"According to the prophecy. When the wrath of the gods comes, the hero of darkness will lead his comrades to save the world" Brave ⊥ here you come⊥"

Looking at the old man Xiaozhi's eye fish twitched and asked.

what's going on?"

"Hahaha. It's just a convention, don't worry about it."

At this time, Captain Xiaomei also recognized one of them and said with a smile.

"Xiaoyou? Are you still playing the flute this time?"

called Xiaoyou

The woman smiled and said.

"Of course not. I'm no longer a girl. Now it's my sister's turn to play the flute." Really, I don't like the old man playing the flute.

As a girl's voice sounded, Ash, they saw a girl who was dressed very fashionably. lGe.- "Really, I don't want to stick to that old rule all the time."

After speaking, the girl left^ came down and came out and Xiaoyou reluctantly introduced e.

"This is my sister Guru La. She is the protagonist of this celebration. But to be honest, she doesn't like our old rules really...

This is her first time celebrating..."

And Ku Lu La came over at this time, she took off her sunglasses and looked at Xiao Zhi, they smiled and said e

"Forget it, that's it, come and kiss!"

Before anyone else could react, Flora had already kissed Ash's face.

And seeing this situation, Shanaido almost ran wild, and Xiaoxialin, Nazi and Xiaozhi all stared at her blankly.

"Um what's wrong with 3? Uh. The _ _ three won't be

"My wife has almost got her L card.


.. you're pretty cool

Flora didn't think what happened to Ash having three wives.After all, the world of elves has gone away with many more wives.

"Jenny! ⊥!" I actually attacked Daddy ⊥L Little Daddy let me go!. )

"Shanai⊥.⊥⊥" (Very good boy, let's go together) Fan her and let me fan her! 1⊥)

"I said the three of you to stop making trouble. I'm sorry, these three children are a bit clingy."

While clinging tightly to Shanaido and Fat T Ash - while apologizing to Flora and the others, Ash now feels that his bear children are jealous

How horrible.

On the other hand, Xiaoxia looked at Xiaozhi with a bit of annoyance and said.

"It must be cool, right? Being a girl Qin's face?"

"Wow. Xiaoxia, I was raided, okay? They don't have any malicious intentions. I can't use Erjiquan to defend myself, right?"

"Really? Let's go Porkby and ignore this bad dad!"


After saying that, Xiaoxia hugged Porkby and left first_ and Lin smiled and patted Xiaozhi and said,

"Go back and tell me how you feel~

"Huh" Lin, you're so scary, come on"

"Cough, Xiao Zhi, what if I want to turn you into a doll?"

"Let's talk after we go back,

"Remember, I'm going to turn you into a doll and wear it by my side for a while after I get home."

"Good good.s. Mamma Mia,

Seeing Na Zi and the others taking a step ahead, Xiao Zhi looked at Fu Lu, who was helpless.

"Eldest sister. You kiss Jane. You can literally kill me.."


.But you guys are really interesting~ At least they are more fun than my sisters.

Flora looked at Ash holding the jenny tortoise, they were a bit funny s

"Are your jenny turtles jealous?"

"Sure, you kiss me all of a sudden - these arrogant children are definitely not king."

After speaking, Xiaozhi looked at the jenny turtle who was biting into the air.

"I said enough of you. Don't make such a fuss, okay? Oh! If you dare to attack me with poison gas at this time, Jenny, I will throw you into the water!"

"Jenny L!" Daddy 6 don't stop me! I want to make her look good!.⊥⊥)

"POIL L!" (Let me fan her!" 1L) 1.5_ Count me as one L⊥⊥)

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