On the other hand, Ash said with a smile as if he knew it for a long time."I didn't expect it. My family's Bidiao is not afraid of hemp! Break through the storm" The fetters evolve L⊥, ba is 1 compared to L! "

As the colored light shattered, the bond between Bidiao and Xiaozhi evolved into a mesa Bidiao guard. At this time, Xiaozhi also made the last attacking machine.

"Go. Let's go."

"Over L⊥⊥⊥⊥"

As the mega eagle flaps his wings,

The endless storm rushed towards the Electric Beast with gravity bullets, and the Electric Beast responded with [-] volts. However, these electric shocks were all dissipated after encountering the storm and the gravity ball.

Finally, when the gravitational bomb reached the vicinity of the electric shock beast, the endless cyclone began to generate. Then the storm was generated.

_"Electric Beast⊥.⊥!"

As the Electric Shock Beast was submerged by the endless storm, Xiaoyong knew that he had lost again. And it was still with favorable attributes.

"Oops! I didn't expect it! Xiaoyong already has five Pokémon that have lost the ability to fight, and Xiaozhi is worthy of being a top player.

The champion of the Quartz League!. The combat power should not be underestimated ⊥_ L l.”.

Listening to the host's words, Xiaoyong is helpless - laughs.Also... I still underestimate... Xiaozhi.After all, myself. This one in front of me has countless identities. You will never know what a Pokémon-only Pokémon is. You will never know what a new identity _Xiaozhi will have.

"Identity is just a code name. Besides... My identity and honor are also the result of the efforts of my Pokémon. For example, the snake emperor. Some Arbors blame them for working so hard, and so do I

It's impossible for snake Pokémon alone to be able to make a mark on the Gorgeous Contest. ._

"woo go"

Hearing what Xiao Zhi said, the monarch snake stood up proudly, and what Xiao Zhi said was the most affirmation to her, which is why they all like Xiao Zhi, because Xiao Zhi can really see their Shine:::

"You can see through the child" Lord Snake said so well! ⊥ I'm so moved! ⊥!

In Maoyi's house, Touko was shaken desperately by Meiyi again.And Tou Zi is also very helpless now, Ya Yi is simply the super little fan girl of the Snake Emperor, and now Tou Zi really doubts whether Ya Yi is compatible with

The Snake Emperor knew, otherwise it would not be possible, this is no longer a longing for ordinary stars.

"Maoyi. You don't know him and you don't need to do this.",

When I heard Touzi say that, Yayi smiled and took out Xiaozhi's signature and said e

"Who said that, I've met Mrs. Snake twice, and both sides have had good contact."

"...I think it's because you were confused and you were helped by someone."

Can Touzi know about Yayi? Touzi can guess through Meiyi, and Yayi blushed when she heard Toko's words and said e

"No.. It was just an accident at the time, but Mrs. Snake is really nice. You know what? Mrs. Snake is super gentle and very gentle!"

"I know. I saw it at Miss Kazmir's show. There's also a group photo!"

Saying that, Mei took out a photo with a Pikachu doll.

_"...he.. would accept this costume?"

"Of course 1 and you know that? Mrs. Snake is a master at playing mascots!


Seeing Tou Zi's surprised appearance, Mei Yi felt a little embarrassed, after all.

It's a bit strange that my idol prefers to play the mascot

"It's really a mascot. Why doesn't the _ snake queen like to play the prince..."

While talking about Mei-Yi, he took out a bunch of movies that Xiao Zhi has acted in that needed mascots, _

- "Pfft! Hahahaha!, Awesome!. Really a mascot, L, this snake emperor is interesting!"

For the first time, Touko really became interested in Xiaozhi, the snake king. After all - _ a person who likes to play mascots, straight and very strange but also very interesting. _


Chapter [-] Yulongdu: Tired

Xiaozhi didn't know that there was a little fan girl of his own in the Hezhong area who was going to her best friend Amway, but even if he knew about Xiaozhi, he would not feel anything. But what really makes Xiao Zhi wait is Xiao Yong's last: - only Pokémon.Fast dragon.

"Are you ready for the fire-breathing dragon? The enemy this time is the fast dragon~ the dragon type." You should understand what I mean. "

"Shut up," (hit it, its mother doesn't even know it! Eight

Of course, the fire-breathing dragon understands what Xiaozhi means. Isn't it just to beat the fast dragon? No problem! As Xiaozhi's true intention

The initial Pokémon that is literally chosen.Fire-breathing dragons also have their own pride.

"Very good, then prepare for the battle and go on the field first."

"Roar L⊥⊥"

Hearing Ash's words, the fire-breathing dragon roared twice and rushed into the arena.And seeing the fire-breathing dragon Xiaoyong also understands that this is Xiaozhi's last: - as long as the Pokémon sent.

"Fire-breathing dragon... Then in the end, I can only ask you for it. Go and be happy!"

Wow wow ⊥_!⊥」

When Xiaoyong called out Kuailong, the whole arena was boiling.After all, for the Orange League, the fast dragons are them.

The guardian beast-like.

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