When Damaranch was bloodied by his own subordinates.Xiao Zhi has already conquered the Lightning Bird.The giant fast dragon wiped the sweat from his head comfortably and looked at Xiao Zhi.

"It's refreshing. Sure enough, this way of beating people is comfortable. The boss has time to teach me a little more."

"No problem, fast dragon, but now let's get the last thing out of the way. It's just about freezing the bird."

Saying that, Xiaozhi looked at the frozen bird, and Lugia couldn't bear to look at it now.Xiaozhi, they are so cruel

Chapter [-] is not good!Frozen birds are fragrant!

"I'm ashamed to say that, I originally wanted to investigate and solve the problem, but who knows that it ended up being a big trouble, causing inconvenience to everyone. If it wasn't for Xiaozhi and you, I might have caused even more trouble. "

At this time, Dark Lugia was sitting on the side and talking to Xiaozhi and the others about their own experience and also felt sorry for their previous things.

After all, no matter how you say Dark Lugia, even if he has no priesthood, his own fighting power is still there. If he can't control it, the disaster will be devastating

Fortunately, Xiao Zhi and the others successfully stopped him. Otherwise, he would really feel guilty for a long time.

And Xiaozhi and the others were also surprised.Although Dark Lugia looks like a villain.But it was surprisingly polite to talk to him too. -Very comfortable.

"Hei, after this time you will follow Xiao Zhi, Xiao Zhi is yours and you have to protect him."

When Lugia saw that Dark Lugia was already going to live with Ash's family, she couldn't help but remind Dark Lugia for ten days _they Lugia clan were not ungrateful.

As for Lugia's reminder, Dark Lugia nodded in agreement.

"Don't worry, I understand, I will protect the Xiaozhi family in the future.


"Fire⊥⊥⊥⊥" (I'm fine here ⊥ I'm fine here!. 1 !_ !

Hear the screams of the flame bird.Xiao Zhi and the others found that the flame bird that was being evenly grilled had recovered.

"Okay. Kuailong, please don't worry, come out, Lightning Bird."

When Kuailong and Fengwang continued to purify the lightning bird, Xiaozhi turned his eyes to the hippo king, and was a little scared by Xiaozhi looking at the hippo five.

"Jade...Wang Shi?"_

"It's okay. It's just that I really want to subdue you, you

What do you say 2 Mr. Hippo Wang?"

Saying that, Xiao Zhi's arm rested on the hippo king's shoulder.And Hippo Yu could not help but be a little scared when he saw this.

"That... let's discuss it well? How about the hero of darkness? Violence can't solve any problems."

"Indeed, but I like to use violence to solve it, but since you don't like violence, how about we use a more gentle way?"

"more gentle.. way 1_

Looking at the hippo Wang Xiaozhi who looked at him with a confused look, he nodded with a smile.

one-two dividing line

"Ahahahaha!_ L. Don't be like this L. Please don't be like this. Hahahahaha⊥⊥"

"And what about your answer?"

"Let me think - down.. Haha_hahaha! Shan⊥ Don't do this!. Please don't scratch my ticklish flesh. Go 1 1 haha

Seeing Xiao Zhi who kept scratching the hippo king's flesh.Lin and the others all thought that Xiao Zhi's so-called other method is actually tickling, but now it seems that it is really effective for the fan Shengzi of Hippo King.

"No! Please don't do this! Ah ha ha ha: ha!"

"Look at that Lillie, I said it would be fun for this pink fat guy to tickle him."

Although Hippo Yu has been begging for mercy.However, how could Xiaozhi let him go so easily? Not only did Xiaozhi not stop, but even Nazi and Lily's family were tortured by the Hippo King

And the hippo king can only be tickled by Xiaozhi and the others.

"Okay⊥Okay l I promise you please don't tickle me again 1. ".

"This is what you said, don't go back!

Hearing that Hippo King agreed to be subdued by Xiao Zhi, he stopped with satisfaction. Although Na Zi still wants to scratch again

.But since the Hippo Kings have surrendered, there is no need to continue.

After being let go by Xiao Zhi and the others, Hippo King gave Xiao Zhi a helpless look and they said

"Really... how can you be so

"Your so-called help is to wait for us to come and tell us the steps we have known for a long time. No matter what, I'm also involved in this troublesome matter. It's not me if I don't take advantage of it."

After talking about Xiaozhi, Xiaozhi patted Afraid of the Hippo E again.

"So I feel that you are the most interesting guy now. Then please do more in the future.

Take care, follow me and I will definitely make you delicious and spicy. "

"I don't like spicy.,"_

"This is a description. When the time comes, you can have whatever flavor you like."

"Okay, okay, really, someone likes my old bones.".

And just when Xiao Zhi and Hippo King reached a consensus - Tao's tempting aroma slowly came, and Xiao Zhi couldn't help but say it after smelling it. : Ask for flowers. .-11.

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