Miao Miao looked at Jenny Corner, they tossed Xiao Zhi like this, and said with some schadenfreude s

"Come on, boss, let's go first


"Hey! You two are not being loyal! ⊥⊥ It's still my family's Happy Egg... Come to Happy Egg and help Dad to hold them a little bit!"

Hearing Xiaozhi say that, Happy Egg smiled and nodded, and then helped Xiaozhi to hold the jenny turtles who were about to bite Flora.

The turtles are not afraid of this behavior, but look at these Pokémon who want to do things with curiosity.

"Your Pokémon is really interesting to see, are you so jealous?"

."normal on ⊥⊥"


Chapter [-] Xiaozhi Rescue Operation

It's impossible for them to really - just want to bite Flora - for a meal. After all, they just don't like Xiao Zhi being taken advantage of.

As Ash and others joined the celebration, the celebration became lively.

Xiaozhi is here with - z to help the bear child Pokémon buy all kinds of interesting things.And Xiaoxia Nazi and Lin also looked at the customs here.

"The celebration is really interesting, at least there are a lot of people eating here."

Ash with a chicken leg in his mouth looked at the crowd around him and the Jenny Turtle, who also had a chicken leg in his mouth, nodded.


”. (The taste is as good as the old lady made)

"peil" (I want to sing ⊥

"Sana!" (Shut up⊥ Are you planning to make everyone here fall asleep?)

"peilLL!" (Don't stop _ _ I want to slap her!_⊥⊥_ L)

Hearing that Shanaido was so chubby, I was angry. After all, she made people sleep when she sang - this is her eternal pain.

But Duck Duck and Dizzy Beast are here each with a fish in their mouth, and they look at Xiao Zhi with wise eyes, while Zhiyu Xiao Yibu and Snake Neng are pulling together.

On Ash

And just when Xiao Zhi and the others were having a good time, the weather in the whole world was slowly changing.

And the 22-year-old group of overlord Magic Treasures in Zhenxin Town also felt this strange situation.

"Bi." (Cut.. According to legend, this vision is a situation where one of the three divine birds was caught)

"Roar!" (What should I do? Do you want to help?)

"Roar.." (I want to help L, but Xiaozhi's family needs it more..) _ _

"Roar!" (Just now Xiaozhi called home

.Said they were at the celebration on Asia Island, huh)__

Several Pokémon fell into a brief silence, then..._.

"Roar⊥!!"(Asia Island⊥⊥⊥Nima⊥⊥⊥⊥) *N to Asia Island L let's save Ash!"⊥)

Accompanied by the roar of a gang of Overlord Pokémon.The back hill of Xiaozhi's family completely rioted, and the __

"Yah L⊥⊥⊥" N (Zhong ah _ brothers! Let's go save Xiao Zhi! _ ! 1)

"What's the matter with my mom 3!

Xiaozhijia's back mountain riot is the most direct

What I can feel is that Dr. Taimu and Damu Botu looked at the Pokémon as if they were running wild: they rushed out the same and couldn't understand the situation.

"What's the situation? Who can explain - next? Omg!"

Dr. Taimu was a little confused when he saw this situation. Why did everyone start to make trouble? Not only the weather, but also Ash's Pokémon?

And just when Dr. Taimu was strange, Ghost Stone slowly floated over and said.

"It's nothing. It's just that they heard that Ash was on Asia Island, so they went to rescue Ash together."

"Huh? Come to the rescue

What the hell is Ash 2"

Ogi Hiroshi was completely stunned now, while Ghost Stone looked at Xiao Zi, Xiaoxue Qingmei, and straight Nami who came out worried. They scratched their heads helplessly.

"Ah. How can I say it. The old lady _ was able to encounter some adventures by accident. We know about the magical collection. Now the weather conditions are basically certain that there is a problem with the three gods. And the location of the one god is

"Is it on Asia Island?"

Xiaoxue asked in disbelief, while Ghost Stone nodded.

"That's right, so you see that everyone is going in the group

Rescue_Above and I will protect the home.The other guys...they've got it going now. "

Speaking of which, Ghost Stone put a smile on his face, asking who was in danger.Can the Pokémon go to the rescue spontaneously? My boss did it.This proves the old lady's status in the hearts of these overlords.

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