"That's true, but I can control everything around me with my mind."

Hearing what Nazi said, Xiaozhi rubbed his silly daughter-in-law 16's face and said. _

"That's you, my silly daughter-in-law. L, your superpowers are even stronger than Chaomeng. Ordinary Pokémon can't compare to you, right?",

When Xiaozhi rubbed her face, Nazi was not angry, but asked with a smile and rubbed Xiaozhi's face.

"Your previous commanding skills are also quite amazing, if you have time

Do one more. ".

"Then who knows what will happen.

Pikachu looked at Xiaozhi and Nazi and said silently.

"You wait...I have Chuchu,

"I also have Madonna...

two-two dividing line

The fighting world of the two flying mantises is limited and long. Neither of them is a fuel-efficient lamp, one is a super-battlefield that Xiao Zhi has carefully cultivated, and the other is a seasoned king who has returned to the peak under the medicated diet for many years.The experience of fighting two flying mantises with super strong fighting ability also makes other Pokémon take a closer look


Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon watched the battle of the two flying mantises with great interest. Since he likes to use his claws very much, he is also very interested in the two flying mantises fighting with each other.At the same time, he also understands the local saying that Xiao Zhi once said, the old man's experience is a treasure.

And Xiaozhi's two scythe helmets also nodded when they watched the battle of the two flying mantises, and they also liked to watch their fighting styles with completely different fighting styles.Although the two of them are more inclined to hunting tactics when fighting, but if it is this reckless style, they can still accept s

And Lynn's Erk Sky Mantis watched his mate fight also

Yes and don't take your eyes off it (Lin's flying mantis happens to be the spouse of Ash's flying mantis).After all, this is a battle to prove the fighting ability of Xiaozhi's flying mantis. Facing a seasoned person, what kind of fighting method can Xiaozhi's two flying mantis use to resolve the veteran's various special tactics.

The last battle between the two flying mantises ended with the scythes of both sides clipping each other's necks.

"The sword dance and stormtrooper of that old flying mantis is really good. I suddenly have a new idea""

When the battle is over, Ash's Pokémon all run over to ask questions.Chi is sitting

On Kirbymon's stomach, he thought about the fighting style of the old Flying Mantis just now.A new skill takes shape in Ash's mind.


"Huh? What's wrong with Kirby?"


"Want some snacks? I'll go get someone to bring you some."


two-two dividing line


"Are you sure you want to go with us? I am here to let my flying mantis single out your entire clan, although you have nothing to do with your clan.

.But wouldn't that be bad?"

"Scum" (It's okay, just let them wake up.).

At this time, Xiao Zhi and the others were on their way to find the Flying Mantis Group. The old K-Sky Mantis came along with them.To be honest, Xiaozhi thinks that the Flying Mantis, who wants to see the next battle, will make people feel like slapping him in the face, but the old Flying Mantis doesn't care, he is already very satisfied with the battle with Xiaozhi Flying Mantis just now. . Now just go back and have a look.

And after Xiao Zhi and the others found the Er-Flying Mantis, Xiao Zhi said with a heart-pounding smile.


I'm sorry, we are here to smash the game, my flying mantis is going to fight with you~"


As Xiaozhi's Flying Mantis came out_The Flying Mantis group was also ready to fight, and they also noticed the horror of Xiaozhi's Flying Mantis' combat power. As for the old Flying Mantis, they had no other ideas. Earth, they still trust.

However, for Xiaozhi and the other flying mantis groups, they will not be polite. Soldiers will not be afraid of challenges.

Chapter [-]: Go to Kona

"Scum 1!"

With the screams of the whole flying mantis, all the members of the ethnic group where the old flying mantis was located.

Wu Xiaozhi's Flying Mantis silently blew his sickle, compared with the old Flying Mantis.These flying mantises are no longer a threat.

And Xiaozhi and Happy Egg: said with a shy smile while giving them a bite of shame.

"It seems that there is no problem with the idea just now. Fighting the tornado is feasible. However, the star may be based on the Pokémon itself. In other words, you have to exercise yourself. My family's flying mantis has been fighting for a long time and often

There is no such level of training, so do your best. "

Glancing at Xiao Zhi speechlessly, the leader of the Flying Mantis Clan can speak.The winner is Wang Xiaozhi's Flying Mantis using the new trick that Xiaozhi got along with to kill him. What can they do?

And the old flying mantis came to the leader of the flying mantis and sat down. It seemed that there was something more to talk about, maybe it was to talk about experience 2

Thinking about this, Xiao Zhi didn't take care of other people's family affairs.After all, Pokemon is not a tool. It's just like Pikachu who will not return home for Qiu Yiqiu and Conductive Momonga.

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