"How is that possible. That's a hundred thousand volts, come on."

Looking at Ah Yi's appearance, Xiao Zhi hugged the snake-patterned bear lying on his head - while stroking his head - and said.

"The only electrical Pokémon I have with me when I travel now is a Pikachu, do you know why?"

"For. Why?"_

"Because my Pikachu is the strongest Pikachu, let them see your true strength, Electric Ball!"


on." (Electric Ball 3 then

Pikachu completely absorbed the [-] volts of the electric shock beast just now, and then jumped down to the empty insect.And with Pikachu jumping into the air, the endless electric land began to converge on its tail, and after the electric shock was settled, a large terrifying electric ball appeared in everyone's eyes.

"It's so good!" 35 Come and feel it - let's go, let's go up, the real strength of my strongest Electric Pokémon Pikachu, let's go Pikachu!"

"Pikachu! ⊥⊥!!"

With Pikachu's strength, the electric ball with a huge tail slowly fell from the sky and smashed it towards the electric beast.

And the electric shock beast has no way to escape now and can only choose to take this move, A, so he puts out his stance and tries to resist it with all his strength.

"Hooer⊥⊥!" (Come on"_ !⊥⊥)

With the roar of the electric shock beast, his figure was submerged in the terrifying electric ball.

"Electric Beast⊥⊥_⊥!!"

when it's all over.Ayi's electric shock beast was already lying on the ground, and Xiao Zhi looked at the electric shock beast and said

"Don't worry, Dengeki is an Electric Pokémon after all, so it's not too much of a problem for him, and Pikachu is also

Adjusted the power of the electric ball to the minimum e"

Hearing Xiao Zhi say this, Ayi looked at his electric shock beast again and was relieved after confirming that he really had no major problems.

"Thank you for your mercy. You have worked hard, come back.",

It must be a bit of a headache to take the electric shock beast back to Ayi. He didn't think that Xiao Zhi's skin (co_ce) Kachu's fighting power is so terrible, so what about other Pokémon 2

But after thinking about it, Ayi still sent out his next Pokémon.

"The first match is a grass-based duel, so let's go to the coconut tree!"

see Ayi

Already changed Pokémon, Pikachu also carried his little hand back to Ash's side and jumped on Ash's shoulder, and Ash also sent out his own grass-type Pokémon to see Da Miao wow seeds e

"Uh... such a big frog seed_

Ayi looked at Xiaozhi's wonderful frog seed and couldn't help but be a little speechless, how did this wonderful frog seed grow so big?

And the too wonderful frog seed smiled and looked at Xiaozhi, and then the anus with sharp eyes hit the coconut egg tree on the opposite side. This is the zth time it fought for Xiaozhi.

And Ayi looked at Xiaozhi's big wonderful frog seed and knew that he couldn't use grass skills

Fighting against Ash, or else he might be easily countered just like Pikachu just now.

"Egg tree hypnotizes frog seeds with hypnotism⊥"

"Frog Seeds, close your eyes, and just follow my instructions."

"on the seed"

It can be said to be quite trusting in the seeds of the little smart frog.Therefore, when the hypnosis of the coconut palm came towards it, the frog seeds directly closed their eyes. In this case, the hypnosis of the coconut palm is directly ineffective.

"Very good, the seeds of the wonderful frog will directly spread the paralysis powder to the entire field."

"on the seed"

The large size of the giant frog seeds also makes him have a better performance when using skills. In this case, spreading the paralysis powder on the entire field is very easy for the giant frog seeds.

And the coconut palm tree is out of luck.Under the influence of the paralysis powder, the coconut egg tree was directly paralyzed, and Xiao Zhi also said at this time.

"Shoot parasitic seeds right in front of you!"

"seed ⊥_"

"Not good!. Hurry up and avoid the coconut tree!

Although Ayi wanted to avoid the coconut palm tree. However, the effect of paralysis was that the coconut palm tree could not move at all, and in this situation, the wonderful frog species was sinking.

The parasitic seeds of the son easily parasitized the egg tree and then began to absorb its stamina.

At this time, the coconut palm tree also completely entered a state of weakness.

"Okay one last hit!"

"Seed ⊥⊥_⊥"

Even if it was the final impact, Frog Seed still didn't open his eyes. He just kept sprinting in the direction that Xiao Zhi said, which made Ayi unable to start at all, and could only watch his coconut egg tree in Miao Frog. Under the impact of the seed, it flew out and completely lost its ability to fight.

"The Coconut Egg Tree has lost its ability to fight, and the winner is the Frog Seed!"

"Okay, Frog Seeds can open their eyes, you have won."

"on the seed"

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