see the approaching

Porridge Xiaogang Eyeworm is full of fear.

"No! No, no, no, I won't drink! You agreed that you don't need to drink today! You lied to me"

"It's okay, Mrs. Gang, as long as you are happy!"!⊥⊥⊥⊥I don't want to drink porridge, go ⊥!


Chapter [-] Flexible Fatty

Xiaogang's happy life continues, and Xiaozhi is not idle.

After saying goodbye to the Kamui fire brigade that Lamier rented him, Ash and the others were still traveling.And while traveling, they are still training their respective Pokémon s

"Xiaoxia, be careful, your stinger jellyfish and spiny ammonite can be trained in the direction of control. It's just like when I let the giant stinger jellyfish control the frozen bird."

"Small good and bad fighting style

Xiaoxia still remembers how the frozen bird was caught by the stinger Z jellyfish and beaten by her subordinates. The scene was absolutely amazing.

"Nazi, you too. Although you can give strength to your Pokémon, this method is not suitable for a long time. So you have to exercise your superpowers and let your Pokémon follow a meditation. , so as to better enhance your abilities.”

"Um.. indeed."

Nazi is also very popular for Xiaozhi and Kazuo, after all, she is the most intuitive person who can feel her superpower status.Therefore, she and Shi Mengmeng, who was beside her, looked at each other and determined the direction of the next training.

"Finally, Lin, your words only need r

"Let's fight!"


Just when Ash was about to tell Lin how to fight.A child suddenly jumped out of the grass. Come out.

At this time, Xiaozhi's anger started to rise. If he didn't withdraw the child, it was considered that Tianxiu actually chose to pop out at this time. Xiaozhi now doesn't let him feel what cruelty is, so I'm sorry for this child!

"Pokémon battle? Good! Come on!"

I don't know why.. The child looked at Xiao Zhi suddenly and was a little scared.Because now Xiaozhi seems to be able to tear him apart with his fighting power.

"I'm a rookie trainer in Tangerine Island⊥ I don't

You will lose L_ go, stinky flower!

"It doesn't matter what trainer you are, you're out of luck today, go to Kirby _" 1_ "

Seeing that what Ash sent out was Kirbymon. The child suddenly felt a sense of crisis, but in the end he held back his fear and said.

"Let you see the trick of my family's royal stinky flower, the stinky flower attacks with stench!_"


Following the child's order, Smelly Flower also released an unpleasant gas from its own flower, but when faced with this gas, Ash's Kirbymon did not respond at all.


L how could L. My stinky flower's royal aura can't be ignored ⊥!

Looking at Kirby who was fine, the child was really surprised, because the smell of stinky flowers was his trump card, and countless people were folded by this trick.

"Xue Xiaozhi twitched the corner of his mouth when he saw the child like this.

"The stinky level of the stinky flowers in your house. It's not straight. Let me tell you this. The stinky tofu I made for Kaye Beast is more stinky than your emperor!"

"⊥ Little ⊥ How can anyone give stinky tofu to Kirby ⊥⊥⊥"

"What do you know. Of course to give Kirby a try.

The taste is gone, don't you understand how important it is for a chef to have a satisfied look from the customers?"

"It's okay not to be next to each other." This is not next to you at all to give the Kabbi tofu to eat! L⊥"

Watching the child who was about to collapse, Ash couldn't help revealing a malicious equal volume.

"You seem to have forgotten. It's still playing~"

"not good!"

Hearing Xiaozhi say this, the child remembered.It seems that he did not observe the battlefield!

"Upper Kirby Frozen Fist"."

"too bad"

find yourself forgetting

It's too late for the child to react to the fight.At this time, the Kirby beast has suddenly rushed to the front of the smelly flower and raised its fist.

"How can the speed of the Kirby beast be so fast!"

Before the child was overwhelmed, the Kirby beast had already punched Stinky Flower.Then the child's stinky flowers were frozen in a block of ice.

“Smelly Flower⊥⊥⊥_L,”

Looking at the stinky flowers frozen in ice cubes

The child made a desperate cry s

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