Chapter [-] Rockets: We're here, we're lying down

- "Ma'am, are you thinking about getting too heavy?!"

Hearing the huge fast dragon say so, Xiaozhi silently pushed its head aside and said

"I'm not in a hurry, who is like this guy like you...,

"Boss, you can't say that. No matter what I say here, it's not easy to have descendants. I must be happy, but I'll remind you here. The news of my descendants is estimated that the Yulong 2 clan should also know. Now, don't let them get close to my children's eggs. They are really staring at my eggs like old perverts. I really don't know if they have special hobbies.


Xiaozhi and the others didn't know how to comment when they heard the giant fast dragon say that. But the giant fast dragon loves to say what you want to say, after all, who made the family the ancestor of the fast dragon family?__The giant fast dragon came back On Xiaozhi's side, Xiaozhi's personal safety is even higher. Although Xiaozhi's own force value is actually very high, after all, this world is still dominated by elves. Even human weapons are actually used by many elves. It's useless at all, after all, you use human weapons to deal with divine beasts? That's basically useless, not to mention whether you can break the defense, even if you completely anger the divine beast afterwards, the consequences are not something that humans can bear. Of course, it seems like before Xiaozhi among others

The masked man the world encountered may be considered an alternative, but he was able to succeed only by borrowing the power of his own little boar, and Ash had actually heard from his voyeuristic fiancee, Arceus, that he wanted to deal with it. It can be done by Arceus at will. This is the horror of the creator god.

Therefore, if there is a big fast dragon around Xiao Zhi, there is indeed a very good guarantee for the safety of Xiao Zhi's life. At least the huge fast dragon puts the deterrent power of the big fast dragon there.

One by one dividing line - one by one

When Ash and the others went to see the next town, the three old men of Ash were waiting for Ash and the others.

's arrival

At this time, Ou Lang stared at Xiaozhi and the others with a look of revenge on his face, and Musashi and Miaomiao did the same.

"Damn guy, I was hunted down by Lu Meijia so that's all. This time I'll make you pay the price."

On the side of "That's right, meow", we want to make the kid look good at two points! In order to succeed this time, we have dug a lot of traps in this area. Next, we only need to wait for them to enter the ambush area.."_

"Hey hey" *3_

As the three people waited for Xiaozhi, they also slowly walked into the ambush circle of the three people. And seeing this

After this situation, Miaomiao shouted excitedly.

"It's now! Check it out!"


With a loud noise, Kojiro Musashi rushed towards Xiaozhi and the others excitedly, but when they saw Nazi, Shanaido and Hudi floating Xiaozhi in the air with their superpowers, they were all stunned for a moment. , and then the cold sweat came down.

"Ahahaha. Long time no see, so you guys can fly~""*3_

However, Xiao Zhi and the others did not respond to the three of them, but looked at their feet unexpectedly.

"Do you have superpowers too?"

Nazi looked at the three of them in amazement and the three Rockets were stunned when they heard Nazi's words.

"We also have superpowers?"

"Yeah, didn't you notice your feet?"

Lin looked at the three with a look of surprise, and of course she reminded them at the right time.

"Uh? We are 3"

Hearing what Lin said, the three Rockets looked at their feet, and then they found that it was a big pit.

"Wow, is this the pit we dug?

"Looks like hey",



"It's better than being bored, go _⊥_!!"*3_

With the screams of the three, they fell into the pit they dug and went straight to the ground. _


Chapter [-] Arceus: You go to know the beast

"Shaozhi, do we really want to save the Arrows?"

When Xiao Zhi and the others went down to the underground cave together, Xiao Xia couldn't help being a little scared when she saw the cave linked to the main water channel, and Xiao Zhi said while calling out the fire-breathing dragon.

"Well, Sister Junsha here and I have complained about the monster in the sewer, so I just happened to check it out, and I don't have to worry about the issue of safety and messiness.

Xiaozhi and Miaomiao took out a few protective gear together, and even the ones from Duck and the others.

"Come on, let's put on protective gear first. At least we don't have to worry about the smell."

".You are quite prepared,"_

Nazi was a little surprised to see these things Xiao Zhi prepared, and Xiao Zhi said - while putting on protective equipment.

"It's nothing, help Sister Junsha to solve the problem of that Mr. Shi."_

"On the long question"*3.

"That's right, just an idiot, thinking about whether he can be re-elected all day, but he doesn't pay attention to the things that really should be solved. This kind of guy thinks that as long as he keeps the information blockade, he can be re-elected? Hahaha..

After speaking, Xiaozhi showed a sign to Xiaoxia and the others.

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