"Yes Captain!. The boys act ⊥"

"Oh oh oh" ⊥⊥"*N .

Watching a bunch of muscle dudes have fun

Fiercely controlling the sailboat, Musashi Kojiro Miaomiao tried his best to hide himself in the shadows, especially Kojiro who had already discovered Billy and their identities.

"Musashi, Meow, please hide me!"

"What the hell are you afraid of, Kojiro?

"Yeah, I've been trying to hide myself,"

"You don't understand, that's Billy, who is loved by countless special lovers. Under his philosophical power, there are countless men who choose to follow him!"

After saying that, Kojiro shrank again.The scariest thing is their likes. w

After listening to Kojiro's introduction, Miaomiao thought of herself.Looking around again, I suddenly found a group of crew members with bright smiles


"Mom on ⊥⊥"

In an instant, Meow Meow ran behind Musashi and Kojiro-shrinked behind Musashi to let Musashi protect them, while Musashi looked at the two of them speechlessly.

"Hey, hey, you two, give me a little man."

"Don't fuck with the more men we are, the happier they are"

"Yeah go. Look at them laughing! ⊥⊥⊥"

Musashi looked at the big brothers who were smiling.I had to move to the side

Just when the Rockets were frightened, S Xiaozhi had already entered the final stage, after all, they were just a bunch of pirates.Under the special ammunition, he was not only uninjured, but also in good health.It just hurts to death.And their stinger jellyfish... After seeing Ash's stinger jellyfish, all of them have been obediently corrected under the 'kind' teaching of Ash's stinger jellyfish.Anyway, for those pirates, it's not a serious stinger jellyfish. It's normal for the stinger jellyfish to do so e_


Chapter [-] Riding the Dragon

- "It's really hard for you guys, I didn't expect your medicine, Xiaozhi, to be so useful, and...",

Glancing at the captured pirate L Junsha who was surrounded by reporters, she couldn't help showing a smile.

"I mean it!" They really used chemical weapons. My subordinates and I are in pain to death 1⊥! "

"Yeah, we are all so sick of doubting life⊥ It's so scary, we've been hurt!,"

"Yeah" yeah on"

However, looking at these pirates, the reporters said in doubt.


But...you don't have any _ any scars on your body, and we heard that you are very healthy except for some minor ailments caused by not eating very much vegetables.

"That's slander 1. Do you look like our three sons are all right now!"

After hearing the words of the pirate boss, everyone looked at it, um.. very healthy, terrible health.He didn't even have any scars on his body and he didn't suffer any abuse. Sure enough, the pirates can't be trusted.

Then the reporters began to report on their own.

"Followers, as you can see, these pirates are a moving lying machine.

They didn't have any scars but said they were hurt.We have reason to suspect that they may be trying to extort money from Mr. Ash, the facilitator of this incident! "

"Hey, you reporters, don't go too far ⊥ Shan⊥ We are telling the truth!

"That's right! That guy used a very dangerous weapon" 1! "

"Yeah, we were treated badly."

"We have the right to sue his l_"

A bunch of reporters listened to these pirates and didn't know what to say. After all, can these guys come out?

Two more talking.

And Junsha looked at these guys and couldn't help but take out something and said.

"I'm sorry, if it is a normal situation, you can indeed appeal, but the evidence that you attacked Pokémon with cannonballs is solid, so you have been identified as guys who can be arrested by any means, that is to say, Xiao Zhi and the others used Jie It's okay for a nigga to attack you!".

Hearing Jun Sha's words, the pirate captain raised his eyebrows unhappily and asked e

"Huh? Jackie? What's so scary about a jackie? Are you kidding me?

However, on the pirate ship

When he finished speaking for a long time.But he found that all the people around looked like they had seen a ghost, and at this time, Xiaozhi's jenny came over with sunglasses, and also held a radish in one hand and a sweet potato in both hands. eating

The reporters immediately hid away when they saw the big guy Jenny Turtle coming.

"Oh my god it's the jenny turtle!"

"The legendary Pokémon that shakes the sky!

"These pirates are miserable 11_ !

"Too cruel⊥"

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