3 Is it ok? To be honest, I have something I want to ask you here, about the training of the skills of the jenny turtle and the kami turtle

"Of course it's fine. I'll treat you."

one-one dividing line-one

"I see. Is this how you train the jenny turtle? _It's surprising, but it's really a very good way. If the training is good, it will be more convenient for us to save people here."

At this time, in the restaurant of the Tailu Hotel, Xiaozhi's gang and Pokémon were eating, while Xiaozhi was discussing some things about rescue training with his Jenny Turtle and Lamuel.


This Lamir is very serious in memorizing, and Xiaozhi does not have any secrets. After all, Lamir and the others are really a group of respectable people, and Xiaozhi does not need to dig a hole for these lovely people.

Xiao Lu saw that Xiao Zhi was really explaining it to Lamier seriously. She thought she was just playing around.

Xiaoxia touched Lin quietly, looked at Xiaozhi's direction and hoped that Lin could explain "Ping s. After all, in Xiaoxia's view, Lin is just like the roundworm in Xiaozhi's stomach, and almost Xiaozhi's thoughts are clear.

And Lin did not disappoint Xiaoxia and quietly explained to Xiaoxia and Nazi.


Chi has a lot of respect for police officers and firefighters. According to his words, these people - help lovely people.

"What about the medical staff?"

Nazi glanced curiously at Xiao Zhi who was serious over there, wondering why the medical staff were excluded.

"That's because he's a doctor himself.. so he said __" We are a bunch of hooligans who can fight to save people.What's so cute?_ L, that's it~

After speaking, Lin smiled, and Xiaoxia and Nazi also smiled knowingly, and Xiaozhi was also unexpectedly cute.

"Thank you very much, your training has helped us

Very helpful!"

After recording Ash's training method, Lamier thought of Ash and saluted, which was from his heart.Because Xiao Zhi really helped a lot.And Xiao Zhi also returned a salute and said.

"It's nothing, it's hard work for you to put out the fire."

"Huh? Kabi beast, you're comfortable eating 3

Just when Ash was about to say something to Lamier, Kirby passed by and touched Ash, and seeing Kirby like this, Ash knew that it was comfortable to eat.. So I took out a serving. Special food is handed to it.

"Give you."


Seeing the food Kabimon brought over by Ash, he showed a happy smile, and after taking it, he ate it, burped and sat on the ground.

"It's amazing.. Kabimon is actually full 2.!"

It was a surprise to see that Ash actually fed the Kirby beast to Lamier.And Ash is - while rubbing: Kirbymon's big belly: said

"It's nothing, the secret recipe someone gave me. But I like to let this kid eat comfortably."


Watching Xiaozhi rubbing the belly of the beast, Lamier suddenly found that Xiaozhi

smile is warm.And the people around him and the Pokémon are happy too.

"Maybe you have the magic power to make people around you happy.

"Huh? Make the people around you happy? Come to Porkby and give this uncle a smile!"

"Chabby Chabby!"

Hearing Xiaozhi's words, Porkby on Xiaoxia's table smiled and waved to Ramir

And Xiaozhi turned his head to look at Lamuel and said.

"Seeing no, that child is happy, I'm just an ordinary trainer. Just an ordinary Taizhe board.


No... everyone around you can show a happy and happy smile, I think you may really have this magic power, maybe_",

"Really... Maybe." (Is that Xiaogang happy?)

Thinking of his companion who stayed at the Naimu Research Institute, Ash wonders if he is happy now?

At this time, Xiaogang, who was originally trained by Mr. Billy and the others in the Naimu Research Institute, had no muscles on his body.The whole person seems to be famous for selling.

He is now sitting in a chair.His eyes stared blankly ahead.

Just when Xiaogang was in a daze

.A female voice rang in his ear.

"Little Gang too. I cooked red dates and bullwhip porridge for you here. I hope you like it⊥"

Hearing this porridge Xiaogang's originally squinted eyes suddenly widened, and then he looked at one of the triplets' assistants in horror.

"Didn't you say I don't have to drink porridge today? Why!"

Seeing Xiaogang like this, the girl said with a smile.

"I didn't want to cook it originally. But Xiaogang-sama, you've worked so hard and we'd feel sorry if we didn't cook it, so please don't be polite and have some porridge. Go on."

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