Hearing that Xiao Zhi actually let himself liberate the holy sword Lepikajin, a gleam flashed in his eyes. Then he bent down slightly and his whole body began to emit endless electric light.


Electricity! "(Oversight 1. )

Lightning Bird got a little angry when he saw that Pikachu was actually going to use an electricity-type trick to fight it.It is the god of thunder.Although he is a newcomer, he should not be so despised.

So the Lightning Bird screamed and threw countless electric shocks at Pikachu.In the face of these electric shocks, Pikachu just smiled and then used his own electric shocks to strike back. After that, the lightning in the sky began to stagger continuously. Pikachu's electric shocks and Lightning Bird's electric shocks began to balance.

"Electricity⊥⊥⊥" (How is it possible! ⊥ One Pikajin 1 Mountain⊥⊥)

"Pickup ⊥." (_Cut through the possible lightning field)

Pikachu immediately took this opportunity to activate the Lightning Domain, and in this case, the Lightning Bird, who is still not clear about the Lightning Domain's abilities, although the electrical skills will be enhanced, it cannot use the same Lightning as Pikachu. The field is fully utilized.It even had to dodge when the thunder and lightning fell in the sky.

"Electricity!" (This is 1, how is it possible! Why is a Pikachu able to control the weather L, my dad didn't teach me this trick⊥)

Lightning Bird no longer dares to despise the Pikachu in front of him.

An enemy that can change the weather is not something it can easily deal with

Thinking like this, Lightning Bird no longer despised Pikachu and started a; a relatively rude tactic, flying a kite!

Lightning Bird actually began to directly use its ability to fly to continuously attack Pikachu in Yukong.

In the face of Lightning Bird's stubborn fighting style, Pikachu and Ash showed a hooked smile.

"Don't it know that the more thunder the sky is, the more dangerous it is? Pikachu carries the thunder

"Pickup"_(Take my trick! Unlucky boy on)

With Pikajin

Jumped into the sky The endless thunder began to fall, and then.Lightning_The bird was struck by lightning.

It's normal _ It's strange that you fly so high and don't look for lightning to strike you.Moreover, the Lightning Bird itself is a dual-type of electricity and flight, so the electricity type trick can cause normal damage to the Lightning Bird.

In this case, the Lightning Bird fell directly from the sky after being hit, and Sanzhi also took advantage of this time to pick up Pikachu and aim at the Lightning Bird.

"And the sign is locked! Is Pikachu ready?"

"Pickup" (ready for 0K! )_

At this time, Pikachu's Oda has begun to flash endless electricity.


Chapter [-] Let's be polite

"Ah...ahhaha Xiaozhi's father_ is really amazing...the lightning bird has been subdued

Lillie didn't know what to say now, she could only smile and glance at Xiao Zhi before lowering her head.There's no way that Xiao Zhi's state is unexpected, and her heart beats faster.

And Glagio was nothing but pinched his face to make sure he was right.You are really... amazing..."

"What's the matter with you two? Please, this guy belongs to the God of Thunder who just took office. So he's a lot weaker. If it was the older generation, my Pikachu might have to work harder.


ot; (Indeed. This guy is still a good fight.)

Pikajin also agrees with Xiaozhi's words that L is still easy to deal with the enemy Pikachu, the Lightning Bird. After all, the electricity-type trick is the same as charging for the current Pikachu.Coupled with the fact that the flight system is restrained by the electric system, Pikachu can win so easily.

"Well... Indeed, compared to the previous Ho-oh, this Lightning Bird is much weaker.

Mewtwo also agrees with Satoshi's words. After all, he has the most say in the fight against Ho-oh.

"So 24 Russa Minai. You don't have to worry too much about my side, what's wrong with Damu Bo Shi?"

Xiao Zhi, who wanted to continue comforting Russa Minai, was speechless when he saw Taimu Bo-t dancing under the obstruction of the Pokémon, and Taimu Bo-t saw that Xiao Zhi finally took care of himself. Tears rushed to Xiao Zhi.

"Xiaozhi!. Let me see the lightning bird. ⊥⊥⊥⊥,"

"No, we haven't treated him here yet, let me show you what to do"

"Oh, let me take a look, you see that I also need a good observation when I prepare for research-isn't it?"

After talking about Damu Botu-face, he planned to continue to say something, but he saw that Damu Boshi was getting closer and closer to Xiaozhi.

Fat J wasn't happy anymore, only to see this little guy jump up and directly face Dr. Damu's very wretched face with a smirk - a slap in the face.

"Ah, go. Why are you hitting me!!"

Looking at the puffy fat Ding Dr. Taimu, he felt a bit wronged, while Fat Ding looked at Taimu Bo Shi unhappily and jumped into Xiaozhi's arms.He stretched out his little hand to protect Xiao Zhi.

But seeing this situation, Damu Botu was a little speechless.

"Please.. I'm not old-fashioned_

"Come on," (you are!) *N

I don't know Taimubo

- How did Tu provoke Jie anger? When he said that he was not an old pervert, he was opposed by almost all Pokémon, and Xiao Zhi silently took his family away from Damubo when he came back last time. Ask Nanami.

"Dr. Damu, this is... do you need me to advance the plan? You should call mother-in-law Chrysanthemum earlier. I'm going to give them two." Sheng Luo

Covering Xiaozhi's mouth instantly. Nanami said with a blushing face.

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