After speaking, Jill Luta looked at a slate in his collection.There is a prophecy written on it.The Dark Warrior will lead his comrades to quell the war. "

"The hero of darkness? What kind of existence will it be?"

With that in mind, Gilroy controlled the aircraft, deployed her weapon, and fired a cannonball towards the Fire Island.And when these shells hit the Isle of Fire,

Formed into cold ice cubes, it was like Xiang provoking the authority of the flaming bird.

"Fire⊥⊥⊥" Go broke through the ice with a fiery flame, and the little hard bird emerged from the endless heat.


The flaming bird angrily looked at the huge aircraft that provoked itself, spewing flames, and rushed towards the existence that dared to provoke itself.However, in the face of the flame bird's attack, Jill Lutai just said with an indifferent expression.

"Sure enough, it's still too tender. It seems that this year's God of Fire is really just a resignation. You are right, my friend, the God of Fire, the Stone of Thunder and the God of Ice are almost the same.

The same situation as the son inheriting his father's business.Then let me see what you can do. "

After speaking, Jill Lutai began to control the aircraft to launch two ice bombs at the flame bird.

In the face of these attacks, the flame bird counterattacked while avoiding it, but it was useless. With a mistake of the flame bird, he was hit by an ice bomb and Jill Luta seized the opportunity to release the capture device.

Firebird, hit by the ice bomb, tried to struggle but it was too late. , Capture Tools Easy Pro Flaming Bird Capture..With the powerful electric current the flame bird was brought to the day of the flying machine.

And Gilroy's

said with a smile

"Okay, the first step is completed, then you can wait. But you are right, old friend, otherwise I would not be able to capture the flame bird so easily."

After speaking, Jill Luta's control chair slowly descended L. When she looked at the captured flame bird, Jill Lutai just smiled-down

"It's too tender. It seems too early to hand over the seat of the God of Fire to you, so please feel sorry for yourself. Please stay here as my collection for a while."

Maybe Jill Lutai controlled the seat to slowly rise, and the flame bird heard that Jill Lutai said that she was too tender.

Instead of being angry, he looked to the side 1. It is indeed too tender, and if it was its parents, it would not have been caught.

However, even though this flaming bird is too tender in Jill's mouth, it still has the responsibility of affecting the weather. A Therefore, with the capture of the flame bird, the weather in the world began to change. Of course, this is not a disaster, but a warning. It is a warning that Pokémon and humans have been captured.

On the other hand, Xiao Zhi and the others were on their way to Asia Island on the ship of a captain named Xiao Mei, and this time, in order to have fun, Xiao Zhi and the others also released their Pokémon.

Not to mention the Pikachu Snake Bear and the Pikachu Snake Bear that Xiao Zhi has been by his side as a pendant, and the Pokemon that Xiao Zhi released are not enough for Captain Mei's ship, but it doesn't matter, after all, famous Pokemon do not need a foothold. .

Monarch Minas snake and rice spoon snake swimming in the sea, hot monkey, fire-breathing dragon, old flying mantis and rumbling rock - standing on the boat and looking at the sea, wind speed dog Azhisolu great wolf dog Helujia lying together Beside Xiaozhi, Xiaozhi's flaming horse and Lin's little Bima are chatting about something together, and Xiaozhi's giant pincer mantis and Lin's Fei, Tianmantis are: - training together.Xiaozhi's Bibi Diao is flying with the Big Bibi Bird that Lin just captured

Here, the three-headed dragons Taishin and the Fossil Pterosaur patrol the sky to ensure their safety. Xiaozhi's Tyrannosaurus is smiling at Xiaoxia's Tyrannosaurus, Crystal Taiyan Snake and Poisonous Stinger Jellyfish play in the sea. Coconut-shaped Hu Di sat quietly and meditated, while the mini-dragons gathered to listen to what the giant fast dragon was doing.

[-]: The carby beast on the King Howler Whale - while eating the dessert that Xiao Zhigang gave him, he carefully prevented Chenglong next to him from stealing his portion, and the wonderful frog flower stood on the King Whale watching Looking at the surface of the water, it is also very surprising. The water swordfish is slowly swimming with Xiaozhi's giant stinger jellyfish and Xiaoxia's Pokémon.

And like Ash's Two Days Frog Seed.Jenny Fish, Happy Egg, Shanaido, these are all gathered around Xiaozhi, one by one, holding Xiaozhi, so that the Duck Duck and the Dumb beast in Xiaozhi's backpack feel a little crowded. And the fat Gong and Xiao Ibrahimovic held Xiaozhi's arms tightly to prevent the snake bear from coming too. Pikachu stood on Xiaozhi's shoulders, Miaomiao and Xingfudan stood beside Xiaozhi, and they moved slowly on the boat.

And Captain Xiaomei said helplessly when she saw this situation.

"How do you say it. You, Mr. Xiaozhi, you are really amazing!"_


Chapter [-] kiss one

Captain Xiaomei has sent a lot of tourists, but there are not many people like Xiaozhi who have such a high intimacy with Pokémon. However, Xiaomei thinks it is very good to watch this kind of love scene. Her mood Not consciously getting better.

It's just that Xiaomei didn't notice that Xiaozhi was looking at her Pokémon helplessly.

"I said you guys... are you going to overwhelm me? The two over there should be careful not to fall behind. Why didn't I know that the two of you still like to eat fish?"

Hearing Xiao Zhi's words, the two sickle helmets who were just fishing from the bottom of the sea nodded and followed the team closely.

"Well, it looks like you're a little tired here~"

Lin looked at Xiao Zhi and smiled unkindly when she was almost buried by her own magical treasures.

"Then take it slow... Daddy Ash."

"Hey wife, don't do this, at least help me share the burden

"Hehe, come on, they like you"

Lin smiled and rejected Xiaozhi's request for help, and Nazi and Xiaoxia also smiled and hugged their own Pokémon to watch the fun.

And as Captain Xiaomei's ship slowly arrived

Dayasia Island Ash was finally freed temporarily _ .

"Help⊥Mom, these kids like to press people so much...what the hell

When Ash got off the boat, he saw a group of people dressed in strange clothes, and these people quickly surrounded Ash and the others.


Ash looked at the group of people strangely and replied L, and the group cheered when they saw Ash's Pokémon.

"It's a trainer!"

"It's great, L, so the conductors are also

"Celebration! Celebration!"

And with the cheers of the group, an old man came out and said, lifting the mask on his face.

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