards Ash and Kabimondi, towards the island of the second fruit.

At this time, on the second fruit island, Musashi Meow Meow Kojiro and the three were secretly picking Wendan.

"Ahhh! Damn little devils, we've been ambushing them on the snowy mountain all day. If it weren't for that little Dan, we might have frozen to death!"

Musashi sneezed at the thought that they were almost killed because of Ash.

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