"Let's go, Sister Joey, it is because they are flying mantises that I dare to use them, but I will borrow your kitchen later.

The room is over. If my family Feiwu Mantis wants to fight him, I hope he can fight in the heyday. "

"No problem, you can use whatever you want in the kitchen~"

"Thank you~"

With Ash in the Pokémon Center's kitchen, Big Yu's special dry.Xiaoxia and the others were chatting and waiting outside.

"By the way, where have you and Xiaozhi been, Lin?"

This is Xiaoxiayi: straight to Jianlin. After all, she found that Lin seemed to know a lot, and Lin smiled when she heard Xiaoxia's doubts and said s

"A lot of places. But more of it is to accompany Xiaozhi and the others to run the bullshit together. Then

Is it a happy egg or a lucky egg?"

"Did Ash start going back and forth so early?, But why does he seem to be so obsessed with traveling?"

"That's because we were more in business at that time, but don't underestimate Xiao Zhi. If you want to cheat him because of his age, those people will cry later~"

Lin smiled when she said that, but she remembered the faces of those guys who wanted to cheat Xiaozhi and finally got cheated by Xiaozhi.

"So Xiao Zhi was so good before?"

"I can't say it's amazing, it's mainly because Xiaozhi and Miaomiao cooperate well.

Plus. At that time, Pikachu, who was still Pichu, helped to ask Pokémon something.So it's a lot easier for us. _"

Miaomiao heard Lin talking about this and said with a smile. "Come out. At that time, we need to be careful, after all, who knows what kind of trap those guys will straight up waiting for us 3

After talking, Meow Meow looked at Tang and looked at his tablet.

"No one dares to play with us like this now, it's a lot less fun all of a sudden~

"Pickup _" (I was the captain of the spy team back then! )

Just as he was talking, Xiao Zhi was already pushing a cart of food


"What are you talking about? I've already prepared our meals here. Everyone, let's release the Pokémon too. I'll have to prepare a special lunch for the Kabimon later."

Na Zi looked at the lunch that Xiao Zhi handed over and asked with some surprises.

"Is Kirbymon's also ready?"

"Yeah. I have a recipe here that can make him full and delicious. To be honest, the old Kabibeast is really powerful."

"No, I feel like you were after all - it was you who prepared the food.."_

I have to say something here. I had Xiaogang together before.

It's fine when traveling.Although Xiaogang's craftsmanship is not as good as Xiaozhi's, he can still help Xiaozhi to cook together. However, since Xiaogang stayed at Neimu Botu, when everyone was camping in the wild, the food basically came from Xiaozhi prepare,.Although Lin also wanted to help, she didn't know if it was because she didn't have this talent.she only barbecues

On the side of the old flying mantis, when Xiao Zhi put a food made from eggs of happy eggs in front of him, he couldn't help but look at Xiao Zhi

"Eat it, my flying mantis is still waiting for a battle with you."


Hearing Xiaozhi say that, Feitiantang

The beetle is no longer polite, wait for a good fight

With the physical strength of the old Flying Mantis recovered with the help of Ash's medicinal diet, he is ready for World War II with Ash's Flying Mantis_. .



The two flying mantises looked at each other and the fighting intent in each other's eyes did not fade away, and Xiaozhi's flying mantis was naturally strong in combat.But he will not take the enemy lightly.Because he knew that the enemy in front of him had more terrifying experience.

Just like Xiao Zhi would respect the old man of Kirby beast, the old man of Kirby beast 3.6 used his experience to tell Ash that even

The things that Dr. Damu didn't know also proves. One thing, don't underestimate people, their experience is a wealth that you can't imagine.

And now Xiao Zhi's Gongfei Wu Mantis was influenced by Xiao Zhi, and he did not underestimate the veteran in front of Yu.



With a roar from the two flying mantises, the battle began.

The first thing the two flying mantises started was a one-word fight, and in this situation, Xiao Zhi and the others could only watch, after all, this was a battle that belonged to the warriors themselves.

Chapter [-] We are here to smash the game

There is nothing fancy about the battle between the two flying mantises, they are all just fighting with their scythes, and every collision is a collision of skill and strength. Even if Xiaozhi's flying mantis can have an advantage in power, but the old flying mantis You can still avoid it through your own combat experience and skills, and all these battles have already flowed into the instinct of the old flying mantis.

Nazi quietly asked Ash while watching the battle between the two flying mantises.

"Can they break through superpowers? Like telekinesis?"

"Of course you can, after all, these tricks of psychic power also need to lock the target.

And what the Flying Mantis is good at is speed to win. If you can't lock the target, it's not good to directly use the power of mind. "

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