"No problem, we're really experts in this."

"Hope things don't

It will change _ it will be scary,

Taking a look at Xiao Zhi, Lin has a bad feeling that Xiao Zhi might make a big difference this time._,

And just when Ash was thinking about how to get into the pirates, three acquaintances came out with bandages.

And they were also startled when they saw Xiao Zhi in their dress.

"Uh., Musashi Kojiro meow meow _ you are,

"Don't talk meow... We met the pirates you mentioned."__

"Then we were accidentally wounded by their shells.."_

"Not only

It also put us in the hospital

Look at the three of them.Xiaozhi wondered if he was an acquaintance and wanted to help them.So asked.

"Would you like... let me help you heal?"

"Hey? Is it okay?"

"if you do not mind.

"We are very happy!"

Seeing Musashi Kobeiro Miaomiao agreeing to Xiaozhi's face, H showed a creepy, scary smile.

"That's good, wait a moment, I'm going to get the medicinal materials here."

Hearing the word medicinal herbs, Lin's figure froze for a moment, and she followed suit.

Then he pulled Xiaoxia and Nazi and walked away.

"What's the matter, Sister Lin 2"

"It's alright, wait a minute and cover your ears.

"Hey? Why?"

Seeing Lin's helpless expression, Xiaoxia was very curious about what Xiaozhi was going to do. Lin said helplessly.

"I know what Xiaozhi said about the medicinal herbs.. The effect is indeed good. But there is a side effect... . The pain is deepened..."

As soon as Lin finished speaking, she heard Xiao Zhi's voice behind her.

"This is a super powerful medicine, but if you use it, you have to grit your teeth a little.

"Hey? Why?"

"Yeah, why karma"

"I'll give you a spray or two and you'll understand." 呲L

"Ah, ah ah ah mountain 1! 1!⊥"*3_

Hearing the three horrific screams coming from behind, Lin helplessly shook her head.

"Really... I told him that medicine should not be used unless it is absolutely necessary.

Lynn is understandable for Team Rocket's scream. As one of the producers of the herbal spray, she understands the efficacy of the potion and its terrible side effects.

And when Lin and the others come back.Musashi Kojiro Meow Meow was lying on the ground, trembling.No way this medicine works though.But the side effects are even scarier.It hurts so much.

"I feel like my body is recovering. But it also hurts like I'm going to die.."_

"Trouble.. use a safer one next time, thank you... it hurts!

Hearing that Kojiro asked himself to use a little bit of safety to look at the thing in his hand strangely. ,

"Is it safe? This is the safest. Not only does it work quickly, but it also allows you to heal the previous wound quickly, but there will be a corresponding price.

.And the price is that it will hurt, and it will hurt to death. "We use it that doesn't hurt"."*3

Seeing the three Xiaozhi shrug helplessly, Junsha looked at Xiaozhi's potion with great interest and asked e

"Xiao Zhi, can this potion really heal quickly?"

"That's right. The effect exploded: it's good. It's just a pity that the side effects are a bit big. You, too, heard their screams.

Hearing Xiao Zhi's answer, Jun Sha's eyes flashed a glimmer of trouble.Then she asked Xiao Zhi quietly.

"Xiao Zhi. You also know that sometimes when we interrogate

Met some rogue-like guys. So our interrogation _ will be a bit violent, your potion can _

"Relax! I can definitely remove all traces⊥"

"Hmm. Really?",

"Or try those pirates later - try and you'll understand the difference"

Hearing Xiao Zhi say this, Jun Sha smiled. ,

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