Then. With Xiaozhi calling out Shanaido, Shanaido began to use super powers to open the way with Nazi.But Shanaido is very cool here.Very impressive. Because she is now huddled in the same protective gear as Ash. , she can now hold Xiao Zhi wantonly.

"Sana! 1.⊥.⊥" (Thank you, Mrs. Arceus, for giving me this opportunity ⊥ Go on" My dear body is really good⊥ As expected of my dear, it's really good to exercise!⊥


"Shanaido.... Don't you think __ your expression is weird now?"

Glancing at his own Shanaido Xiaozhi, he didn't know why this once-beautiful and lovely daughter-like child became more and more strange.It seems that there is time to find N to ask. Room.Hey, if it wasn't for taking pictures with Lucario, maybe the waveguide that I have now should be able to understand Shanaido's words..._ - ,

Although I think so.But Ash will never regret what he did. It would be a huge regret if Lucario wasn't in the photo at that time.


However, at most, Xiao Zhi is a little unsure about the strange situation of Shanaido.What an annoying guy...L_

Happy Egg is quite upset when she sees Shanaido being crazy about Xiaozhi's cheapness, but who made her too fit to be in a protective suit with Xiaozhi..._ ,

And just when Shanaido was crazy to take advantage of Xiaozhi, Xiaozhi and the others finally found the so-called monster in the sewer, two very large frog seeds e.

"Little Seeds!"

When Frog Seeds saw Ash and the others, they didn't show any aggressive tendencies.Instead, she cried out happily.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Zhi almost guessed what was going on.

"The seed of the wonderful frog that is close to people? It seems to be abandoned, right?"

While talking, Xiaozhi came out of the protective gear under the regretful eyes of Shanaido and touched the head of the big wonderful frog seed.


"Good boy, good boy. Really what kind of fool would abandon a good boy like you? Well... .I see"___

Look at the big sign that is tied around the neck of the Frog Seed.Xiao Zhi is really familiar with it.Talked to them before

The one that made Ash speechless. The mayor's...__

And just when Ash was helpless for the speechless and brain-dead mayor, the Rockets had already met the special action team that the mayor sent underground.Of course, this time the Rockets were a little bit shocked rm-

Chapter [-] This is a tasteful chapter

What to say.The arrow team is actually quite unlucky. Xiaozhi has always wanted to rescue these three, but these three are running too fast, so they can always run by themselves when they are about to be rescued, plus these three. Reaction makes frog seeds in the sewer feel fun... so

They are actually the group that was taken care of by too wonderful frog seeds. Of course, being scared for so long makes everyone angry, not to mention the Rockets. Playing ghosts is scary, too.

However, when the Rockets trio disguised as ghosts and the special action team organized by the sbi leader came to the rescue, the picture was not too good.

nice.Kojiro and the others were almost buried by sticky bullets.

After receiving the news from the special action team, Ji Yu gave the most stupid order in his life, and this order also made the whole city a legend.

"Close all sewer openings immediately 1⊥!"

That's right, this is the order. When he heard the order, Jun Sha_ was almost scared to death by him.It turns out that there are really such mentally disabled people in the world 3 L

With this idea in mind, Junsha still uses a special device to contact Xiaozhi and the others who are still in the sewers, and Xiaozhi heard about sh

!After the long command, he pouted and touched the head of the big wonderful frog seed and looked at Xiaoxia and the others with a troublesome smile.

"Oh, since he killed himself, what I'm going to do next is very

Saying that, Ash took Shanaido and Nazi's hands and pulled them aside and whispered.

And as Nazi heard Xiao Zhi's plan, her eyes radiated endless light of trouble, and Shanaido also silently nodded to listen to Xiao Zhi's words.

"Wow, Xiaozhi, you are too rough. But I like it~"

"Shanai" (don't worry darling, I'll let the bad guys know they'll regret it


Looking at Nazi's excited smile.Lin and Xiaoxia found out that things are not simple

Dividing line--

At this moment, the fat boss in the sbi palace was bathing happily, and in his opinion, his re-election this time was already a certainty.

"Oops... it's not easy. I'm so hard... I've been nervous for so long for a damn sewer monster, and now I can finally rest well... But... why does it feel like a strange _ 2"

Lying in the bathtub. Shi Chang also noticed that something was wrong, instead of

It's just that people in almost the entire city have found something wrong, and the smell of the second sewer is constantly challenging their nerves, and some people think strangely.

"drain is choked up?"

And just as some of them probed to look at their toilets, a - z vibration occurred.After that, the endless excrement was sprayed out with the backlash of the sewer, and some people were looking at their toilets.The consequence is that u_

"Ah ah ah, you can go to _⊥! 1⊥ The toilet is fried ⊥⊥ Mountain ⊥⊥⊥"

"Ah ah ah ⊥_ L!_ 1 Help, where did you come from ⊥⊥⊥⊥

It's such a famous poop" LL! "

"Help! 11! Ambulance! ⊥⊥⊥, my husband was shot in the head by Xiang 1. !"⊥"

That day, Jinghao filled the whole city.Endless filth spewed out of people's windows, and pedestrians in the street enjoyed the most terrifying: the most terrifying disaster e

The sky begins to fly freely! Please pay attention to L, the flying here refers to a kind of thing L

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