"Shan, it's good if you are a child.

What can Russa Mina say 2 Mewtwo since she likes this, so be it. . Anyway, it seems that Chao Meng is already Xiao Zhi's Pokémon, so what do you worry about? Everything is focused on Xiao Zhi's safety. Russa Minai is still worried about some omissions, and Russa Minai has never lacked a sense of crisis.

Xiaoxia looks at Chaomeng's fighting style before, and has some yearning in her heart. She also wants her Pokémon to play the water skills so smoothly.

, so she told Mewtwo.

"Well, Chao Meng, I want to ask what kind of water-type Pokémon is suitable for the kind of fighting style you have just done. 2"

"Is it the Sword Immortal route just now? Actually, it's possible. But the better one should be Minas. I think you should also do this, Minas?"

Saying that, Mewtwo looked at Minas of Ash, and Minas of Ash nodded in recognition.

"Wow". (I can indeed use it, but after all, the power is not skilled enough, so it is impossible to play as well as you. But with the blessing of the water field, I can still play flowers.)

After Ghost Stone's translation, Xiaoxia also understood what Minas meant, so she looked at Minas excitedly and asked.

"At that time, I asked Wen Xiaozhi that he couldn't learn [-]-[-]. If Xiaozhi agrees, can you teach my Pokémon, Minas?"

Although Xiaoxia and Xiaozhi's relationship is actually a trick, but out of respect for Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia will still ask Xiaozhi's opinion before asking Minas for advice.After all, even going to a wife sometimes requires: - Some communication is appropriate.

On the other hand, Minas nodded and called.

"Ming." (It's okay, Xiao Zhi said

Learn from your own family. )

"Hehehe, the boss is really generous. But it's true that there is no need for my own family to let it go."

After laughing, Ghost Stone translated it to Xiaoxia and the others, and then looked at the moonlight into the distance.

"Crystal lights and fire spirits are now stabilizing the outside world, so don't worry here. But I feel that even if the boss subdues the three divine birds, he should do something else next, right?"

Thinking of a possible ghost, Stone smiled again, but he knew that the current boss would definitely do something - some kind of rudeness. But that's fine.Strengthen everyone's strength

Necessary, no matter how the boss said that he is a bad person, then there is no need for a bad person to pretend to be the same as a good person, but that's all.

Thinking of Shi Mo, Stone slowly came to the Rockets, and then said slowly.

"Come on, go to sleep, it's fine if you don't participate in the next thing."

"Um...that's too much..."

"Did we not have any appearances?_"

"At least give the cat gold coins, meow.

The slow Rocket team fell into a deep sleep, while Ghost Stone said with a smile.


The safety of the old lady is more important, so please get some sleep.Good night. "


Chapter [-] President!What's the matter with you, President!

"Wow, I have to say that Kuailong, you are sitting on the prisoner of the electric bird and swiping the king's A fist is so handsome._"

At this time, Xiao Zhi, who had once again subdued the older generation of flame birds with the luxury ball, looked at the giant fast dragon with a smile on his face: while smashing the lightning bird with his big pp-, he madly held the lightning bird's face with his eight fists.

When the giant fast dragon saw Xiao Zhi coming, he stopped and said with a smile.

"Oh, boss. Your dragon scale armor strategy is really good. Now its electricity is like a tickling to me. I have to admit that you are really talented, boss, and you have this king and eight punches, which is really good_beat It's cool to get up, you know

Do you? I feel like I'm penetrating right now. "

After finishing speaking, the huge fast dragon continued to beat the lightning bird with his eight fists, while muttering in his mouth.

"Boss, if it's recorded, please show it to Huckron. Let her see the heroic appearance of her spouse and me."

"Don't worry, it's already being recorded."

Saying that, Xiaozhi looked at Miaomiao who was recording video and greeted Miaomiao and the others to come here. , and Ho-wang looked at the huge fast dragon still sitting in the prison and beat the electric bird, and said a little unbearably.

"Isn't this too cruel_"

"Let's be small. The Lightning Bird in the Three God Birds

He's the most grumpy one, so beating a lot can calm him down, 2 Of course I still feel like something's missing.. oh yes!

Saying that, Xiaozhi took out his camera and took a selfie, while the background was a picture of a giant fast dragon sitting on a lightning bird and beating wildly. .After the name Xiaozhi posted a circle of friends. .

"Today, I took my own fast dragon to beat the lightning bird twice. It's really cool. By the way, it's on Lugia now. Don't read."


When the patriarch Junsha saw Xiaozhi's message, she directly sprayed the tea in her mouth, and then she looked at the company's Moments speechlessly and said

"Hey... this kid has dyed his hair 2 wrong, what should be concerned about now is... is it okay for him to beat the Lightning Bird like this? I hope that kid Lan Hejing can make him normal... hey, what's the matter with this?

After all, they have experienced strong winds and waves, and the patriarch Junsha is no longer surprised by these things. After all, they are all people who have seen Arceus. Now they are walking blindly and let the giant fast dragon hold the lightning bird.It seems that there is nothing in fact? l

Thinking that Arceus now recognizes Ash as his spouse.Should be no big deal.

Thinking of this, Patriarch Junsha poured himself another cup of tea.

In the same situation, there is also Patriarch Joey. Patriarch Joey glanced at the photo and saw at a glance that there was no problem with the Lightning Bird, but that he had been beaten all the time.That being the case, there is nothing more to say.It is estimated that the current weather problem is the problem of the three gods. Xiaozhi looks like this, and it is almost solved.Shouldn't he go to the Alliance to give Ash's kid some favors?

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