Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 246 Travel goal, new eight masters

What? Shigeru left? Shinji left too?

A few days later, Xiaozhi came to the Damu Research Institute and was about to leave Zhenxin Town to deliver materials to Dr. Damu when he learned the news.

Well, Xiaomao said that he is still too immature, he wants to walk around with the elves, and find his own way while experiencing a lot of experience.

Shinji also had his own schedule, so he left too.

Dr. Oki replied with a smile: In the past two days, I have exchanged a lot with Shinji, and his training methods have also brought a lot of inspiration to me, an old guy.

Afterwards, he should be able to become a powerful trainer like Crimson and Green.

Training method? Is there anything special about this? It can inspire you, Doctor.

Xiaozhi asked.

Well, I communicated with him about his self-created growth training method and blood vessel recovery mode.

The words of the former are complete and there is nothing to say, while the words of the latter are actually not stable, and many things have elements of luck.

I gave him a lot of suggestions, and he should be able to become more stable and stronger in the future.

Dr. Oki laughed.

Does this need to be kept secret? Can you tell me?

As a trainer, Xiaozhi is still very interested in various novel training methods.

Of course, if you want to keep it secret, forget it, he is still very principled and bottom line.

Shinji doesn't mind these methods being known to outsiders. He believes that the strong are always strong. Even without these training methods, they can still become strong. He doesn't mind these methods being known to outsiders.

After that, I will sort out the papers on the most basic training methods and publish them in his name, and I will send them to you when I finish sorting them out.

Just because of his training ability and his attitude, I don't think it's an exaggeration to call him a trainer.

Dr. Oki made no secret of his admiration for Shinji.

Many trainers may have their own unique training methods, but many are unwilling to share them, but Shinji has no hesitation in this regard, and directly waved his hand to express that he does not mind sharing.

He still remembers the scene when he asked Shinji if he needed to keep it secret——

Secret? No need.

Shinji waved his hand indifferently, and said seriously and firmly:

The strong are always strong. Even without these training methods, a strong trainer can still become strong.

If other people can use my method to train an elf that is stronger than me, and then beat me hard, then I will be more motivated to become stronger, and then beat him!

My goal is to be the strongest trainer!

The strongest trainer is not just achieved by relying on some powerful training methods.

It is the trainer and elf that are really powerful, not the training method.

I, will become the strongest trainer!

The strongest trainer in all the worlds!

Even at this moment, Damu can still clearly recall the firmness in his tone.

Okay! Then I will study hard and see how good Shinji is!


Xiaozhi and Pikachu clenched their fists and said with high spirits.

On the other side, Shinji, who left the Oki Research Institute, has arrived at the Spirit Center in the city of Dark Gray (Nibi) by biting the land shark.

It is Shinji's usual principle of action to plan before acting, and he has already made a decision on his goal after leaving Oki Research Institute.

One is to challenge the frontier area.

The second is Oludran City in Rota Street, where the brave man who is looking for the legendary waveguide is located.

Let’s talk about the battle pioneering area first. At present, the closest pioneering area to Shinji is the battle factory not far from Mount Tsukimi.

As long as you defeat Dala, the leader of the pioneering mind factory, you can get the symbol of knowledge.

In the animation, Xiaozhi commanded the fire-breathing dragon and Lada's frozen bird friend to fight the Fengshen battle, and won the first symbol after victory.

Although the frozen bird in the animation is in the eyes of Shinji now, he can't even use the eye of the heart and absolute zero, and even the long-range wave is not as good as the useless bird of the fire-breathing dragon.

But in this world, the strength of most of the minds in the frontier zone is not bad, even if you can't challenge the frozen bird, you can challenge it.

After all, the battle frontier area, especially the battle frontier area in the Kanto area, has special significance for Shinji.

Especially the one fighting against the pyramid!

The second goal is not so much to find the city of Orudran, but rather to find the mysterious place that is not too far away and appeared in the theatrical version of Dream and Bird's Hero Lucario——

The original tree of the world.

As one of the most mysterious and special places in the elf world, the tree of the beginning of the world definitely contains the so-called energy of time and space.

As long as Rotom collects enough energy through the Arceus phone, he will be able to visit other worlds.

As for whether the Tree of the Beginning of the World exists and what the situation is, this Shinji asked Xiaozhi before and got some understanding of the situation.

Although many things seem to be different from the theatrical version on the surface, but in fact there is a huge gap, but this place does exist.

At this moment, Shinji is sitting in the spirit center to rest, and at the same time watching the live broadcast of this year's Eight Masters battle with other trainers.

After a year of ranking, the World Championship has decided the new eight masters, and ranked them, from bottom to top are——

Eighth place: Adu

Seventh place: green

Sixth place: Alice

Fifth place: Crimson

4th place: Kaluni (Karuni)

Third place: Dawu

Second place: Bamboo Orchid (Girona)

First place: Dandi


In this ranking, the one who shocked outsiders the most is the flying master A'Du.

Originally, A'Du's ranking was as high as the second place. However, after passing the championship challenge in the Kanto area, he was defeated by the two new stars of green and red in succession, and then his ranking plummeted instantly, and he could only reach the bottom position.

However, because the number of battles between the green and the strong is small and weaker than that of the red, it is behind the red.

Alice, as the heroine in the animation and the champion in the game, perhaps because there are billions of different reasons in this world, she started to emerge ahead of time as if she was on the hook all the way.

Not to mention the fact that she started traveling at the same time as Crimson and Green. Alice, who has the ability to communicate with dragon-attributed elves, has six dragon-attributed elves as soon as she left the village of dragons.

It didn't take long to travel and was announced by Xia Ka as the future heir of the Shuanglong gymnasium. After traveling for a year, he easily won the championship of the conference.

During Shinji's trip to participate in the alliance conference, Alice and Red generally traveled in various regions, and almost conquered all dragon-type spirits that were not legendary Pokémon.

Accidentally, Alice, who met while traveling, fought against the two of them.

The result of the battle is obvious, if you meet someone who is forced to fight, there must be an injury.

After the defeat, Alice worked hard to become stronger, defeated the former champion Adek in the championship challenge, and successfully became the champion of the United League.

Now it is recognized as the Dragon Master in the Hezhong area.

As for the other eight masters, they are all current champions in various regions, and their strength is strong, but they are also convincing.

As for the original eight masters Qibana, whether it is now or in the future, he will be submerged by the back wave, and there is no chance of turning around, so let's not mention it.

At this moment, what Shinji was watching was the first round of the battle between the eight masters.

Green VS Dawu, Alice VS Adu, Crimson VS Bamboo Orchid, Kaluni VS Dandi.

The four battles, whether it is the owner Qinglu VS the champion Dawu who is not even the champion, or the battle between two dragon masters, the collision of two regional champions, or the appearance of the strongest king Dandi, each match will It will be the most eye-catching match of the year.

Time passed, and as each battle progressed, eye-popping situations emerged.

Leaving aside the victory of the undefeated King Dandi, three new stars, Crimson, Green and Alice, defeated other champions one after another and qualified for promotion.

This situation shocked almost all the trainers.

But soon, they couldn't help but continue to be shocked, and the list of the new round of battles has also been released——

Crimson VS Alice, Green VS Dante

Whether it is the battle between Qinglu and Dandi who can defeat the champion, or the battle between the champions of the two places, it has attracted the attention of countless people.

Out of respect for important events, Shinji specially found a place to rent a training venue with a large screen, and released all the elves to train while watching important events.

The top four of the eight masters were decided on the next day, and the results were acceptable compared to the previous day.

Crimson defeated Alice to advance, and got a chance to compete with Dandi who defeated Qinglv.

Another day later, the most important battle of the year is about to begin.

Shinji and his elves are already standing in front of the big screen, ready to watch this important event

The current eight masters will definitely be replaced in the future, but who will be replaced...

Chihong, Xiaozhi, Axiang, Xiaoyou, Shinji, Minghui, Gongping, Alice, Karumu, Dandi, these ten have reasons to become the eight masters.

(In fact, it can be expanded more, but...it feels unnecessary, and it is difficult to choose now)

Out of ten, do you have any suggestions? Which two are better?

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