"As expected of Xiaozhi. Then I will trouble you. We have some trouble with some tough-mouthed criminals here."

"Understood, thank you for your hard work, Sister Junsha."

Saying that, Xiaozhi and Junsha shook hands.


Chapter [-] Lost!

"Really... why do we_ want to help along with us! We are villains!"

"Who let us fall into their hands now meow."

"And the funds are also provided by others, so let's work..."_ ,

Now if anyone is building a boat bed they will see a horrific scene, two people and a B meow are being made at a terrifying speed - z wear, of course this boat is not a modern but a relatively old sailing boat, but Even so, the efficiency of these three is indeed terrible.

"Although I know they are very capable, this

Is it too strong?"

Seeing the three Rockets quickly making sailboats, Lin now feels that the three Rockets are really worthless if they don't try to create.

"Although I don't want to admit it, the three of them have really strong hands-on ability. And they're terrifyingly strong..."

Xiaoxia still has a strong understanding of the abilities of these three.After all, these three have come up with new machines to make trouble for Xiao Zhi, and those are all made by themselves.

"Well.. I heard you talk about the warp teleportation bricks, Xiaozhi, they are really good, at least I agree with that thing."


When I heard something about Team Rocket, I also agreed with the Warp Bricks they made. After all, not everyone can make that kind of thing.

The three members of the Rockets couldn't help but feel proud after hearing Lin's words.

"Hey, it's not a joke, but our craftsmanship is great."

"That's right, and I'll tell you in a whisper. Actually, we're not just making sailboats, we've modified them. You see, these retractable gun barrels are definitely powerful!."

Looking at the pile of gun barrels that the Rockets made out, even Xiao Zhi was a little surprised.

"Hahaha! That's for sure." 3_

Looking at the sailing ship that was gradually being completed, Xiaozhi looked towards. Chenglong next to him said s

"Okay, when you get rid of those pirates, you will be able to return to your own tribe."

Chenglong was both happy and a little disappointed when he heard Xiaozhi's words, but when he saw Chenglong like this, Xiaozhi smiled and patted his head and said.

"It's okay, we will keep people watching you here. If you miss me, you can communicate, but I will really subdue you when we meet next time."

"Sing on"

Hearing Xiaozhi say this, Chenglong nodded.Then quietly leaned against Xiao Zhi.

--Dividing line--&#;

The pirate boss has recently felt that it is time for him to turn around. There have been Pokémon hunters competing for business with him. But recently, I don’t know why the Pokémon hunter organization has not appeared in the Kanto and Orange Islands.

This made the pirate boss feel his chance, and now he has found it: a pile of Chenglong, for the rare magical treasure of Chenglong, in the eyes of the old pirate, this is a pile of banknotes.

The pirate granny has it all set now

, and after capturing this group of Chenglong, I will sell it for the money. And I will catch a strong one as my magical treasure. After that, the money from these Chenglongs sold can be used to refit the boat.At that time, I will be able to drive the best ship to dominate the sea.

Boom L small ⊥⊥⊥⊥

"Oops" ⊥⊥⊥"

"It hurts so much ⊥. ⊥ Go"

"What is this! 1 l, it hurts to death⊥⊥Ler"

Just when the pirate boss was thinking about his bright future, a cannon sounded along with the screams of the pirates.And wait for the pirate boss to look at his subordinates

Only then did he realize that his subordinates were all touched by a strange smoke. 2 After that, they were already lying on the ground and twitching L, but it didn't look like he was beaten, but more like... it hurts"_

"How is this going?!"

"I don't know, boss, but it hurts! ⊥","

"Ma'am! I feel like I'm fine

But it hurts”⊥⊥.”

"Yeah granny! I feel fine now! But it hurts ⊥⊥_ 1_ "

"What the hell?"

After hearing the words of the subordinates, the pirate boss is a little bit lacking.

Figured L and just as he was thinking about it, another cannon rang out, followed by a puff of smoke.

"Oh, it hurts to go to ⊥1⊥12!

Just when the pirate ship was crying because of a group of people, Xiao Zhi silently observed with the telescope. At the same time, he said to Billy beside him.

"Notify the shelling crew. Adjusting - a muzzle, I want them to feel the charm of my potion throughout the ship!."

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