"Xiao Zhi? You are here,

Come up first. "

"Um.. don't we need to continue_investigate-next?"

"Forget it. After all, you guys are coming from the sewers. If there is too much noise, it will cause panic. Our mayor, I have also been with you."

Hearing Junsha say this, Shaozhi scratched his head speechlessly, but because he was wearing protective equipment, what he scratched was the head of the dumb beast shrunk together in Xiaozhi's huge protective suit.

"All right,

After Xiao Zhi and the others came out of the sewers, they didn't rush to the Continental Hotel. Instead, they needed to prove their identities first, although Junsha could prove it.

Yes, but the necessary procedures still have to go. "Bowl. 6. Yuan" Well, your identities have been determined, you can come out. "

After checking with other people in the police station and confirming their identities, Junsha also brought Xiaozhi and the others out, but soon Xiaozhi finally knew what Junsha was - the mayor of Suguhacao .

"Oops, why let them out? Can't we wait until the election is over?"

With a chubby man - whining and walking in.Xiao Zhi raised his eyebrows when he heard his words.

And Junsha said helplessly, s

"Mayor, they have nothing to do with the monsters in the sewer, you are wrong

After finishing speaking, Junsha gave Xiaozhi a wink again. After seeing it, Xiaozhi silently took out a small notebook and recorded it with Miaomiao.

"Uh, are you journalists?_"

"No, it's just recording our trip. You continue.."

"Really, there are really everyone now, I tell you Miss Junsha. These guys might as well be locked up until the election is over."

"Hmmmm.." *2_,

Xiaoxialin and Nazi watch Xiaozhi and Miaomiao always remember

Recording the mayor's situation can't help but leave a drop of cold sweat, the mayor may not know what terrible things will happen to him..._

"Well, mayor, why do you have to keep us locked up until the election is over? You have to know that we are normal travelers, right?" I can now teleport.Mr. Ren said he would ask you there

While talking, Xiaozhi and Miaomiao took out the recording tool and started recording. Maybe the mayor was really a little stupid, but he really explained to Xiaozhi and the others.

"Hmph, of course it's because I'm afraid of you walking around with monsters. Do you know that if you are allowed to walk around here

Will this news have much impact on my upcoming election?

Listening to the mayor's self-destruction, Junsha and Lin didn't know what to say.

'This mayor, can't be a fool?,

Xiaoxia looked at the mayor and really didn't know how to comment on Mr. Mayor's operation. After all, this really lowered her IQ a bit.

And Xiaozhi and Miaomiao and even Pikachu nodded seriously and continued to record something.

"How do you say it, you really like your mayor's seat."_

"Isn't that of course!. In order to be able to connect

Mayor, I am really struggling here.

- "Well, I feel that you are very tired and need to rest. It's better to take a longer rest."

Silently took the note back, Xiaozhi stood up and pulled Xiaoxia and the others out.

"I have to say that your operation is really wise, and I am willing to bow down"

Chapter [-] Prepare for the show

"What are you doing here! Why go out? L Junsha, hurry up and arrest them."

When he saw Xiao Zhi and the others walking out, the mayor felt that his face was a bit unbearable. However, when facing the mayor, not only Junsha but also the police did not speak. After all, the special inspection on identity authentication The words of the official are dazzling! Oh my God, Patriarch Junsha, we know that your old man wants to remind us that this is a powerful master.But there is no need to make it too glittery font ⊥

Of course these knowledgeable cops are leaf slots.But they all just silently watched Xiaozhi and Miaomiao keep recording the poisonous words and even the mayor's words.

He even took out the recording and recorded it. In short, when the mayor revealed his desire for re-election in a narcissistic manner, Xiao Zhi pointed at his head to the police officers beside him.The 19th police officers also understood that. -

"Your mayor is out of his mind 9

'Sorry, we didn't expect it to be late _ you'll have to worry about it' one

In those two moments, everyone smiled knowingly.

However, Xiaozhi still did not get rid of the chattering mayor. Finally, in a reception room, Junsha told Xiaozhi and the others about the Guanyu sewer monster. To put it bluntly, they were always stealing things.

Monsters.. but no injuries happened which is a blessing in disguise

"So if the monster in the sewer lets the citizens know about my re-election."

'Don't wait.Your re-election is over&#;*_-

Xiao Xana, Zilin and Jun Sha looked at Xiao Zhi who was taking notes there and couldn't help but laugh. I really didn't know how stupid the mayor was.

And Sanji nodded silently after listening to the mayor's eloquent words, then confirmed with Pikachu Meow, shook his head speechlessly, and then touched the head of the dumb beast lying on his lap and thought.

"It's really superb, I feel that Jahwa is really not as smart as you guys.

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