While talking, Musashi pressed a button.Then Kojiro's egg gas appeared in the mouth of the mechanical tyrannosaurus and looked at Xiaozhi and the others, and then the double egg gas actually sprayed a destructive death light directly at Bidiao.

In the face of the broken blank death light rushing towards him.Instead of being afraid, Bi Diao directly fluttered his wings to avoid the attack of the destruction of the death light, and then flew to the head of the mechanical tyrannosaurus with a violent wind, closing the mouth of the mechanical tyrannosaurus.

"It's like carving, but it's an accident,

Kojiro's double-dense gas will actually destroy and die, so... it seems that there is a safer way to solve them.Jenny Turtle!"


Hearing Xiao Zhi calling him, Jenny Turtle immediately ran over, while Xiao Zhi put on his helmet and picked him up

"I'll throw you in when the Opposite Mechanical Tyrannosaurus opens its mouth. Then you use the old method to completely incapacitate Team Rocket. No problem 22"

"Jenny" (No problem! Just had the fish! This time it's seafood flavored"

Seeing the confident look of Jenny Turtle, Xiao Zhi smiled and followed.

Later, when the mechanical tyrannosaurus opened his mouth, Xiao Zhi shouted while holding the jenny turtle.

"Everyone is covered up! Fa Ya Daddy Boom!"

With Xiaozhi's _ - shouting, the Jenny Turtle was thrown out by Xiao Zhi, and the Jenny Turtle with a hard hat accelerated with a rocket head hammer while rushing towards -si with a smirk. The mouth of a mechanical tyrannosaurus.

"Husi?_!" Boom L

With a loud noise, the double egg gas was hit by the rocket headbutt of the Jenny Turtle, and then the Jenny Turtle smirked and took a stance. A force began to brew all over the body. This force seems to have the power of the wild.

As usual.. the whole momentum of the Jenny Turtle has risen a lot.

"My mom is a kid's jenny

"His posture! Don't" _ !! "

"It's over⊥ I forgot to increase the ventilation settings meow" L'er"

“Jenny 1.⊥⊥.⊥” (Accept it_ Seafood Flavor Ripple Rush ⊥1 )


With an earth-shattering sound.Jenny Turtle's refreshing Cong Mechanical Tyrannosaurus jumped out of its mouth, and then held down the Mechanical Tyrannosaurus' mouth with Bi Diao. After that, the power of the Great Desolation was completely flooded inside the Mechanical Tyrannosaurus.

its come.

"Mom, ⊥1⊥ smells so bad" ⊥⊥⊥ This time it's seafood flavor ⊥⊥!! "*3_. Ask for flowers__...__

"Ah..." *N_

On the beach, countless girls turned red. They originally thought that this handsome guy, Xiao Zhi, would solve the trouble of the mechanical tyrannosaurus with a very handsome attitude. Who knew that Xiao Zhi actually used the jenny turtle to use such a vicious trick!

It is simply the ultimate psychological shock! ,

And how long in the United States, the body of the mechanical tyrannosaurus was carried away.Musashi Kobe with a fishy smell all over his body

After breathing in the fresh air, Lang Miaomiao finally felt the redemption like a new life.However, when they were happy, four short blue legs appeared in front of them.

Looking at the short legs, Musashi Kojiro raised his head tremblingly, and then they saw two jenny turtles standing in front of them with a smirk.

"Jenny"" (Yo L, I brought my younger brother to practice my hands~)

"No... no way..."

"That... oil painting is easy to say, I_ think we shouldn't be so violent, don't we?"

_"Jenny" (It doesn't matter. Happy is the most important

What do you want~ L

After finishing speaking, Jenny and Jenny's younger brother turned around. After seeing this situation, the Rockets let out their desperate screams.



On that day, the people on the beach realized that the Jenny Turtles actually had such a terrifying trick. It was really scary.

"Well... not bad, this big thing is really good, if it can be changed, it will be even better."

After dealing with Team Rocket, Xiao Zhi was touching the Mechanical Tyrannosaurus with a baby face, while Lin Xiao

Ba and Nazi are helplessly standing in the distance, there is no way that there is still a smell on the mechanical tyrannosaurus, don't ask them how they know, can you see smoke even in the sun?

And Xiaozhi didn't dislike it at all, but looked at this trophy of his own with shining eyes.

"It's great. It's great. If I change it, maybe I can really make a super robot? Team Rocket, you have to work hard."

While talking, Xiao Zhi also looked at the Rockets who were being thrown into the sun to disperse their scent.These three are estimated to have a psychological shadow now.

_L(en _angt i anhao88)

Support Fei Lu's original works and enjoy the joy of reading"

Chapter [-] Two Praying Mantises

"Hey. In the end, you still learned to _have such a hurtful trick? Forget it, Jenny Turtle, you have to remember that this trick is your secret weapon, don't use it lightly, understand?"

Just when Xiao Zhi was drooling at the mechanical tyrannosaurus, Xiaoxia was a little helpless looking at her Jenny Turtle, after all, her Jenny Turtle still learned to do this.

Now Xiaolu can only hope that this-trick will be regarded as the ultimate killer by the Jenny Turtle.._

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