Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 247 Scarlet VS Emperor Dan (Part 1)

Galar region, Palace Gate Arena, World Championship finals in progress

Please release the first elf from both sides.

Following the referee's announcement, the excited Dandi and the silent Chihong released their elves one after another.

A cute round-faced mound and a sword monster with a strong shield appeared at the same time.

Game start!

As soon as the referee's voice fell, accompanied by a Qiu!, the figure of the round-faced Qiu disappeared instantly, activated the flash of lightning, moved at a high speed and accelerated with electric acceleration, and slammed into the sword monster with a strong shield.

With such a terrifying speed, it is completely invisible to the naked eye.

As the elf of Emperor Dan, the sword monster with the shield is naturally not slow to react. Since he can't see clearly, he doesn't look at it. He uses his feeling to directly launch the king's shield to successfully block this move, weakening the round-faced mound's attack and flying it away at the same time. go out.

Seizing the opportunity, the blade of the sword shone with white light, and with one move, the holy sword slashed towards the round face mound in the air.


However, when the move was about to hit, the round-faced mound in the air created an electromagnetic force to dodge the move, and at the same time, a hundred thousand volts blasted down.

With a turn of the sword monster's body, the holy sword was lifted up and collided with the thunder and lightning, instantly chopping the thunder and lightning to pieces.

Just as he was about to continue cutting towards the round-faced mound, he found himself surrounded by the round-faced mound floating all over the sky with the help of electromagnetic force.

The Shield Sword Monster immediately stopped the holy sword and turned into an air slash, and countless wind blades swept in all directions, emptying all the Pikachu in the sky, leaving no one left.


However, at this moment, a lovely cry came from under the sword monster's body, and it was seen that the round-faced mound had hidden under the former's body at some point and launched a trick to strengthen it.

The moment the Shield Sword Monster first discovered the round-faced mound, a special electromagnetic wave paralyzed the former.

Afterwards, the round-faced mound wrapped the power grid with a move towards the strong man.

Without the slightest hesitation, the Shield Sword Monster instantly created a large number of shadow balls and threw them at the grid, and then slashed at the grid with the holy sword.

The two attacks landed at the same time, and the power grid couldn't bear to be cut by the sword monster.

But the holy sword didn't stop, and continued to cut towards the round face mound.

The sword fell and the hills scattered, it turned out to be just a clone.

Electric ball!

With the sound of crimson red, the round face mound appeared above the sword monster with a strong shield, and an electric ball condensed from its tail was thrown out, and it instantly fell on the sword monster with a solid shield, causing damage.

Immediately afterwards, he used the thunder skill to successfully take away the sword monster with a strong shield.

But then, amidst the purple fluctuations, the Shield Sword Monster launched the same life, and successfully took the round-faced mound away.

So far, both sides have lost one elf each.

Afterwards, the two sent Chenglong and Honglei King Kong respectively.

As soon as Honglei King Kong came on stage, he beat the drum, and countless vines stretched out from the ground to beat Chenglong.

But Chenglong didn't have the slightest fear, and with one mouthful, he created a violent blizzard and blew it out, instantly freezing all the vines that hit him, and blowing it towards the thundering gorilla.

The drumbeat became more and more intense, and under the control of the Hong Kong gorilla, the vines actually formed a shield to block the front, perfectly blocking the blizzard.

Just when the audience thought that this round of competition was over, the King Kong gorilla stomped on the ground suddenly, creating an earthquake and hitting Laplace.

But Chenglong seems to have been prepared for a long time, and he activated his mental force to float himself in the air to perfectly avoid the earthquake.

After avoiding the damage from the earthquake, Chenglong took advantage of the situation and launched Taishan Slamming from the sky towards the King Kong gorilla.

In this regard, the Honglei King Kong gave the drum to the ground without fear, and unleashed 100,000 horsepower with great momentum to collide with Mount Tai.

The two collided in the air, and Chenglong's offensive was instantly defeated, and his body fell from the air.

The opponent's gestures were weak, and the Hong Kong gorilla seized the opportunity decisively. With a lift of his hands, a huge seed bomb was condensed and dropped towards Chenglong.

But at this moment, endless coldness overflowed from Chenglong's body, and absolute zero was activated!

The seed bomb was shattered by the cold before it fell, and continued to fall towards the Hong Kong gorilla.

In this regard, the Hong Kong gorilla who couldn't dodge directly gave up dodging, and directly launched the ultimate impact with all its strength and rushed towards Chenglong against absolute zero.

After the two terrifying forces collided, the Hong Kong Gorilla continued to break through the icy cold blowing in front with powerful force, and finally collided with Chenglong.

However, this time there was no winner in the confrontation.

The ultimate impact caused terrifying damage to Chenglong, but Absolute Zero will also smash the King Kong Gorilla almost instantly.

In the end, the two elves slowed down and launched their final blows at the same time.

The gorilla smashed the mallet on Chenglong's head, causing damage to him, and Chenglong's blizzard also hit him at close range, freezing the gorilla.

Two seconds later, Chenglong collapsed to the ground, and the Hong Kong gorilla was also frozen in the ice and lost the ability to fight.

The ending of the same death shocked everyone.

In this regard, Shinji, who was watching the battle, commented——

It's a good result, it's considered a profit.

Ah Kelu?

One heck?


All the elves cast their eyes on Shinji, a little puzzled.

It's obviously the end of the same death, how can you say that you made a profit?

The Hong Kong Gorilla is the top three existence among all the elves in Dandi, and Chenglong can replace a real main force, which is very profitable.

It's like the big sword ghost defeating the Tutai turtle or the electric shock beast, no matter whether he loses the fighting ability or not, it is considered a profit!

Shinji simply explained.

What he didn't say was that in fact, Chenglong could have better tactics to defeat Emperor Dan.

Perhaps it was because other tactics were too obvious to deceive other people, but it was difficult for Emperor Dan to be tricked.

Therefore, in order to be able to securely win the Hong Kong Gorilla, Chi Hong could only choose to sell his flaws, and finally replaced the former with Chenglong.


Hearing Shinji's words, Lie Bite Lu Sha nodded in agreement.

Just like when it evolved into Mega for the first time, even though it was able to defeat the Moon Moon Bear who didn't have a full belly, but it really felt that it had made a profit.

This also laid the most basic self-confidence for it to continue to narrow the distance between itself and Yueyue Xiong.

Keep watching the games and try to learn as much as possible.

Shinji's words made all the elves calm down immediately, and they all watched the game obediently.

I saw that Chihong and Dandi also released their third elves at this time——

Sun Ibrahimovic and Doron Baruto.

These two elves were different from the previous elves battle, they both disappeared in their original positions as soon as they entered the field.

Sun Ibrahimovic directly launched a bug-like move and teleported to appear behind Duolong Baruto, condensing a shadow ball to attack.

However, before the ball was hit, Duolong Baruto's figure disappeared instantly.

Seeing this, Sun Ibrahimovic decisively launched meditation, preparing to increase his strength so as to remain unchanged and respond to all changes.

But before he started to meditate, Sun Ibrahimovic felt a sense of crisis in his heart, and decisively moved away in an instant.

As soon as the body disappeared, Duolong Baruto's head burst out from the different space, and its position happened to be behind Sun Ibrahimovic.

The latent spirit surprise attack did not hit, and Doron Baruto had already prepared, and the two Doron Mesias stored in the two corners of his head immediately flew out, chasing and killing Sun Ibrahimovic.

Sun Ibrahimovic was not afraid of this either. As soon as the shadow ball and mental force were activated, the two little guys were immediately repelled.

Before Taiyang Ibrahimovic was happy, it found that the figure of Duolong Baruto on the field disappeared again, and then a sharp pain came from behind, and it was immediately knocked out.

Submarine surprise attack, the effect is outstanding!

In reality, there is no requirement for a sneak attack to hide for a round. With the strength of Duolong Baruto, it is completely possible to come out at any time after entering.

Therefore, even if Sun Ibrahimovic has teleportation, the battle is one-sided.

The moment the move hit, the subterranean attack hit, and Duolong Baruto shot a shadow ball towards Sun Ibrahimovic.

Then Duolong Baruto ignored Sun Ibrahimovic, and Dragon Dance started to pick up the two Duolong Messiah.

Looking back, I also saw the scene where Sun Ibrahimovic successfully exploded the shadow ball, but it smiled quietly, and launched the dragon arrow again to shoot out the two Doron Messiahs.

This time, the dragon arrow after the dragon dance was a bit more powerful, and Sun Eevee's attack was hard to resist, so he could only use teleportation to escape.

Just like this, one attacked and the other escaped. After a period of time, Sun Ibrahimovic finally fell into the hands of Duolong Baruto, and the latter only suffered some minor injuries and wasted some energy.

Compared with the increased strength and speed of Dragon Dance, the consumption and injuries are hardly worth mentioning.

There was no sadness or joy on the red face who fell into the wind, but he silently took out the poke ball, took Sun Eevee back into the ball, and threw another poke ball.

Thanks to 鵺窗 for the reward!

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Well, when I wrote it before, I asked my group of friends and tried to compress it. I wrote three chapters, and the battle between Chihong and Dandi will end tomorrow.

Maybe it's because I'm not in the right state, and many things get weirder and weirder as I write them. Maybe it's not weird, but because I'm in the wrong state and it's annoying.

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