And Xiaoxia's Jenny Corner did not disappoint Xiaoxia, she nodded and hugged Xiaoxia, expressing her willingness to listen to Xiaoxia.


Jenny Turtle is so obedient, Xiaoxia also smiled, and at the same time wondered what kind of idiot trainer would abandon these little guys.

On the other side, the people from the Tailu Hotel have already arrived. When seeing them coming, Xiao Zhi pointed to the mechanical tyrannosaurus and said.

"Take him away, and spray it with fragrance. By the way, there is one more thing... Help me block it. I'm rioting again in the sky⊥ Wife, run!"

Looking at a group of female hungry wolves rushing towards him again.Without a word, Ash picked up his own Pokémon and ran away.At the same time, I did not forget to bring Lin Xiaoxia and Nazi, and Xiaozhi's subordinates watched

With swarms of Ash's female fans in a sense.Couldn't help but swallow.Ling Tian guessed that they wanted to go back safely, but it was difficult.

"Ten girls, please don't do this! We

"Sisters go ⊥_ Ll⊥"

"I'm going to go up!"

Fortunately, when the group was destroyed, Xiao Zhi had already returned to the Durian Hotel, so he escaped.

"Aunt Liuli 1. Catch the vertical |. Competition! If I stay here longer, I will be eaten!".

While talking about Xiaozhi, he pointed behind him, while Aunt Liuli watched - help the girl hungry

The wolf looked at Xiao Zhi's eyes and couldn't help but nodded.

"It's to hurry up the game.. It's really scary... Come and I'll take you to the competition venue.."_

"Huh". Thank goodness ⊥⊥⊥"

one by one dividing line one by one

"Now it's the game of Durkan Gym. This game will be contested by the challenger Ash against Gym Master Liuli Nutu 1. Then the relay race_starts now!!⊥"

"Xiaozhi. Let me see how your Pokémon cooperate."



"Oh? It's actually Hudi, is it interesting~"

Nazi smiled with interest when she saw that Liu Li sent Hu Dibuxue, after all, she is a super nine trainer herself.

On Xiaozhi's side, Xiaozhi took out two Poke Balls.It's just that one is a baby ball and the other is a luxury ball.

"My words, it's them 1. Go, Giant Claw Mantis! Flying Sky Mantis!"


Z Liuli was a little surprised when Ash's giant pincer mantis and the old flying mantis appeared on the field.

"Is the giant pincer mantis? Your original flying mantis evolved? But this _,"_

The old flying mantis who looked at Xiao Zhi, even Liu Li, was a little worried about Xiao Zhi's attitude.After all, the physical strength of the old flying mantis is a problem.

And Xiaozhi couldn't help showing a smile when he saw Liuli like this.

"If you underestimate their two class hours, they will lose very badly. Now this flying mantis no longer has physical problems._上 1 Double Sword Dance

Hearing Xiaozhi's words.. the flying mantis and the giant pincer mantis spin themselves together and then turn into two red-green west whirlwinds rushing towards Hudi and Gala Gala

go with.

"Hu Di used illusion to control one of them, and he used his bones to push back the target!

"Is it really that easy? Giant pincer mantis metal harassment. Flying mantis cover!


When Hu Di was about to output the illusion, the giant pincer mantis directly collided its two metal pincers. , Then the harsh metal sound began to ravage the entire arena, making Hu Di unable to use his superpowers because of this interference, and the Flying Mantis used his scythe to help the Giant Clamp Mantis open. He rushed to his bones to return to the target.

Then take advantage of Hu Di and Ho La Ho La because

When the metal sound makes it impossible to fight normally. The Flying Mantis and the Giant Claw Mantis use the sword dance again to form two red and green spirals.

Unlike the sword dance of ordinary Pokémon, the sword dance of Xiaozhi's Flying Mantis and Giant Claw Mantis is not only to improve their attack power, but can be used as a means of defense and attack. The second trump card of the pincer mantis.

With the impact of the two whirlwinds, both Ho La Gala and Hu Di were knocked aside, and Xiao Zhi watched them two and confirmed that the two Pokémon were really in a state of being temporarily unable to move. e

"The last blow, use the shadows together

Body and then the giant pincer mantis, you use bullet fist, flying mantis use sword dance and one word slash, Storm Sword Dance 1. It's over."

Hearing Xiao Zhi's words, the pincer mantis and the flying mantis looked at each other and nodded.Then the two of them cast shadow clones together. When Hu Di and Ho La Ho La were stunned, the giant pincer mantis suddenly rushed towards Gala Gala - the pincer hit Gala Gala, and the old flying mantis was In an instant, Hu Di turned himself into a whirlwind and completely rolled up Hu Di. Then, accompanied by Giant Clamp Mantis and Fei, Tian Mantis used Ho La Ho La and Hu Di together, and the two Pokémon collided with each other. Finally lost a sound.

"The battle is over. The winner of this battle is Ash!⊥.","

Liu Li smiled at Ho La Gala and Hu Di who had lost their ability to fight, and took them both back and said.

"As expected of you, but it seems that this old 4.6 Flying Mantis has been revived by your medicine_Cooking 2"

"That's right, anyway, this guy has caused me a lot of trouble since he was looking for Live Nine.

Speaking of which, Xiaozhi reluctantly patted Er Feitian Mantis. The Feitian Mantis showed a good smile, what Yanzhe Xiaozhi said was true, 2 he really did not miss Xiaozhi.

"But it's his luck to meet you, so congratulations. This is the pomegranate badge. With it, you can challenge the chief trainer of the Orange League."

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