Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 159 Blessing, Forest Healing, Turtle! 【This chapter is very important】

As time passed, the elves of the giant vine discovered that the forest turtle was so resistant to sucking, so they changed their mode directly, absorbing and growing at the same time.

A red light fell on the forest turtle to absorb energy, and another light fell on the broken part of the ancient tree to give it strength and make it grow!


At a certain moment, the forest turtle roared, stopped the elves around him from claiming its power, let them scatter with a loud roar, and went into battle in person.

With a backhand, he used super absorption to emit a strange red light on the elves of the giant vine to drain them dry, then turned his attention to the elves behind him, and also attacked a few friends, absorbing the power of allies to become proficient in new abilities .

After feeling that it was almost absorbed and barely proficient, he shifted his gaze from the group of elves lying on the ground to the ancient tree, and began to emit green light on them.


The green light emitted by the forest turtle is not like a small beam of light like the elves of the giant vine, but a large area of ​​light, directly covering the broken part of the ancient tree.

Compared with the growth of the pure grass attribute power of the giant vines and a few elves, the growth beam of the forest turtle combined with the five forces of grass, earth, sun, life, and nature instantly gave the ancient tree a sense of vitality.

Wood began to grow at the fractured part, and new buds were sent out to connect to the main body, and the fractured part began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In less than five minutes, the ancient tree revived and survived.


Seeing that he had saved the ancient tree, a smile appeared on the tired face of the forest turtle.

At this moment, the ancient tree suddenly emitted a crystal clear green light, which floated out from the branches, leaves, and roots in all directions, and landed on the forest turtle.

In an instant, the wood turtle only felt that he had a new look, not to mention the complete recovery of physical strength, and a slight increase in strength.

It's like, blessings from ancient trees and forests!

After absorbing this power, the forest turtle seemed to have got some kind of inspiration, and looked at the elves around him who had just drained their strength with a smile, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Afterwards, the whole elf seemed to be integrated with the forest, and the green light of life radiated from its body and swayed towards the surroundings, falling on each elf, and at the same time, new grass sprouts emerged from the ground.

The overflowing life force floated out from the grass sprouts into light spots and landed on every elf.

Bathed in this light of life, all the elves began to gradually recover their physical strength, and their condition became better.

What kind of skill is this?

Shinji on the side didn't change his face when he saw this scene, but he was inevitably shocked in his heart.

Shinji knows two grass-attribute moves that can restore physical strength for other elves.

One is the green grass field, which can restore the physical strength of the elves on the ground and increase the power of grass attribute moves.

The other is the exclusive move of the fantasy Pokémon Sarud - Jungle Healing, which can restore physical strength and cure abnormal states for himself and his companions.

But the move that the forest turtle is using at the moment is obviously different from these two moves.

Although there are vaguely some green grassy grassland prototypes, the essence is completely different.

This is obviously purely a healing move, a move that can use strength to heal the injuries of himself and his companions.

It can't improve the power of grass attribute moves, and it can't cure other elves' abnormal states like jungle treatment, but it can heal your own.

So, to sum up, the forest turtle has accumulated a lot of knowledge, and under the blessing of the forest, it has mastered a brand new move!

From now on, the name of this move will be called Forest Healing.

Shinji decided.

Forest Healing: With the power of grass, sun, earth, nature, life, and growth, transform it into pure healing light, which can restore the user's (1/2) and companion's physical strength (1/4), and heal the user's abnormalities state.


The forest turtle smiled and nodded in agreement, and continued to activate the forest treatment to restore the strength of the surrounding elves.


When all the elves regained their strength, a dazzling white light emanated from the body of the forest turtle.


Ah Kelu~




Shinji and the other elves opened their eyes wide, and they all looked at the forest turtle in the white light.

In the white light, the forest turtle began to absorb and fuse all the forces around it that it could absorb, and anyone who came would not be rejected!

The roots that penetrated the ground also began to absorb various nutrients for evolutionary supplements. Gradually, the white light was mixed with green light as in the last evolution, and even yellow and red...

At this moment, the body of the wood turtle seemed to be integrated with the world, resonating with nature, and the ancient trees and everything in the forest were emitting green light.

The green brilliance of the sky merged into the forest turtle's body!

With sufficient energy, the body of the wood turtle began to grow larger, 1.7 meters, 1.8 meters... 2.2 meters!

In less than three seconds, the height of the evolving wood turtle has surpassed the height of the normal earth turtle, and it is moving towards an even larger size!

2.3, 2.4... 3 meters!

In a blink of an eye, the height of the highest point has caught up with the circle bear, but this is not the end.

3.5, 3.6... until it grew to a height of 4 meters, the forest turtle stopped and began to shape its body.

At the moment when all the light completely disappeared, the evolved Turtle showed its strong and terrifying giant body like a beautiful garden.

The bushes on the back disappeared, and instead grew into a thick giant tree, beside the tree were three gray regular triangular rocks,

The upper part and lower jaw of the platform turtle are green, and there are two protruding cones on the cheeks on both sides.

Red pupils and a jagged mouth with a black beak-like tip

This elf seems to be the guardian of life, but also the punisher of evil.

Ah Kelu~

With just one glance, the 2-meter-high Electric Shock Warcraft felt its insignificance and expressed that it did not want to play!

The tortoise was originally shorter than this uncle, why is it so big now!

hateful! My uncle wants to fight you!

Of course, this is just his mental activity. At this moment, it is obviously not a good time to fight.

Not bad!

Shinji stroked his body, as if he could feel the vitality of the forest and the thickness of the earth, and said two things in a row.


The tortoise's eyes are crescent-shaped, and it is very useful for Shinji's praise.


After enjoying it for a while, Tutai Turtle yelled at Shinji with seriousness in his eyes.

Have you mastered new power? Show it.

Shinji took a few steps back, leaving room for the tortoise to demonstrate.


The earth turtle's tone was serious, and its feet stomped on the ground. Immediately, thick and thorny hardened plants grew from the nearby ground, and then stabbed at the boulder in the distance.

Crazy plants!


With one blow, the boulder was pierced and shattered like paper.

After the blow was over, the platform turtle retracted the hardened plant, and it also suffered a reaction force on its body, making it difficult to move.

But it seems that because of the strength of the body and the proficiency of strong whipping in the past, the duration of this side effect is not very strong. In less than two seconds, the earth turtle completely got rid of the side effect.

As long as the training continues, perhaps it won't take long before the side effects of crazy plants can be completely ignored.

The next chapter is also very important

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