Hearing Xiao Zhi's order, Bie Diao directly fanned the weather ball around his body with his wings, and facing these weather balls in Xiao Zhi's mouth, Xiao Yong did not simply let it be the weather ball he knew.

"Electrical beasts evade!"

"Roaring Mountain."

Although the electric shock beast doesn't know why the owner lets himself. Avoid.But since it was the master's order, the electric shock beast still quickly avoided it obediently.Then he felt that he was very good at being obedient.

Because the thing that made everyone lose their eyes happened, the weather balloon thrown by Bidiao was simply the gravity bomb thrown by the happy egg before!

Looking at the gravity bomb that began to shrink and explode when it hit the ground, Xiaoyong Mamoto looked at Ash, and Ash said innocently.

"Combat battles are not just Pokémon battles, but also battles between trainers, so it's normal to talk about intrigues, isn't it?"

"A normal bastard, who still plays like this in the competition? Are you sure you're not specifically blocking people? What about the promised blood? The promised youth?⊥"

"It's really hot-blooded. Look at our passionate wits. At this time, our brain cells are burning!"

"This kind of blood is useless⊥!!"

"Cut... After all, I'm also a big boss, so I'm always habitually calculating my opponents, but this is normal, isn't it? I'm very willing to spend a lot of money for my little money. 2 Of course This also caused me to like to calculate my opponents when I was fighting, I hope you don't mind

. "

"I don't mind if there are ghosts. 1.1⊥ Forget it. But I can understand. Electric __ Shock Beast ⊥ Since the opponent is in the air, then use thunder!"

"Roaring Mountain."

To be honest, Dengemon now also feels the trouble of fighting with Ash's Pokémon. It's really too dark.You don't know when the other side will use some weird tricks to stop you.But what can be done.

However, when the electric shock beast used the thunder trick, Bi Diao's eyes suddenly changed, and then it looked seriously at the black clouds in the sky because of the electric shock beast's lightning-carrying trick, and then..._

"than 1⊥⊥⊥"_ (found! ⊥ smaller⊥ there) .

As Pidiao's wings cut through the sky. Electric shock: Beast and Xiaoyong stared blankly at the cloud layer as if it had been cut open.

"This is... what is the situation.

"Roar LL⊥⊥" (Ha! That Bidiao actually learned the characteristics of Lao Tzu! Oh, it's interesting". It's so interesting"!. 1 )

At this time, in Xiaozhi's house, Kaiza, who was watching TV with Xiaozhi's mother Hanako, Xiaoxue Xiaozi, and Qingmei, was excited. He didn't expect Xiaozhi's Bidiao to really do it, although it was only very preliminary. the hit

Lei's trick cloud cuts but that's enough L

And the thousand-year-old ghost Stone also looked at Bi Diao on TV with great interest and said.

"It's amazing, the boss's cultivation is different, but it does work very hard, that's it. It's okay. It's okay."


Chapter [-] Touko: I'm interested!

The reason why Bi Diao was able to cut through the clouds of the thunder trick is entirely because Xiao Zhi asked the split air seat to make it based on its characteristics: - a unique trick, and Xiao Zhi let Bi Diao learn the purpose of preventing thunder. , Bi Yibi eagle is flying in the sky and a lightning strike is too easy to hit.

But now it seems that Bidiao really succeeded, so Xiao Zhi also smiled with relief.

"Success... Bidi

"Bidiao L⊥⊥⊥1!"_(I succeeded!⊥⊥⊥)

At this time, the Beagle in the sky is also very excited, because it succeeded 1 it really.

The cloud of electric shock was cut open." And in this case, Biyao's momentum changed.

And when Xiao Zhi saw the change in the imposing manner of Beagle in the sky, he glanced at Meow and Pikachu and smiled.

"I didn't expect it. It actually broke through at this time."_

"...But it's probably because I'm too excited. Is it time for the old lady to end?"

"Pickup~" (Congratulations on congratulations! Little

Hearing Xiaozhi say that Bidiao has broken through the other Pokémon, they all look at Bidiao with envy, but they are more blessed by Bidiao. After all, Bidiao can break through.

At this time, the overlord in Xiaozhi's house, Bidiao, was also relieved to smile when he saw this situation.

"Bi" _ (The nose boy actually _ caught up with Lao Tzu..__

"Wow!" (Happy when you are happy. Don't pretend⊥)

Xiaozhi's overlord Big Mouth couldn't help but patted it with his wings when he saw Overlord Bidiao.] Overlord Bidiao, and Overlord Bidiao was not angry, but watched TV with relief. In the hands of his old friend. Sure enough, since the 3-family and the old friend have an inseparable fate.

And this time in the arena.Xiaozhi's statue is like a king in the sky

Overlooking the entire village, Xiao Zhi also looked at the statue in the sky.

"It's time to end. Then Bi Diao _ the last blow ⊥ bond evolution ⊥"

"than L⊥⊥⊥⊥"

Accompanied by Xiao Zhi and Bi Diao, colorful rays of light radiated from them.Bibi's momentum increased again. Xiaoyong, who saw this situation, also roared.

"Electrical Beast L interferes with him with electromagnetic waves 1⊥!"

"Roar""! "

The Electric Shock Beast roared and launched an electromagnetic wave directly towards the Beagle.However, what surprised Xiaoyong and Dengekimon was that the electromagnetic wave actually

It didn't work, Bidiao was not paralyzed!⊥⊥

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