"Oh? Then I'm interested. Boom|

Before Gilroy could finish speaking, the aircraft vibrated, as if it had been attacked by something.

"Warning, the ice god is coming... Warning. The ice god is coming."

Hearing the ai of everyone in Gillu say so, Ash stood up and said.

"I'm going to solve it a little bit, can't people really rest well? :3"

After talking, Xiaozhi patted the eagle and the fire-breathing dragon, and then called the jenny turtle and two wonderful frog seeds, and went out, and saw these gods called by Xiaozhi. asked.

"That. L, did you have any problems with taking them?,"

"Huh? Are you talking about them? Don't worry, I have trained these children very well. Next, I will show you the combination tactics.

After talking, Ash rushed out of Gilroy's aircraft with his Pokémon in his arms.And watching Xiaozhi's actions, Xiaoxia is a little bit

asked worriedly.

"The other party is Frozen Bird, is it okay for Ash to bring them?"

Seeing that Xiaoxia was a little worried about being left here by Xiaozhi, Miaomiao said with a smile.

"Don't worry. Those guys have been trained by the old lady without any problems. Next, you just need to watch. Nothing is impossible."

Hearing Miaomiao say this, the others were a little relieved, and among them, Kona was the most interested. She wanted to see how Xiao Zhi was going to defeat the Frozen Bird.

On the other hand, Frozen Bird also came here to occupy space, but when it saw the aircraft, it thought it was

It was the enemy who came to grab the territory and therefore launched an attack directly. This is the scene where the second aircraft was attacked.

On Ash's side, after flying out in the Bial I, the other flying-type Pokémon that greeted him spread out, and then looked directly at the Frozen Bird, which was constantly spewing out the freezing rays.

"Hey," don't you think you're rude? If you attack someone casually, you'll be beaten. "

."Urgent⊥⊥⊥" (what the hell 3

It was a little strange to hear Xiao Zhi's words to freeze the bird, but when he thought that Xiao Zhi came out of the aircraft, he knew that this should be the enemy.So Frozen Bird went directly to Ash

They spewed out freezing rays.

In the face of the attack of the frozen bird, the fire-breathing dragon directly used the flame jet to fight back, and the ice and the fire collided to produce a thick smoke

When Xiao Zhi saw this, he said directly.

"Fire-breathing dragon, go and attack at will.


Hearing Xiao Zhi say that, the corner of the fire-breathing dragon grinned, and then roared - : The sound rushed towards the Lightning Bird, and at the same time Xiao Zhi also looked at the fire-breathing dragon, said the fire-breathing dragon.

"Since the opponent is a frozen bird, let's evolve the fire-breathing dragon bond"


With a loud roar from the fire-breathing dragon, the fire-breathing dragon's body exuded colorful rays of light, and the frozen bird sprayed its own frozen bird light directly towards the fire-breathing dragon.

As the flames and the ice collided again, along with the endless white air, a black figure rushed straight to the frozen bird from the white air, the fire-breathing dragon XL.


The fire-breathing dragon X, who has completed the evolution of the bond with Ash, roared and rushed towards the frozen bird while spraying a faint blue flame, and his wings also showed a metallic luster.Wings of Steel 1

Seeing the metallic glossy frozen bird on the wings of the fire-breathing dragon has no support

Tai chose to avoid it.And just when he dodged Ash's fire-breathing dragon's steel wings, the fire-breathing dragon's tail hit it again and then accompanied by the scream of the frozen bird, it had to stay away from Ash's fire-breathing dragon X.

Just now, Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon x uses a steel tail, so it will completely hurt the frozen bird.

And Xiaozhi did not miss this opportunity to say to the two wonderful frog seeds.

"~ I'm using double paralysis powder now."

. "Seed!" *2 _

Ash's two wonderful frog seeds heard Ash's words and immediately began to spread numbness in the sky bug towards the frozen bird

Paralysis powder.. And the frozen bird saw that Xiaozhi actually used his wings to fan a gust of wind in the alliance and wanted to blow the paralysis powder of the wonderful frog seeds back, but Xiaozhi's Bidiao saw this situation and directly launched his best weapon. The unique trick, the strong wind, confronts the frozen bird, but in this case, it has fallen into a deadlock.

"Hooer.⊥⊥_⊥" (Flame Jet

Seeing Frozen Bird and Bi Diao in a deadlock, Fire-breathing Dragon X didn't waste this great opportunity and spewed a faint blue flame directly at Frozen Bird.The Frozen Bird was hit directly by the flame jet in this case.

"Urgent ⊥⊥⊥"

With the screams of frozen birds

The paralysis powder was also blown to its side, so the frozen bird also began to have a paralysis reaction after inhaling some of the paralysis powder.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Zhi directly took advantage of the victory and pursued Daoyu.

"Right now, Double Parasitic Seeds!"


The two wonderful frog seeds _ launched the parasitic seeds to the frozen bird, and this time the frozen bird was directly entangled by the two parasitic cow seeds to absorb its strength.

When Xiao Zhi saw this, he looked at the Jenny Turtle that had been prepared by his side.

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