And our Mr. Shi Chang is even more tragic, can you imagine the scene of endless filth spewing from under his bathtub when a person is taking a shower? Can you imagine a person taking a hot bath

When all the hot water is turned into a soup, is it a scene?

Our Mr. Shi Chang felt _ ⊥ and couldn't get in. He also grew out of his mouth because he was so shocked that endless filth rushed into his mouth.If Ash sees it, he will yell.Too cruel ⊥,

When Ash and the others came out of the sewers destroyed by Xiangshui.The whole city has entered a kind of fairy realm.

"Wow, I've never seen this scene before..."

"Jenny." (It's scarier than me playing a prank with canned herring..J)_

"Pickup" (

This city is afraid: I am afraid it needs to be purified.)_

"Meow. Let's wait for this first. How about going out after the flying state is over?

"Good idea Meow. I think you're right, at least now we're going out there will be psychological shadows... God. This _ scene is just... ugh..."__

In the end, since Xiaozhi himself may not be able to stand this scene, Xiaozhi and the others. In the end, we still find a place where there is no flying state for the time being. At the same time, Xiaozhi also needs to take advantage of this time to give Nazi a good breath.Because of the horror of this scene, Na Zi was about to burst out laughing.


Chapter [-]: Grapefruit Gym?I'm going to prepare the weapon

- "Mr. Shi Chang! Why did our city become a flying disaster area 1_"

"Long Shi! My husband was headshot by Xiang Shan and is still receiving treatment in the hospital. Don't you think you should explain it better? Little"

"Mr. Shi Chang, now the entire _ city has been covered with traces of Xiang, should you take the lead in cleaning it up?"

At this time, our venerable Mr. Shi was completely surrounded by angry citizens. They looked at our dear Mr. Shi as if they saw the enemy who killed his father, and our Mr. Shi did not know at this time. what to say

what.Now he still has a bunch of flies on him that haven't been cleaned up yet.The second speech in the mouth is a mouthful of flavor.

"Cough, listen to my explanation, this matter

"I think you'd better organize people to clean up all these dirty things instead of explaining it now... Could it be that you want to wait for these things to be fermented by the sun?"

Hearing this voice, shiK turned his head immediately, and saw Xiao Zhi and the others who were wearing protective clothing.

"I know you guys are here⊥. You must be the one who did it, right!"

"Don't make trouble, I feel disgusted when you talk to you.


After speaking, Xiaozhi directly took out the special search warrant and said._Daoye

"I, the chief of the Junsha clan, specially designated the special investigator L to make the final judgment on you, the chief!"_

“SHI 1. What!⊥. On”

When Shi Chang saw Xiao Zhi's investigation officer's certificate, he was stunned for a moment. _ And Jun Sha, Joey, and Police Officer A saluted Xiao Zhi in a group.

"Mr. Investigator!_"

Xiao Zhi also solemnly returned the salute and then said. ,

"Thank you, everyone. I have collected sh here.

I have all the evidence of negligence. , start playing now! ".

After speaking, Xiao Zhi snapped his fingers, and then the whole city began to broadcast various god-level words of our Mr. shiK_. A and the focus is on that day __

"For re-election!. Go l!"

"You go up⊥⊥⊥"

Shi Chang looked at Xiao Zhi and they didn't know what to say now. And Xiao Zhi continued.

"By the way, in order to prevent the so-called sewer monster from letting him be re-elected, he ordered all sewers to be re-elected.

It's closed, and... the so-called sewer monster is actually your frog seed.. It shouldn't be said that it's the frog seed that you abandoned?"

Saying that, Xiaozhi took a famous brand e from the neck of the big wonderful frog seed.

Your name is written on it.

"Uh.. The action team attack quickly! They are the sinners who disturb the city⊥!

At this time, Chief Shi can already be said to be panicking and choosing a path. He can even say such a thing. Before the action team moves, Shanai Duo, Da Duck and Dumb Beast will show their power. Along with the three Pokémon Launched the special action team of psychic power and flew upside down directly under the ability of psychic power

Go out, and Ash was also a little angry at this time.Originally, when he saw his master, he still had the slightest hope that he could take him back, but it turned out to be like this, but just when the seeds of the wonderful frog were supposed to teach Shi Chang some lessons, Xiao Zhi patted its head and said. .

"Don't make trouble, his whole body is now covered with Xiang, which you gave back?_"

Hearing Xiaozhi say it was too wonderful, frog seeds were also stunned for a moment, but then they responded and nodded, not intending to dirty their rattan.But if the big frog seeds don't do it, it doesn't mean that Xiaozhi won't do it.

"Jiangan you are too talented, I will let you

Just calm down - get off, Shanaido get up"

"Sana⊥" (The dead fat uncle gave the old lady a second flight, let's ⊥ Mountain⊥⊥⊥)

As Shanaido activated his mind power, Shi Chang directly flew out backwards. ,

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