Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 160 Growth Breakthrough, Infinite Growth Flow【This chapter is also very important】

Is there anything else?

Shinji asked.

When he brought back the forest turtle before, he knew that it had mastered many skills, such as earthquake, sharp stone attack...

But these are not the things to show at this moment.


The earth platform turtle stomped again, the ground in front of it cracked open, bursts of red and white light were released from it, the power was impressive.

The power of the earth!

Is there any more?

Turtles can absorb the power of the earth, so it is not surprising that it will become a power of the earth after evolution.


This time, the Terrace Turtle didn't move, but the big tree on its back moved without wind, and countless green leaves flew out of it, turning into a whirlwind and hitting the boulder fragments before.

Flying Leaf Storm!

The storm roared past, and all the gravel turned into powder and melted into the earth.

Is there anything else? Is there something deeper?

Shinji was still not satisfied.

As early as the period of the grass seedling tortoise, the earth platform tortoise has played very well with the flying leaf sharp knife and the magic leaf. Now it is normal to learn a flying leaf storm.

Afterwards, the turtle's body emitted green light, and several chains of green light emitting red light flew out from the three stones and attacked the ground not far away.

The ultimate draw!

Is there any more?

It used to be super absorption, but just before evolution, it also learned a new absorption ability, and mastered an ultimate absorption, which is also normal.


The Tutai Turtle thought about it. After its evolution, it only acquired these four new skills. There are really no others, but... it seems that something has changed.


The earth turtle tried to use the growth, and at the same time said to Shinji.

You mean, the growth moves have made a breakthrough, and each time it increases not only the offensive power (attack, special attack), but also the defensive power (defense, and special defense)?

With strong comprehension and observation skills, Shinji came to such a conclusion.

One enhanced skill at a time, increasing so much at the same time, is it abnormal?


But also understandable!

The original growth moves can only increase strength by simply consuming physical strength, energy or nutrients for strengthening.

The energy used in the growth of the current earthen turtles is not only physical strength, energy, and nutrients, but also various forces such as grass, life, earth, nature, and the sun.

After all the boosts are superimposed, the quantitative change leads to a qualitative change, and finally breaks through the limit of the original moves after evolution, which is quite reasonable.

The disadvantage is that due to the power is too messy, the effect of strengthening level * 2 that originally grew in a sunny day is gone.


However, in response to what Shinji said, Tutaigui nodded and shook his head.

You mean, this is not the limit. After you fully control your body and all kinds of strength in the future, even if you have strengthened it six times and reached the limit, you will still be able to slowly improve your strength and defense. There will be no original limit?

After Shinji finished speaking, he couldn't believe it.


The Tutai Turtle nodded affirmatively.

There is one thing that is very similar in reality and in the game, that is, the ability of moves can change up to plus or minus 6 levels, which is already the limit that this elf can bear.

But what the Tutai Turtle said——

Up to level 6? Who stipulated it! It can also continue to strengthen!

Although the time required for each subsequent level of strengthening will increase, and the degree of strengthening will be weakened, but it can still be strengthened!

Of course, it is not good enough now, it needs some time to perfectly master all kinds of strength and body.

But even so, this ability can only be mastered by the Tutai Turtle King and the champion, which is also an extremely terrifying breakthrough!

(The infinite growth flow has been developed so far. I really can’t figure it out later. If you can figure it out, add it.)

Keep working hard and work towards the most powerful grass-type elves.

Shinji looked at the Tutai Turtle seriously, with a fiery light in his eyes.

Shinji can't guarantee other attributes, but the grass attribute elves, except Arceus with the slate, with the memory before time travel, Shinji really can't think of it, who can compare to the tortoise in the future!

Crown King? Salud? Sammy? Paper Yujian? Billy Gion? Ancient Jane? Or rabbi?

In contrast, they are all useless things!


The earth turtle just smiled and rubbed against Shinji, Shinji was happy, and it was also happy.


Taking a deep breath to calm down his mood, Shinji's fiery heart calmed down.

No matter how strong you are, you can yearn for it, you can be YY, but you must work hard!

Keep your feet on the ground and become stronger step by step!

The next two days will be training here, trying to perfectly master the absorption and growth ability that I just learned.

Although Tutaigui has mastered a new forest healing skill, it is mainly a breakthrough between the newly learned ability and the previous ability. It does not mean that the new ability cannot be continuously developed!

The absorption ability can be used in the growth training method to absorb external forces, and in the development of the ultimate absorption moves.

Originally imagine that in a duel, an ultimate absorption, the damage caused and the energy absorbed are infinitely close to the same amount, or the damage is not large, but the opponent's physical strength is painlessly absorbed.

As for growth, Shinji is still fantasizing about whether it can be used to grow elves with other attributes. Although it is unlikely to be mastered, what if?


The Tutai Turtle nodded obediently.

Communicate with each other, and then help the Tutai turtle adapt to its body together.

Turning around, he said to the elves who were curiously looking at the tortoise beside him, and Shinji took the initiative to leave space for the elves to communicate.

As soon as the words fell, a yellow figure jumped out, and in a blink of an eye, it lay on the back of the earth turtle.


Nine tails lay on the back of the turtle on the earthen platform, basking in the sun with a relaxed expression.

As expected of a tortoise, Sister Li's most loyal partner!


The sharp-toothed land shark curiously ran to the Turtle, poked its shell with its claws, and was curious about the current defense of the Turtle.

The golden monster remained motionless in place, its eyes glowing red.

It is calculating why this turtle has such a big one after evolution.

But the more he calculated, the more he felt that the amount of calculation of his super brain was not enough.

Alas! alas! ouch!

The Electric Shock Beast sneakily moved to the Terra Turtle, and tried its best to see if it could lift the Terra Turtle.

After several attempts and found that the rooted earth turtle could not be lifted at all, the Electric Shock Demon Beast directly stated in public——

From now on, Tutaigui will be my uncle's best brother! Siblings and friends!

In his heart, he listed Anan Tutai Turtle as the strongest enemy in the team.

Can't hit, can't lift, high defense and high damage, quick recovery of blood and quick return of flesh, it's still a ground attribute.

Almost full of all abilities except movement speed, how to fight this?

Anyway, the electric shock monster wanted to break his brain, but he didn't think how he could defeat the Tutai turtle.

In other words, if you can defeat it now, what about in the future?

Any move of the Tutai Turtle can have a good effect on it, but its most powerful lightning is useless!

The snow demon girl couldn't feel the distress of the electric shock monster. It was quietly floating beside Shinji, smiling at these friendly companions.

Continue to work hard and master all abilities well.


During the short break, Shinji didn't scold the Snow Fairy, instead, after thinking of something, he squatted in front of the Snow Fairy, rummaging through his backpack for something.

Finally, under the curious eyes of the Snow Demon Girl, Shinji took out a red-yellow gradient shawl and tied it around its neck, like a scarf.

Momentum belt, after carrying this item, as long as you are not injured in the battle, you will not be defeated by your opponent with a single move.

The imposing cloak in reality is a little different from that in the game - the item will not disappear after being used once, it will disappear only when it is damaged.

Compared with other props, the most suitable for Snow Fairy is the imposing drape.

As long as she doesn't get killed in one hit, Snow Fairy still has unlimited possibilities.

Woo~ Ino~

The Snow Demon Girl covered her mouth and smiled as she looked at her new attire.

After the elves exchanged and rested for a while, Shinji started a new round of training.

The hanging of the soil platform turtle... Ah no, cultivation, basically like this, I will add it later when I come up with new ones or something.

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