"Dad! Look! I'll just say it! If I go with Xiaozhi, I can see such a fun thing, Shan, you just won't let L you compensate me for this experience!_ ⊥!

at this time.The cadres of the Rockets headquarters all turned their heads and didn't look at themselves.

On the boss's side, everything is because of their young lady, Shiromoto's daughter Xiaolan is now pulling Sakagi's face and asking him to accompany him.

No way, Xiaozhi's experience here is really fun.It was fun to the extent that Xiaolan wanted to go.As a result, because Sakagi didn't agree with Xiaolan and Xiaozhifu to travel and play, he missed it, Xiaolan can't be angry at this strange.

And Sakagi is now even being pulled in the face by his daughter - with an expressionless face - but he still explained it.

"Silly daughter... That stinky kid, Ash, is a carnivore. Didn't you throw yourself into the net in the past?"

"But daddy, we're even quitting

I have all the fingers, what does it matter 22"

"Ah. Xiaolan.., I'm your father...don't be so outgoing."

"But Xiao Zhi is still your son. What's wrong? And to be honest, Xiao Zhi spends more time with me than you spend with me, Dad.

"You go ⊥⊥"

Looking at his daughter sadly

"Hey. The old lady is completely defeated.

Apollo said quietly.

And Athena nodded.

"There's no way, Master Xiaozhi's strategy ability is still carnivorous. It's normal for the old lady to prevent it. But can it be prevented?"

"Hey.." *N

Just when Sakagi was heartbroken by this incident, President Damaranch is now being rescued...

"Quick, quick" to give the president a blood transfusion, how can the president get blood in his head 2! "

The attending physician looked at Damaranch, who was bleeding from the head, and didn't know how to describe it. Does anyone really know how to bleed from the head? !

At this time, Damaranch also slowly stretched out a finger and dipped his own.

Blood intends to write something.

"President", what do you want to write? President ⊥1! "

Slowly, President Damaranch wrote a small one, but the next one seemed to be flat because of lack of strength.I was going to write Xiaozhi's wise words and finally passed out because of the trembling of his hands before he could finish writing.

And looking at Damaranch's small print, everyone fell into contemplation.

"What is President Shan implying?"

"I don't know, the pressure of not being enough president is really too much. My head is actually bleeding."

. "Hmm ⊥⊥⊥"

Hearing that person's words, a person suddenly thought of something and immediately shouted excitedly.

"I know what ⊥ President's consciousness is! I know it!"

"Really! What is it? 1_"

"The president is under too much pressure now. So what he wants must be a way to relieve the pressure!"

"Beer oh oh! That's right! ⊥ Then what's that little back?!"

The companions were immediately excited when they heard his analysis, and the man said the answer after being silent for a while.

"There's a lot of pressure

, Isn't it hard to say what the president is looking for?_ L Don't you all go to bars and other places when you are stressed! The small letters must be followed by the word "Sister" 1. The president is looking for a few young ladies to drink to relieve stress L LL! "

"Oh oh oh! .⊥⊥_mountain" *N _

Everyone was excited to hear this answer.

"What's the noise? I don't know if this is a hospital? It's on the toilet"

"Sorry!_" N

After being reprimanded by the doctor.The gang exchanged glances.

"Then... Now it looks like we're going to find some big sisters to accompany the president.

Drink a bar.

"Well, yes, I'll go right now, so the pressure on the president can be relieved!"

"I know some bar girls. They're nice talkers. Give them to them.

"I know a few too, and it's very comfortable to chat with them, and it's no problem to persuade them to drink!

"Okay! Then I'll leave it to you!

"Don't worry!" *NL ,

At that moment, the men understood. _

Chapter [-] Dark Lugia: I'm not a barbecue

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