"Recently, the new duty that the chief Junsha gave me, the special investigator. It can be regarded as having the right to the chief."

The three of them were speechless when they saw the sign that Xiao Zhi brought over.After all, isn't this right a bit too big?

"Xiaozhi L, why did Patriarch Junsha give you this.. Is this right _ a little bit of wife 3"

After all, Lin and Xiao Zhi have met a lot of worldly people together.Now that I see this, I know what kind of terrifying rights Xiao Zhi has.

"Huh? This is the fate of the voyeur.

With a show fist on thin feather's head, Arceus is solid

Leaning out in the air, he said.

"I'm not peeping at you now. I'll know what you want me to say. But I can hear you when you say bad things about me."

"Look, isn't this a voyeur?"


Holding Ash's face with both hands, Arceus looked at Ash seriously.

"Be careful I bite you!".

"Above or below"

"Don't change the subject with dirty jokes!_"

Release Ash, Arceus looked at Ash unhappy and said e

"Since you like to call me so

Voyeur, then I have to prepare something small for you.Listen up!. As my unmarried, you still need to let other divine beasts know of your existence.So Cong from now on, if you can find the divine beast, remember to check it out and let them understand the relationship between you and me. "

After finishing speaking, Arceus pulled thin feathers with a gleam in his eyes.

"Let them know that the old lady is not single anymore"

".Excuse me, how many years have you been single? Am I a little disadvantaged?,"

"You're a jerk! Now what the reporter's wife is saying! Then hurry up and find a chance to get married, I can't live

I am very interested in eggs, and I have prepared a lot of parenting books here, and I am just about to fight. ”. Ask for flowers___Q

After finishing speaking, Arceus was in the void first.And Xiaozhi and the others pulled the corners of their mouths. Pikachu patted Xiaozhi's face and screamed.

"Pickup...". (I feel like you will have a hard time in the future...) _

"I know Pikachu...but_for now, that's it

However, when Bu Zhi turned his head, he found that Na Zi was holding back a smile.

"How funny is this?"

"Nothing .. just didn't expect _ she was ready to give birth

Children's books.hahaha"

"Hey Nazi, do you know what you look like in my eyes now?

"like what?"

"Silly wife. m."

"Pfft, hahaha, that's interesting too. You can keep me anyway, right?

Na Zi was not angry when Xiao Zhi called her a stupid wife, but felt that the title was quite good.Very close.

To be honest, Xiaozhi is still very relieved to see Nazi like this now, 2 At least Nazi doesn't have the cold feeling she used to have.When Xiaozhi first saw Nazi when he was a child, Xiaozhi wondered if she was

is a doll.

And now. . . . . . just a _ silly daughter-in-law.It's not bad that someone with such a low laugh likes to laugh...

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi began to slowly enter the sewer. At least Xiao Zhi wanted to see what kind of Pokémon this monster in the sewer was. If you could, it would be better to bring it out than to stay in the sewer.

Chapter [-] You Are Really Wise

"Damn. ⊥⊥_⊥ there are monsters! 1⊥⊥⊥"*3

How should I say it, should it be said that it is the Rockets? Xiaozhi and the others just said about the monsters, and their screams came over, and when they heard their screams, Xiaozhi looked at each other and ran away. In the past, because Xiao Zhi was wearing protective equipment, he couldn't move too fast, so when Xiao Zhi and the others passed, the three Rockets and the monsters had already disappeared.

"Well, they were caught or escaped 2"

Xiaolu looked around and there were no signs of battle, and she didn't know what happened to "Four One Earth", and

Xiao Zhi said e after being silent for a while

"It should have run away. Otherwise, they will definitely call for help. But this sewer problem.."_

"Who is there!"

Just as Xiao Zhi was talking, a voice suddenly came from above a few people, and then a Junsha looked at Xiao Zhi and the others.And Xiaozhi said to Junsha through protective equipment.

"Sister Junsha, I am investigating."

Hearing this, Sister Junsha, Junsha was stunned for a moment, but she quickly reacted.

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