Xiaozhi and Nana's celestial relationship makes Xiaoxia not know how to complain about how good Xiaozhi is, and Xiaoxia feels that there are definitely many people who are related to Xiaozhi. She now seriously doubts that Xiaozhi's previous business trip was It's not just intentional.

Of course, these are all Xiaoxia's thoughts. Because Xiaoxia knows that Xiaozhi's side is in fact, to put it bluntly, it is at most that Xiaozhi will take the initiative when the time comes.

While continuing to travel, Xiaozhi and the others passed through a place called Starchi Island. They heard that a sunken ship was found here, and even the trophy of the Orange League 30_ years ago was found on the ship. Interested in

Xiaozhi went to the island to take a look, and by the way, let Xiaoxia, who wanted to see the trophy, have a good time.

It's just that Nazi always felt that Xiaozhi was planning something 16. Because when Xiaozhi went to Dusky Island, he always secretly talked to the Gengars who were hiding in the shadows.

"Xiao Zhi.. seems to be planning an official career? ,

"I don't think he thought about the ghost Pokémon when he heard the sinking ship, so he was asking Gengar if they knew him.

Compared to Nazi Lin's thoughts on Xiao Zhi, she could almost guess through it.And Lin's conjecture was not wrong.Xiao Zhi is indeed asking Gengar whether they know any other secrets?

Spirit Pokémon

And Gengar, they all shook their heads and didn't know.But that doesn't stop them from being interested in the sunken ship. As ghosts, they like to play. Now that they hear that there is a sunken ship under the water, they fall down and want to see it.

Along with Ash, they landed on Starkey Island.First, I rested for a night at the Tailu Hotel on Starch Island, and the next morning I planned to see the [-]-year-old trophy. However,


When watching Junsha and the others around a human-shaped dent on the ground holding a trophy and continuously investigating and collecting evidence, Xiao Zhi can almost pass this

The characteristic dents determine who made it._

"To be honest, the three of them are actually quite powerful. You must know that the alarm system of the enterprise trophy uses a bunch of infrared rays to alarm. As a result, they were able to escape the infrared rays. It's really scary."_

"Now is not the time to admire them_ Should we catch them first?"

"Did you say they were over there?"

Saying that, Xiaozhi pointed to the foot of Eryi grass that was protruding from the side, and even Lin was a little speechless after seeing the familiar trousers.

And Xiaozhi is

He walked over and lifted up Kojiro, who was sleeping early, with one hand.

"Wow! ⊥⊥ Who ah ah 1⊥!"

It was a little uncomfortable for Xiaoji to be mentioned by Xiaozhi, but Musashi and Miaomiao immediately got up when they heard Xiaojiro's screams, but when they looked at Xiaodalang, they realized that it was Xiaozhi and the others.

"Not good! Run" Shan⊥"*

As the two picked up something, Xiao Zhi looked at Kojiro who was being carried by him and said sympathetically.

"It seems... you have been sold._. You can rest assured that I will not give you to Junsha. We are old friends after all.

Just call Lu Meijia to come and lead someone.

"Don't go to 11 Musashi" Meow Meow, save me L Shan.⊥"

Hearing that Xiaozhi was going to call Lu Chajia, Xiaojiro felt his scalp tingle instantly, and he had already seen Xiaozhi preparing to dial the number with Lin's help.

"Hey~ Lu Meijia, I have someone you will be very interested in."


Of course, Xiaozhi didn't call Lu Meijia. It is more important to recover the trophy now, and now Kojiro is being carried by one hand by Xiaozhi's hot monkey.

"To be honest, you have

Some skills_But I think you will be miserable, then again. Do you feel that the cloud in front is a bit too much?"


Hearing Xiaozhi say that, Xiaoxia and the others also realized something was wrong.And Nazi sensed something directly.

"It seems to be the ability of Pokémon.

"Giggle ⊥."

As Genggui and the others leaned out from Xiaozhi Nazi's shadow, they pointed to Da Zero, and Miaomiao said somewhat unexpectedly.

"You said it was caused by the power of the ghost Pokémon 3, then it seems that something is wrong, this

This kind of power is not simple. "

"Indeed, but ghost Pokémon? Wait a minute, I'll take the phone.

Seeing that Xiaozhi was going to carry the phone, Xiaoxia had already guessed what Xiaozhi wanted.

"Xiao Zhi. Is it okay to call the ghost castle?"

"No problem, after all, the Pokémon League officials already know about it. Then they won't cause panic if they are called. Oh, it's okay. Hey Crystal Lantern, I need your help here. Yes, take the old castle hotel Bring it here. Excuse me."

Then Xiao Zhi hung up the phone and quietly watched the fog with Nazi and the others


"Wait a moment, the crystal lights and fire spirits will be here soon, let's wait first. After all, I don't know if there will be danger in the thick fog.."_

"Damn it_⊥⊥⊥!"*2

Hearing the screams coming from the epicenter, Ash nodded.

"Look.. That's it..."

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