
Along with Xiaogang's screams, he was slowly pulled away by Billy and the others.And Xiao Zhi looked at Xiao Gang who was pulled away and was a little helpless, a guy who hasn't learned his lesson yet..._

"Forget it_..I'm going to pick up Xiaohuang_By the way, let's see Xiaolan and Dad go.._You should rest first, Xiaoxia, are you going to Hualan City?"

Hearing Xiaozhi ask herself. v Xiaoxia originally wanted to go to Hualan City to see her sisters.But thinking that her three sisters were planning something bad recently, Xiaoxia felt that she should not go back yet.So she said with a smile.

"No need for now, my sisters are over there.

Always in touch""

"Is that so? Then I'll go first"

After talking, Ash brought Pikachu, Happy Egg, Kadak and Dumb beast together and set off for Joban City.To dry meow... They are accompanying Madonna.Xiao Zhi will not casually carry people's sweet times.

one-one dividing line-one

"Listen, boy... the matter of our grandfather is not over yet, you should know what I mean?"

"Yes, father, but why am I not afraid at all?"

"Looks like you really don't care about me, the Rockets boss.

in.Give me your salty pig hand to Cong Xiaolan and take it away |_"

"What's wrong with me holding my fiancée 2, why don't our grandpa practice?"

At this time in the Rockets base in Vibran City, a group of Rockets cadres looked at their boss and their family helplessly. Now Xiaolan is holding Xiaozhi's arm, and Xiaozhi: is looking at each other with Sakagi. .

"Xiao Lan, you are used to this stinky boy," look what he looks like now⊥ actually provoking my father-in-law to come on"

Xiaolan thought for a while after hearing what Sakagi said, and then put her head on Xiaozhi's shoulder and said.

"Sure enough, Xiao Zhi is more reassuring to me."

"..Xiaozhi, let's practice ⊥ practice now↓1_!"

Sakagi Xiaozhi sighed when he saw that he had entered the runaway mode, then looked at Xiaolan and smiled.

"Yu Dad, you've already lost~ oh hoo hoo~"

"Come on!. Pokémon battle!. Brat⊥ I want you to know the consequences of making me angry⊥2

"Okay, come on, Dad, let's continue on."


- "..don't use Pikachu..I also don't use stingray

.Let's use _other elf L or this place will be demolished.."

Look at Ash's Pikachu.Knowing Pi: Kachu's true strength, Sakagi doesn't plan to let Ash use this terrible trump card. After all, this is Joban Ichiyama

And Xiaozhi thinks that the city of Joban is too powerful to fight on his own side, and it is troublesome. Most importantly, if Sister Lan knew that she almost demolished the city of Joban because of this trivial matter, then she would be dead. Thinking of this, Xiaozhi Agree with Sakagi's proposal.

"Okay. So let's get started. Daddy⊥"

"Boss Shirogi vs. General Sebastian ⊥ The game is a game now.

Start! ⊥ small”

With the slogan of Apollo.. the battle between Ash and Sakagi began.

"Let me see your strength, brat ⊥ go to King Nido!"

"Come on daddy" I'm willing to use any dirty means to get me a happy egg for victory!"


Seeing that Xiaozhi actually sent a happy egg, Sakagi instantly scolded his mother. He didn't expect that a bastard against Xiaozhi would send a happy egg⊥

"happy!" (Come on 1

"You are cruel enough".

Nidoyu!. Kick with the second stage!"

Sakagi understood.This guy, Xiaozhi, definitely wants to disgust himself, and in this case, he can only win with speed.Otherwise, the evilness of Ash's happy egg is so small.._


After hearing Sakagi's order, King Nido roared and kicked the Happy Egg with a second kick, and the Happy Egg didn't need Xiaozhi's reminder directly - a multi-layered wall of light blocked him. In front of him, and along with King Nido's second-stage kick to the wall of fame, Happy Egg revealed a wicked smile.flower._

"Not good!. King Nido be careful that the poison of the happy egg is different from the common poison.


Sakagi immediately realizes what Ash and Happy Egg are going to do when he sees the bad news of Happy Egg.But this time he was wrong.

"It's now! Fried eggs!."


Sakagi didn't expect that Xiaozhi didn't use the poison as usual this time, but instead used fried eggs - a trick, and this led to the fact that King Nido was affected by fried eggs because of Sakagi's wrong order.

"It's now that L is in close contact and then the improved version of Yama's three-point hand slaps Yama's slap"


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