with happiness

The egg quickly approached King Nido, and the happy egg directly slapped King Nido to the ground, but before it was over, Xiaozhi would never forget to repair the door.

0 0.

"Final blow! Gravity bomb!"


With the emergence of a gravity bomb on the palm of the happy egg, the last gravity bomb was hit directly on the body of King Nido by the auspicious egg.

."Roar L⊥⊥_!"

With the screams of King Nido, the gravity bomb exploded directly behind King Niming and King Niming was under this terrifying attack.

Completely lost consciousness.

And Sakagi couldn't help but squinted his eyes when he saw the result. He didn't expect that he would make the most basic mistake. He fought according to common sense.After all, every time Xiaozhi makes Happy Egg fight, it's almost a pile of defense, then throwing poison, and then piles up defense to grind people.And now it seems that I am... too conscious?

Thinking like this, Sakagi took back the king of Niming and looked at Xiaozhi.

"It seems that I still have a problem... or else I won't be blocked by your kid."

Listening to Sakagi saying this, Xiaozhi smiled and said.

"Dad, just pay attention. After all, there are

When the inertia of thinking kills people, who knows if the opponent will use their unique skills to stop us, and for example...how do you think I won't run away with Xiaolan" Hahahaha! Withdrew."

Saying that, Xiaozhi suddenly ran with Xiaolan on his shoulders, while Happy Egg quickly acted with Xiaozhi, making everyone unresponsive.

And Sakagi was stunned for a while before he reacted.

"Xiaozhi L⊥⊥⊥_knife⊥_"_

Chapter [-]: Go to pick up Xiao Huang

"Hahahaha! That guy, Dad L, who is going home with his daughter-in-law, would never have thought of it, hahahaha!"

"You're really enough, I feel like Dad is probably mad at me."

In the Rockets underground base.Xiaozhi was carrying Xiaolan on the road, and this operation made the other Rockets look at it for a while, but they didn't stop it. After all, one is his own princess and the other is his own, a general and an uncle. people.Since this is added, there is no need to kick the muddy water.As for the earth-shattering roar of the old lady, forget it.

On the other hand, Xiaolan has no objection to running away when he is being held by Xiaozhi.

.Anyway, the two of them ran away like this after they did sabotage together. Of course, the main reason is that Xiao Lan's physical strength is definitely not as good as Xiao Zhi's.All the people in the west of the "Power Three" will use Xiaozhi to run quickly with Xiaolan after they are done.Now is the time to relive the good memories of the past.

And after Xiao Zhi ran back to the Continental Hotel with Xiao Lan, it didn't take long for Changqi City to report an urban legend about a young girl thief, a man who ran away without hitting him in broad daylight.

"Speaking of Xiaozhi. What's the matter with you coming here suddenly?" I'm going to travel in Chengdu.Didn't I promise her to go to Chengdu?I am here too

I want to ask if you want to go with me?"


I have to say that Xiaozhi's proposal was moved by Xiaolan. After all, she was going on a trip with Xiaozhi_, but she thought that her mother was currently recovering, so she shook her head and said.

"Although I really want to go with you here, but you also know that my mother still needs someone to take care of me now. I'm sorry for that~",

It's actually a pity that Xiaolan can't travel with Xiaozhi, after all, her mother still needs to take care of her for a while now.If it is a short-term trip like the Orange Islands, Xiaolan Haozhen will act with Xiaojia, no

The process there must be too travel.Then the earth can't be outside all the time.At least take care of your mother first.

"Is that so, there's no way to do it. But even so, you have to pay attention to your own safety. You can always take the fat man I gave you with you. At least if there are fat workers, I can rest assured of your safety.

"Don't worry. I will definitely wear it by my side." Gong Xiaolan still knows its importance.After all, his identity is indeed very troublesome now.

Although other people on Sakamoto's side don't know that he is the boss of the Rockets.But Sakagi is still

Has the identity of the owner of the Viridian City Pavilion.And the most important thing is that Sakagi is a businessman outside. Therefore, there are many people who are eyeing Xiaolan, not to mention the problem of Xiaozhi, the owner of the Tailu Hotel. If there is an idiot who wants to kidnap Xiaolan and bring blood to both sides To ransom.That's not something that can be settled so easily, not to mention Banmu, the boss of Team Rocket. Even if Xiao Zhi, the boss of the Tailu Hotel on the bright side, starts to go crazy __ is also terrible.The scariest thing about Ash's Tailu Hotel is that there's always a bunch of bounty hunters resting there.And as long as Xiao Zhiyi releases the bounty task, I am afraid that the entire region will be in chaos. After all, try to level the bounty in all regions.

The terrifying degree to which hunters are involved in the action 3

All Xiaolan's safety is not only for herself, but also for that area

Dividing line --

"Brother Xiaozhi! You're here to pick me up!

Although Xiaolan can't accompany Xiaozhi to travel with him.But Xiao Huang is not here

After all, it was something that Xiao Huang had already agreed to, so when Xiao Zhi came to Xiao Huang's house, Xiao Huang immediately rushed towards Xiao Zhi happily.Qiu L⊥LL)

Similar to Xiao Huang is Xiao Zhi's skin

After seeing Xiao Huang's back jin, he immediately ran to himself

own wife.No way.After all, both Xiaozhi and Miaomiao belong to the type with their wives by their side.And Pikachu... Qiu Qiu can't leave Xiao Huang _ Conductive Momonga can't immediately Xiao Nan 1 L. Poor Pikachu eats Xiao Zhi's dog food every day and now he finally sees his wife, can you be unhappy? ?

As for the Pikachu ethnic group.. it's not easy to start with age.

"Cough cough... Ash is here._-"

When Xiao Huang's parents saw Xiao Zhi, their mood was more complicated-

After all, they know their daughter's thoughts about Xiao Zhi's brother.Of course he

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