"It's not serious, don't worry about it, it's Master Po, who recently got a little fascinated by researching with the new Xiaojian, and then..._

According to Nanami's description

Dr. Shu Damu always makes a lot of wretched laughter when he and Xiaojian are researching together, so Xiaozhi's Pokémon don't know what kind of perverted things these two guys are doing..

"...Fortunately, Sister Nanami, you are staying at our house now, or else.

Since the Lightning Bird who came to make trouble has been beaten by Ash, then Ash and the others will set off to the Isle of Thunder to get the treasure. After all, according to the legend, this is the only way to quell this farce.

And just when Ash and the others brought the Captain Mei to the Isle of Thunder, Jill Luta's aircraft arrived.

"Report, Ray

The god has been subdued by Ash. "

"Is that so.. As expected of my old friend, it's really amazing. Since the God of Thunder has been subdued by him, let's give up the capture. Hmm 2. Did you find it? Then there's nothing you can do 1.

Originally, Jill Lutai planned to leave, but after realizing that she was discovered by Xiao Zhi, she couldn't help but smiled helplessly, and then controlled the aircraft to slowly land on the ground.

"I'll put the stairs down now, Xiaozhi, come up."

On Xiaozhi's side, seeing that Mrs. Jill was so obedient, she couldn't help but nodded, and then said to a group of people.

"Come on, let's go and see what the hell my old friend is doing here, I feel like I need to beat him up."

Then the Pokémon without a cover surrounded Ash and they got on Gilroy's huge flying machine.

And waited for Xiaozhi and the others to arrive before it was released. The flame bird was still locked for a day here.

Seeing this situation, Xiaojian wanted to call his Pokémon to save the Flamingo.However, before he could throw the ball, Ash stopped T.

"Wait for me, now we are invited guests. Since the flaming bird was captured by him, it cannot be touched or released at will. This is the basic

Do you understand the politeness?"

"But is this ok_? The flame bird has been locked up all the time."

"That's a lot of things right now. The old flame bird will come to rescue him after a while."

As soon as Ash finished speaking, Gilroy slowly descended in her seat.

"That's why I like to be friends with you, at least you know etiquette. It's been a long time since I was a friend."

"Don't talk nonsense, I ask you if you are ready to be carried by me?"

Hearing Xiaozhi say this, Erlutai was not angry, but smiled and said e

"It's okay to let you play after I've seen that one. Then are you interested in knowing my purpose?"


"Really, the hair has changed, the color and even the character has become a bit strange. Forget it now that I have seen the so-called dark hero, I am satisfied a little bit, and then I will witness that one."

Saying that, Jill Lutai controlled the console and asked AI assistant to prepare some tables and chairs for Xiaozhi and the others to sit down, and Jill Lutai himself came to Xiaozhi and sat down.

"Let's chat when we go to the Isle of Thunder: How about chatting? I think you are the most

It seems... pretty good?"

Looking at the group of women's soldiers beside Xiaozhi, Jill Lutai still admires Xiaozhi.But when he saw Lin, he said it clearly.

"So that's the case, has your meat-eating type finally started to take action? It's been a long time since I haven't seen Lin 1st sister, should I call you Mrs. Lin now?

"It's been a long time since I haven't seen Mr. Gilroy. It's okay if I call me Mrs. Rin~"

Hearing Jill Luta's words, even Rin would be excited - so it was a rare playful look.

"Congratulations to everyone."

"By the way, let me introduce you

The next one is Jill Xiatai, an old friend of mine, Jill Lutai, this is Xiaoxia..this is little

Just when Ash introduced his family to Jill Luta.Two figures in the depths of the sea of ​​Asia Island are constantly fighting.

Chapter [-] Fighting Frozen Birds

"My side really likes to collect unique things as collectibles, but after you beat me up, I have come to understand a little bit, it is true that living creatures cannot regard them as collectibles. A so I am here. The side also changed a bit, and tried to adopt some rare Pokémon, and in the end it felt good..",

At this time, Jill Lutai is chatting with Xiaozhi-gangziren, and through Jill Lutai's words, everyone finally understands the relationship between Xiaozhi and Jill Lutai.

To put it bluntly, it's like losing friends.And Jill Lutai used to like to capture rare magical treasures to see as collectibles, but she was beaten up by Xiaozhi."

After that, the bug was corrected.

As for the reason for catching the flame bird this time, the reason is because of a slate prophecy. To put it bluntly, Jill Lutai is too curious to see if this prophecy is true.As for being able to capture the bush flame bird Jill Lutai herself, I didn't expect it to be so smooth.Who would have thought that the God of Fire who just took office would be so weak

"However, for being able to capture the God of Fire so easily, I would also like to thank Xiao Zhi for the scientific cannon you helped develop. Without the assistance of the scientific cannon, my capture operation may have been more troublesome."

At that moment, Ash felt several eyes staring at him and Ash was facing these eyes - not at all.

virtual.Carrying the trembling, put the cup aside - said e

"There's nothing about scientific research, Meow and Miaomiao are still at the level, and the production skills of the three guys over there are not bad."

Saying that, Xiao Zhi glanced at the Rockets and the others, who were eating Heisei on the other side.

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