When Xiaoxia and the others came here, the Kirby beast was quietly eating Wendan.And Nana also brought a bunch of texts over with the staff.Masaka Ash, who was watching Kirby beast eating, pulled Nana and asked.

"What must be done? Did you add it?_"

"Put it in the last-approved text according to your recipe."

"That's good.. Then let me see if this Kirby is not.

After talking about Xiaozhi, they watched the Kirby beast eating the Wendan at a terrifying speed. When the Kirby beast ate the last basket of Wendan with a special formula.

A miraculous thing happened, Kabi beast actually touched his stomach and burped.

"Spit" Kirby⊥"

Looking at the full-fed Kirby beast, Xiao Zhi can already confirm that this is the kind of Kirby beast that the old man of the Kirby beast mentioned.No wonder the Kirby Orcs prepared a note.This guy's stomach is indeed as terrifying as a disaster. w

Thinking like this, Ash walked towards Kirbymon and asked.

"How's it going? Do you need a break - hit 3 again next time,"

Kabimon shook his head and stood up directly to look at Xiaozhi. When Xiaozhi saw this, he took out his - one

Seeing the ball, Kebao said.

"If that's the case, then let it fight you."

As the Pokémon in the baby ball appeared in front of everyone... everyone was a little surprised, because Ash called out Absol this time.


Absol looked at his opponent, Kirbymon, and understood why Ash asked himself to fight L, which was not easy.

And Xiaozhi directly talked to Absolu.

"Be careful. This Kirby's defense is terrifying, and ordinary physical attacks are almost useless against him. Use special attacks against him.

. "


Hearing Ash's reminder, Absol also knew that Xiaoba was needed now.And Kabimon seems to want to express itself, and actually launched an attack directly first.

As Kirby's fist flashed towards Absol, Absol jumped one by one to avoid it and waited for Kirby's fist to touch the ground. The terrifying impact directly made many unprepared man overturned to the ground.

"Million-ton punch?_L But this power is a bit scary, right?"

"That's why I'm saying that this guy is not easy to deal with, and I'm not going to ask Absol to come.

It is for. Directly kill it but.

Saying that, Ash suddenly shouted at Absol

"Absol is fighting with fire and ice now!"

"Roar L_"

Hearing Ash's words, Absol was surprised, but he still shot a light of flames and freezing rays from his mouth.In the face of this strange beam Kirby beast, he actually used his big belly to defend it.

"Yes, its fat brain is indeed thick enough, but I almost know it. Absolu is the most powerful and evil wave 1,



There were endless dark particles condensed in the mouth. Absolu was also serious at this time, and then it sprayed a spiral-shaped and extremely fast dark wave towards: Kirby Beast.

And the long beast did not evade.Instead, he directly used his fist to hit the wave of darkness, but although Kirby's fist might be powerful, it was still inferior to Absol, who was already the champion, so in the end Kirby was still defeated by Absol. Lu's dark wave knocked K out.

And Ash saw the opportunity and threw his own luxurious ball. When Kirby was caught in the ball, it didn't seem to intend to struggle at all.. So the ball

Not even moving.

"Okay. Isn't this guy even struggling?"

With that said, Xiaozhi stepped forward and picked up the luxury ball, but looking at Wendan, who had almost been eaten up, Xiaozhi shrugged.

"This guy's appetite is really the same as recorded, it's a bottomless pit,

--Dividing line--

"Then I'll take that guy Kabimon. Since he has become its trainer 1.3, I still have to apologize for the damage he caused to this island.

Hearing Xiaozhi say that, Nana shook her head.

"It's alright. After all, the loss has been made up. As for the trees, we will take care of them again. I just hope that there will be no more like your Kirby beast."_

Hearing Nana's worry, Xiaozhi said with a smile, "Let's go small, this guy is a special pearl, and ordinary kapimon can't swim butterfly, so we are going to withdraw. Contact me if you have anything~"

"I know, I'll talk about new planting methods next time. Although Yuji of the Orange Alliance is not difficult for you, you have to be careful."


Then Ash and the others left in their own submarine.in the big

When the family waved, no one noticed that there was an extra ring on Nana's hand.


Chapter [-] Trophies

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