"How to achieve this perfect combination of flame and freezing 3"

"Urgent.." (because you roasted _

it's me.Eight)_

"Oh, I'm going!. The frozen bird is almost cooked. It smells good⊥ Quick Dragon, quickly put him down!"


With the rescue of Xiaozhi and the others, the frozen bird was finally not roasted into roasted bird meat by the holy fire.

And Flora was relieved when she saw that both the Dark Lugia and the Three God Birds had recovered. However, at this time, she suddenly felt that she was out of strength. Just when she was about to fall, she felt that she had fallen into a warm place. in the arms of . ,

"Thank you for your hard work, Flora. Drink some honey water first and then take a good rest."

Saying that, Xiaozhi brought the honey water that had been prepared to Furula's mouth, and Furula, who had lost her strength, was just a little thirsty, so she did not shirk but accepted Xiaozhi's kindness.

At this time, Lugia and the others also looked at Flora and said with respect.

"Thank you for your hard work. Your help is also huge. As a thank you, I will protect the safety of Asia Island.".

"You're welcome, Lord of the Sea, I didn't think that the original ceremony was actually useful."

"Okay, don't be so polite, but then again. A I think I have something to talk about with Jill Luta.

-talk. "

And when I heard Xiao Zhi say that, Jill Lu Tai couldn't help but leave a drop of coldness.

"Well. I know I've caused a lot of trouble for everyone... That's really embarrassing, can you not slap you in the face if you can?"

"What do you think? Mr. Jill Lutai who caused me so many troubles? Wang Ran, you are very self-aware now, 2 Then I'm welcome, Meow Meow! Hot Monkey! Happiness Drama⊥ Pikajin! Call me Let him feel - what is a social beating!"




"Oops! Don't do this!. I apologize. Don't hold your face! Oops"

After that, Jill Lu too felt what is called a real poison and hoped that he could take this as a lesson and stop thinking about doing things all day. ,

Chapter [-] Want some soup?

- "Thank you so much for this incident. So what do you want, Ash? If I'm on my side, I can still find some good things at the bottom of the sea."

Seeing that everything is almost done, L Lugia would also like to thank Xiaozhi, after all, it was Xiaozhi who saved his friend Dark Lugia and the three gods of the old generation, although he saved him. The way to do it is to subdue them but at least not make them a disaster, and that's enough.

But after hearing Lugia say that, Xiaozhi suddenly showed a weird smile after thinking for a while.

"Uh.. if you can, please don't show this scary face


Hearing that Lugia was a little scared, Xiaozhi restrained his smile, but then said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I don't mean anything malicious, but I don't know if you can satisfy "-zero three" my little wish, um, not to subdue you."

"Small wishes?_"

Hearing Ash's little wish, Lugia was a little strange, but nodded anyway.

"Hahaha⊥ How is it? Gragio? Lillie? How does it feel to be in the sky?"

At this time, Ash is taking Rusami Nellie and Glacio with him.

Sitting on Lugia and flying together.And Lillie and Glagio are both very nervous. Because they are actually riding on the body of the beast?!

"Is that so.. is it alright? Ash_Dad?"

Lillie always felt that this was not good, and whether it would make Lugia a little angry when riding on Lugia.

However, before Lillie could say this, Lugia said to Satoma while flying.

"Is this really enough? Just let me fly with your family in the sky-I fly 2"

"Of course this is enough, come out

As for travel, having fun is the most important thing!"

"Okay, but it's surprising that your wish is actually like this.

Having said that, Lugia smiled a little, and he did not oppose this.After all, Ash is the benefactor of their Lugia clan. And the retreat cannon that Ash taught him is also worthy of his return to Ash.

If it wasn't for his priesthood, he would have voluntarily followed Xiao Zhi.

Rusami Nai doesn't know what to say now, because she is a person who has sat on a beast now. Although she doesn't care much about this name, to be honest, she is still a little excited.

"What happened to Luca Mina?"

It's alright, just didn't think _I could still sit on the nose of the beast and fly in the sky. "b.

"Well, actually you forgot one thing."

30 What's the matter?"

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