However, he was even more desperate behind.


To be on the safe side, in order to prevent the smelly flower from suddenly appearing, Kabimon", the last blow L Tarzan topped!"

"Kirby L_⊥.⊥⊥!"

"No! 1"/! "

Watching Kirby beast jumping high.The child made a final cry of despair, but it was useless, and Kirbymon's body fell heavily on the ice.Along with the ice cubes being torn apart, the stinky flowers inside were also subdued by the kapimon-trick.

. "Emperor Smelly Flower 1⊥L1⊥"

Looking at the stinking emperor flower who was pressed by the Kabi beast - even if it was pressed into the ground with a single trick of Taishan

The child pulled it back into the ball with tears in his eyes.

"Two" you wait! I will come to take revenge" I will improve my strength and come back to your L ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 1!! "

After speaking, the child ran away with a snot and snot, while Ash came to the beast and patted him and handed it a big fruit.

"Thank you for your hard work. Kirbymon."

As a result, the big fruit that Xiao Zhi handed over. Kirby beast lay down on the ground and rested after he was full. Seeing Kirby beast like this, Ash also smiled, but just when Xiao Zhi was about to take back Kirby beast, he stopped. I found that my deluxe ball was not working well.

"Well I should have thought of it

"What's wrong?"

Lin looked at Xiao Zhi's luxurious ball and was a little surprised, while Xiao Zhi said helplessly.

"It's nothing, the power of the Kirby beast is too strong, and the luxury ball is a bit unbearable. No matter how you say it, the Kirby beast is not as good as those who can control its power. It's normal, first go to the Pokémon Center to find some tools to repair - down Bar.

"(With the money... Xiaozhi, you don't want to

Seeing that Xiao Zhilin, who is ready to start action, has already guessed what Xiao Zhi is going to do

"It's okay, it's just practice."

Saying that, Ash slowly lifted the sleeping Kirby beast.Then just hold it up and move forward.

"That's why I said there's nothing wrong with exercising!"

".No, can I use my superpowers to help?"

Na Thief was speechless when he saw Xiao Zhi holding the Kirby beast directly and walking forward.Wondering if I'm using superpowers to help - look 3

"No need, that's it. Kabi beast is not heavy, at least I have used it when I was exercising."

"Okay, just be happy

Watching Ash there holding the kabbi, Nazshen

He sighed deeply, then followed Xiao Zhi's pace with the helpless Lin and Xiaoxia. _

Chapter 111 Who dares to grab the food of the Kirby beast? (This is chapter [-]!!!)

A group of people from the inside and outside of the Magic Treasure Prisoner on Tangerine Island watched dumbfoundedly - a person walked slowly, of course, what they were really dumbfounded about was the thing that person was holding.

A carbine.._

And the person holding the Kirby is Ash.On the way, Xiao Zhi never woke up the Kabi beast, and moved all the way, and: a child next to him also looked at Xiao Zhi with an immortal expression on his face.

No way, he almost watched Xiao Zhi carry the Kabi beast all the way over, and he looked at Xiao Zhi who didn't feel tired at all until now.The child really feels like he is facing a fairy now.

"Although Xiaozhi

I know you have a lot of strength training, but don't you think it's really scary?"

Joey's eyes twitched when he saw the Kirby beast who was still sleeping soundly on the ground, but Xiao Zhi didn't mean anything but patted the sleeping Kirby beast and said.

"It's time to get up, it's time to eat


As soon as I heard that the Kirby beast was about to eat, I woke up in a sleep and watched with excitement that Ash would be transported by air _. I didn't expect that there was a Kirby beast.I'll have someone bring more over here.",

Joey looks at Ash

The Kirby beast is so excited _ I also know that this guy will have a big meal later. Therefore, I also went to inform the delivery personnel to prepare more.

"We'll have something to eat later, so you don't have to worry about Kabimon?"


Lying on Kirby's fleshy belly, Ash looked at the sky very comfortably, while Hippo King looked at Kirby and Ash and greeted Lin next to -z.

"The relationship between Kabimon and the boss is really good. He actually likes to let the old lady sit on it."

Lin looked at Kirby's belly and nodded after being silent for a while.


Indeed.. and to be honest, Kirbymon's stomach is really comfortable. "

Saying that, Lin also lay down on the belly of Kirby, seeing that Nazi and Xiaoxia were no exception, while Kirby let Xiaozhi and the others lie down leisurely, it felt very comfortable.

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