"Jenny Go" (Bushan's father wants to accompany us today).

"On the seed" (I'll add a kick too")


Hey you guys. L1_"

Looking at the situation on Xiaozhi's side, Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon sighed silently, and the evolved giant pincer mantis and flying mantis - shake it.Terrible..) *3


Chapter [-] Hackron is born

After all, the fire-breathing dragon is the magical treasure that Ash received when he set off, so his relationship with Ash is also very good, but Ash's fire-breathing dragon has not suffered from being abandoned by the trainer in the past, so it is said that there is no Jenny Turtle and Frog Seeds are too attached to Ash, and Jenny Turtle and Frog Seeds are so attached to Ash, a trainer who is very good to them, because of their abandoned past.Maybe this is the result of different experiences.

In view of the fact that Xiaozhi's own gang of bear-level Pokémon are too naughty, in order to prevent him from wearing more pendants in the future, Xiaozhi can only choose to accompany him to help the real bears,

of course

Xiaozhi's side has become a spectacle almost because of the Jenny Turtle. After all, anyone who sees a variety of Pokémon hanging on them will want to take a closer look.

And because of Ash's gang of able-bodied magical treasures. - Gengar and the others who were hiding in the shadows of Xiaozhi and the others also ran out to make trouble.To put it bluntly, the three more arrogant children began to Kuma Xiaozhi with the second gang of bear children, which made Xiaozhi himself very helpless.

And Pikachu Meow Meow they have already chosen to retreat strategically, and the province has been affected.

"Actually, Xiao Zhi is also very tired sometimes, they are one by one..."_

Nazi looks small

Tomo will not only be scrambled by a bunch of bear children Kuma but also by Shanaido and the others. Although she wanted to laugh very much, she still held back in order not to make Xiaozhi sad.

"Well, it's alright. Xiao Zhi suffered from this crime before. Do you think the overlords in the back mountain of our family are all so powerful from the beginning _ _?"

Laughing and telling the dark history of the former overlords, Lin felt that it would be more interesting to talk about it, and Miankena also smiled and said.

"You said so, I remembered happy eggs, but I liked to eat crispy babies very much at that time."

Saying that, Kona looked at the happy egg sitting beside them, but luckily

Fudan smiled and touched her head. In fact, she thought she was still a baby.

"Xiao Zhi really worked hard.

Xiaoxia couldn't help but sighed when she heard so much Xiaozhi's past.

- 3 secant lines one by one

Ash and the others are still on their journey. I have something to do in Kena, so they didn't travel with Ash, but one of Ash's old friends came back.


When the huge fast dragon came to Xiao Zhi and the others, this guy was in a very good mood.And seeing him like this, Xiaozhi knew that Harkron was probably already

Successfully laid eggs.

"Oh, look, look, with that smile on your face, it looks like you're in a good mood."

Being teased by Xiaozhi like this, the giant fast dragon is not shy, but he hugged Xiaozhi's shoulder and said telepathically.

"That's right, I'll tell you that not only is there no problem with Hackron's body, but also Laozi's eggs are full of momentum. In the future, he will definitely be able to reach a higher level of existence." My wife came here after giving birth"

"Oh? Don't you want to accompany Hacron?

To be honest, Xiao Zhi also has a huge fast dragon who will accompany him more.

Kron's did not expect it to come so soon.And the giant fast dragon said with a smile.

"It's okay, don't underestimate our Pokémon and your Nana Jiang."

And the huge fast dragon came just after finishing the communication of Nanamei.And after seeing the huge fast dragon, Nanami smiled.

"Chuan looks like the huge fast dragon has arrived. Then you should already know that 3 Huck dragons have been born, and there are more than one. I have to say that Huck dragons are really powerful."

After speaking, Nanami turned her body sideways and let Xiaozhi look at the Pokémon eggs that were cultivating blood.

"As you can see, now I

We've put them in an insulated environment, and we'll let the harkeron incubate them once they've done a thorough examination of their bodies. "

Looking at the Pokémon egg in the incubator, Ash nodded, but said quietly. _

"Take a rest when you're tired. Don't do research like Dr. Taimu all day long."

Hearing Satoshi say that, Nami smiled or.

"Don't worry, I'm measured, but you have to pay attention to rest yourself, um, no, it should be abstinence."

Sister Nanami, how about I go back to find you?"

I heard Ash say that, Nana

Beauty blushed. After a moment, she still said.

"Take part in your preparations for your game, you little pervert."

After talking, Nanamei ended the communication, and at this time Kuailong was looking at Xiaozhi with a cheap expression.

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