Hearing that he had won the wonderful frog seed, he ran to Xiao Zhi happily.And Xiaozhi also smiled and hugged it.

"not bad."


At this time, the wonderful frog seed laughed like a child. _


Chapter [-]: Jenny Turtle: Newcomer, you are very arrogant


"Er.. Although I_ know that you like me a lot, Frog Seeds, but we still have the next competition here. Do you want to wait a moment?"


At this time, Xiao Zhi was a little helpless holding the wonderful frog seed. After the child won, he stayed in his arms and couldn't come out.It makes Ash don't know what to say. Of course, Ash doesn't care about this, but there is still a game after all.._

On the other hand, Ayi looked at the big wonderful frog seed and nodded clearly.

"As expected of a big deal.,Even a Pokémon can do it

With such a high level of intimacy s I learned. "

'What did you learn 21_'*N

At this time, Xiaozhi and Nazi listened to Ayi's words and didn't know what this guy wanted to express, but Bi Yi Xiaozhi and the others knew that Ayi was the type who has been single for a long time.

"I always feel that Ayi seems to have misunderstood something..."

Xiaoxia looked at Ayi with her Pokerby in her arms, and looked at Xiaozhi with a look of admiration. She couldn't help but feel a little cold. This Ayi will not be a super intimacy between Xiaozhi and a Pokémon. 22 is also u

Lin looked at Ayi and they were speechless at the end

said e

"It's okay, I guess it's just a misunderstanding. Let's just leave it alone. To be honest, we can't control it either.."

"It's very interesting, I'm a little interested."

Hearing Lin say this, Na Zi's eyes radiated endless brilliance, and little Ibrahimovic, who was held in her arms, also nodded as if planning to make a big move together.

"Okay, don't make a fuss. The last _ city thing was enough for you to laugh for a long time.. _

"Pfft_you're right!"

Thinking of what happened in the last city, Nazi wanted to laugh now.That's a taste

I don't know what bloody mold was poured into that city. I encountered such a top-notch shit. It actually sealed all the sewers.Even if Xiao Zhi and the others don't have a superpower to counterattack. , Soon the city will be soaring, toilet crazy.

On the other hand, because the wonderful frog seeds are too clingy, Ash can only pick him up and continue the game.

"Sorry, it's a bit clingy with the child, let's continue."

"Okay Taishi, although I have already lost, I still want to witness your water-type Pokémon, so let's go! Jewel starfish!"



Seeing Xiaoxia's signature Pokémon gem starfish Xiaozhi couldn't help but smile.

"How do you say it, you actually took out a Pokémon that I am very familiar with, you are out of luck. Next, you should get on the jenny turtle!"

"Jenny on 11⊥." Is it okay to let you go to the competition, don't slap me in the face as soon as you come out?, D When Xiaozhi released the jenny turtle.Jenny Turtle didn't rush to the game, but instead threw himself on Xiao Zhi's face to show his closeness.

"Benny o!" (I'm the father's favorite trial!.) 9

Jenny Turtle looked towards Lie

In Xiaozhi's arms, the Great Frog Seed issued his own warning. The Great Frog Seed laughed and called s

"Seed~" (then I will challenge it now)

"Jenny!" (You are very arrogant as a newcomer, so today I will show you how powerful the number one bear child is under the father's seat". )

After finishing speaking, the jenny turtle jumped down from Xiaozhi's face and then arrogantly looked at the opposite gem starfish.

"Jenny!" (let's swallow and let you see the power of the bear child! )

Jewel Starfish suddenly had an ominous premonition when looking at the Jenny Turtle, and it felt that the next

You may be unlucky.

And Ayi didn't know that the most troublesome thing under Xiaozhi's hands was the Muni turtle. At this time, Ayi had prepared his own tactics.

"Come on! MusicL gem. Let the starfish dance to the music⊥!

Hearing Ayi's words, Ayi's subordinates hurriedly played the music, and the gem starfish also began to rotate along with the music, and the head of Xiaozhi's jenny turtle was full of too many question marks.

"Jenny?_" (what are they doing?)

And watching the constantly spinning gem starfish Xiaozhi thought for a while and said to the jenny fish.

"I think. He might be trying to dodge the dance steps 2. In that case... Zegna L uses poison gas L!"

"What! Jenny Turtles gas?!

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